What Type of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign


type of empath based on zodiac

Not many people know, but it is true that your zodiac sign reveals what type of empath are you. We are surrounded by energy vibes whether we see them or not. These vibes affect us all. They change us with every breath we take. Some of us, are keener on realizing these subtle changes as they can actually sense them.

But hereโ€™s the tricky part. All empaths are not the same. Hence, there are Types of Empaths. The ones who can actually feel the pain, hear the pain, or maybe sense what troubles the animals, or the trees, etc.

Types of Empaths And Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs have actually a very good story to tell for each of us revealing the magical potential behind our physical talents. Although just the zodiac sign cannot tell the whole truth โ€“ we need to see the bigger picture, the whole natal chart โ€“ itโ€™s a very good start.

Remember, being an empath is the first step. Practicing our ability to โ€˜senseโ€™ the energies can bring us to the second step. Whatโ€™s the next step? Becoming a Discharger, the other half of the whole picture. A discharger is one who can affect the energy and emotional states of those who surround them. Now let’s check out different empath zodiac signs.

1. Aries: Fauna Empath

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Aries Empath Type – Fauna Empath

Aries is the force of Spring. The energy in them runs in a very peculiar way, as when the Sun enters their Zodiac Sign, all species urge to win the battle against Winter. This brings all Aries close to animals who somehow can connect with them better than other signs.

Aries may want to hunt or go fishing but thatโ€™s just another way for them to become one with the Circle of Life.


2. Taurus: Physically Receptive Empath

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What Type Of Empath Are You? Taurus – Physically Receptive Empath

When the Sun enters Taurus things become real and everything is materialized. Hence, Taurus’s feelings become so strong that can actually be manifested. Taurus is this type of empaths who actually mirrors emotions into their own bodies. These โ€˜psychosomaticโ€™ symptoms are extremely common to them. Many of their health issues are just another actual form of empathy.


3. Gemini: Telepathic Empath

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What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Gemini is an extremely sensitive individual who can actually attune to voices and vibes from all around them. The type of empath based on zodiac sign Gemini is telepathic empathy. Telepathic empaths can easily enhance this ability to both receive and send messages to anyone they like.

The key is to feel free and doesnโ€™t try to judge what you are thinking. Let the thoughts travel free. Telepathy is a rare gift and a powerful weapon. Use it wisely.


4. Cancer: Chameleon Empath

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What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Cancer is the most sensitive individual and the purest type of Empath. We could title Cancer as the โ€œPure Empathโ€ or โ€œTrue Empathโ€ as you guys have a natural ability to feel the ripple any emotion causes. It comes naturally to you. Moreover, these changes you.

Have you noticed how different you react when you change rooms where other people are? You mirror everyoneโ€™s thoughts and emotions in your psyche and these changes you like the waters follow the tides.


5. Leo: Psychometric Empath

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What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

It is amazing how much you can feel when you touch something which belongs to someone else. The key is to let yourself free and let the emotions fill you. Any item has a story and you can actually tell it. This is exactly why when you wear or hold something which is not yours, it gradually affects your mood. Have you noticed it? This psychometric ability is unique among the types of empaths.


6. Virgo: Flora Empath

empath virgo
What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Amongst all types of Empaths, you are the one who can literally affect or be affected by flowers, plants, and trees around you. It is no secret that all astrologers advise Virgo to plant healing herbs in their houses.

Lavender, Mint, and Rosemary are Virgoโ€™s best friends and generally, all Botanics are somehow close to your psyche. When you learn to attune with the forces of Trees you can become unstoppable.


7. Libra: Emotionally Receptive Empath

empath libra
What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever wondered why Libra is genuinely indecisive? Libra can actually feel the emotions of nearby people which ultimately affects their judgment. Their mood swings are caused by this amazing ability. When they learn to tell the difference between the emotions which belong to them and the ones which do not, they can become extremely powerful.


8. Scorpio: Medium Empath

empath scorpio
What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You already knew that donโ€™t you. From all the types of Empaths, itโ€™s you who can naturally sense the spirits and other invisible entities around you. Itโ€™s no wonder why Scorpio is considered the best conjurer. Moreover, you can affect them by becoming a beacon of light for them. Furthermore, you are able to get valuable information from the spirits. The key to this amazing ability is to feel safe and secure.


9. Sagittarius: Enlightened Empath

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What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Always looking for what is the meaning behind life, Sagittarius has an amazing ability to empathically sense the truth inside of us. Donโ€™t lie to Sagittarius. They value honesty and straightforwardness.

Moreover, they can instantly turn their backs to one who has betrayed their trust long before the truth comes out. They are able to travel the World to get taught by teachers who speak of the truth of the World.


10. Capricorn: Geomantic Empath

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What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

We are parts of Earth and as their children, some of us, have an amazing ability to โ€˜senseโ€™ whatโ€™s troubling mother nature. Moreover, Capricorn has a unique skill, to sense the geomantic waves which flow underneath. Thus, Geomantic Empaths can instinctively sense whatโ€™s wrong or right with a place, instantly liking it or not.

Their ability, if developed properly, can give amazing and fruitful results. Capricorns can act as natural feng shui detectors, sensing the energies around their place of living and of course work!


11. Aquarius: Gaia Empath

empath aqua
What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aquarius is born to connect with everything and everyone around them. Thus making them instantly very powerful empaths. For what is worth, Aquarius should be named the Gaia Empath. Why? Because they can sense if Gaia โ€“ our Mother Earth โ€“ is full of energy or sick.

Aquarius not only can feel the emotions of nearby people, but they can sense feelings of whole regions if not continents. Furthermore, this Cyber-empath skill is a unique ability they can grow further into deliberately scanning countries and regions for feelings.


12. Pisces: Astral Empath

empath pisces
What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Amongst all types of Empaths, these guys have the unique ability to sense what is going on in different planes. Moreover, Pisces can easily sense (and later, if developed properly interact with) the โ€˜Astral Planeโ€™. Why is that important?

Because they can actually feel emotions before even others realize they have. In the Astral Plane, things exist prior to our Material Plane. Sensing the Astral Plane can help Pisces avoid toxic people.


Check this interesting video out below!

So, which zodiac sign do you have, and what kind of an empath are you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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What Type of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Type Of Empath Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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  1. Brenda Cooper Avatar
    Brenda Cooper

    Im a Scorpio and am empathic, psychic, medium, intuitive, clair audience and clair voyance at times. Your article here says nothing abt scorpios. Im interested to know what kind of an empath we are?

    1. Sharon Avatar

      Hi Brenda, you had to click through to page 2 to get to Scorpio. I had to look twice before discovering it.

      8. Scorpio: Medium Empath

      You already knew that donโ€™t you. From all the types of Empaths, itโ€™s you who can naturally sense the spirits and other invisible entities around you. Itโ€™s no wonder why Scorpio is considered the best conjurer. Moreover, you can affect them by becoming a beacon of light for them. Furthermore, you are able to get valuable information from the spirits. The key to this amazing ability is to feel safe and secure

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