Best Quote: Introvert Quotes

Introverted Thoughts

An introvert knows the difference between loneliness and solitude like no one else. They can feel lonely surrounded by people and get charged up when they are left with their thoughts. Introverts are deep and don’t enjoy frivolities.

They don’t hate people or intentionally try to push them away, but their innate nature makes them crave solitude and peace.

If you always feel out of place and misunderstood, you might relate to The Minds Journal’s introvert sayings and quotes. Our vast library of the best introvert quotes will also help you understand why an introverted loved one of yours behaves the way they do.

Let’s dispel the misunderstandings that surround introverts and make them feel acknowledged.

  • Most People I Meet See Me As An Extrovert
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    Most people I meet see me as an extrovert,
    But I’m just an introvert who can fake it.

    Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes

  • I’m The Loudest And Quietest Person
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    I’m the loudest and quietest person, it depends on who I’m with.

    Being Me, being myself quotes, becoming a better me quotes, just being me quotes, simple being me quotes, quotes about being me, Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes

  • Silent But Observant
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    Silent but observant, I ain’t no fool.

    Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes

  • When You’re Left Alone
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    When you’re left alone with another introvert and now you have to be the extrovert.

    – Posh Goth

    Posh Goth Quotes, Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes

  • My Power Thrives In Privacy
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    They have a habit of underestimating me when I go into hiding.

    My power thrives in privacy. I’m laying the foundation brick by brick behind the scenes.

    – Samira Vivette

    Samira Vivette Quotes, Being Me, being myself quotes, becoming a better me quotes, just being me quotes, simple being me quotes, quotes about being me, Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes, introvert person quotes

  • Today Is World Introvert Day
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    Today is World Introvert Day

    All parties to celebrate have been canceled.

    Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes, introvert person quotes

  • Introverts Are Capable Of Acting Like Extroverts

    Introverts are capable of acting like extroverts for the sake of work they consider important, people they love, or anything they value highly.

    – Susan Cain

    Susan Cain Quotes, Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes, introvert person quotes

  • Things Introverts Love

    Things introverts love

    Cancelled plans

    Rainy days

    Solo activities

    Deep conversations


    Text messages




    Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes, introvert person quotes

  • World Introvert Day
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    World Introvert Day

    This is a day for the dreamers. The thinkers. The quiet ones. The ones sitting in the back of the room or standing at the edges. The ones who know more than they show and feel more than they let on. Today we celebrate introverts.

    – Jenn Granneman

    Jenn Granneman Quotes, Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes, introvert person quotes

  • My Type Is Someone Who Doesn’t Entertain Everyone
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    My type is someone who doesn’t entertain everyone and anyone.

    Being Me, being myself quotes, becoming a better me quotes, just being me quotes, simple being me quotes, quotes about being me, Introvert Quotes, shy people quotes, introvert sayings, im an introvert quotes, being an introvert quotes, best introvert quotes, quotes about introvert, short introvert quotes, introvert person quotes