Best Quote: Moving On Quotes

Sometimes, life can throw us curveballs and sap all our energy. The setback we receive strips us of our confidence and hope. Our existence seems pointless and we feel a profound urge to just throw in the towel.

But giving up is never an option and after some recuperation, we must resume trudging the uphill journey of life. To show you the way and offer you some support, The Minds Journal brings you their pick of inspirational quotes about moving on.

Life goes on and so should you. Check out these “moving on” quotes to get out of the rut.

  • My Existence Is Not About How Desirable You Find Me!

    My Existence Is Not About How Desirable You Find Me!

  • Yes, We Are Allowed To Miss People

    Yes, We Are Allowed To Miss People

  • May You Successfully Recover

    May You Successfully Recover

  • Sometimes You Have To Accept The Truth

    Sometimes You Have To Accept The Truth

  • Out Of Respect

    Out Of Respect

  • What Happened, Has Happened

    What Happened, Has Happened

  • Never Talk To Them Again

    Never Talk To Them Again

  • And One Morning Your Name Didn’t Hurt

    And One Morning Your Name Didn’t Hurt

  • It Took Me A Long Time To Be At Peace

    It Took Me A Long Time To Be At Peace

  • You Kill Your Future By Mourning The Past

    You Kill Your Future By Mourning The Past