Category: Science

How many times have you lost an argument because you couldn’t back it up with facts? In today’s world, we are practically drowning in information, yet, we are never sure whether and how far the information we are consuming is accurate.

This is why The Minds Journal brings you the best science blogs that are fact-checked and science-backed.

Whether it is seeing apparitions, choosing the right diet for kids, psychological ailments, right sleeping postures, power of manifestations, and what have you, we dig deep and bring forth scientific data to corroborate the topic at hand. Our crisp and easy-to-read research and science blogs will simplify and answer all your doubts!

  • 5 Ways Biodiversity Affects Mental Health: Nature’s Therapy!

    5 Ways Biodiversity Affects Mental Health: Nature’s Therapy!

  • 10 Inherited Traits From Your Parents That Make You Unique

    10 Inherited Traits From Your Parents That Make You Unique

  • Women In Science: 7 Famous Female Scientists Who Redefine History

    Women In Science: 7 Famous Female Scientists Who Redefine History

  • Neuro-Ninja Training: 10 Indoor Brain Strengthening Games For A Sharp Mind

    Neuro-Ninja Training: 10 Indoor Brain Strengthening Games For A Sharp Mind

  • Music And Plant Growth: Exploring The Magical Effect Of Music On Plant Growth

    Music And Plant Growth: Exploring The Magical Effect Of Music On Plant Growth

  • How Do Some People ‘Hear’ Colors And ‘See’ Sounds? — A Look Into Synesthesia

    How Do Some People ‘Hear’ Colors And ‘See’ Sounds? — A Look Into Synesthesia

  • The Eternalism Philosophy Of Time: Is Our Future Already Fixed?

    The Eternalism Philosophy Of Time: Is Our Future Already Fixed?

  • The Dark Side Of AI: Ethical Issues Of Artificial Intelligence And Robotics

    The Dark Side Of AI: Ethical Issues Of Artificial Intelligence And Robotics

  • 25+ Best Plants To Detox Your Home: Purifying Your Living Space With Nature’s Greenery

    25+ Best Plants To Detox Your Home: Purifying Your Living Space With Nature’s Greenery

  • Perception Of Pain: 7 Reasons Why Some People Feel Pain More Strongly

    Perception Of Pain: 7 Reasons Why Some People Feel Pain More Strongly