Neuro-Ninja Training: 10 Indoor Brain Strengthening Games For A Sharp Mind


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Powerful Brain Strengthening Games For A Sharp Mind

Do you want to exercise your brain in the most fun, interesting, and most importantly, enjoyable way possible? Then you have come to the right place! Keeping your mind sharp and your brain alert is one of the most powerful things you can do. That’s why, we have compiled a list of brain strengthening games for you to try.

These brain strengthening games will boost your brain, keep you entertained and also increase your intellect. No more of those boring games to improve memory and concentration, because these are designed to be fun and exciting.

So, ready to explore how you can train your brain with games? Let’s go!

Related: 14 Puzzles And Riddles That Test Your Attention Skills

Why Are Brain Strengthening Games Good For You?

Brain strengthening games is not only about having fun; it has so many other advantages as well. These games have been developed to challenge various parts of your mind.

Such games improve your cognitive functions like memory, attention and problem-solving abilities. It can also improve decision-making skills, critical thinking ability and adaptation to new circumstances.

They also have a positive impact on your mental health, by reducing your stress and anxiety levels.

Moreover, they foster neuroplasticity– the process through which your brain reorganizes itself and forms new connections. This can enhance your mental wellness, and greatly reduce the chances of cognitive decline as you age.

brain strengthening games
Neuro-Ninja Training: 10 Indoor Brain Strengthening Games For A Sharp Mind

10 Brain Strengthening Games For Having A Powerful Mind

1. Sudoku

Sudoku is a number-placement game depending on short-term memory. In order to solve a Sudoku puzzle, you must be able to see ahead and predict consequencesโ€”for example, if this box has 6 then that one needs to be an 8 and the other one is 4 and so forth. This kind of preparation will help improve your working memory as well as focus.

You can play Sudoku online or via mobile apps or just go for the traditional pen-and-paper version. You can try the ones that come with newspaper Look for a regular Sudoku in your newspaper, buy a book with a collection of puzzles, or download a free app for your phone or tablet.

Sudoku puzzles come in different levels of difficulty. If you are new to it, play some easy ones until you know what they are about. If you are playing on paper, use pencil!

2. Crosswords

Brain strengthening games - Crosswords
Neuro-Ninja Training: 10 Indoor Brain Strengthening Games For A Sharp Mind

Crosswords tap into the thoughts and feelings from many corners of knowledge making them classic brain trainers in verbal language too. There are numerous ways to do crossword puzzles both online and offline.

Almost all daily newspapers have crosswords; if yours doesnโ€™t, then playing online is a good option for you. Alternatively, just pick up a crossword book that matches your level of skill and interests.

3. Braingle

Looking to train your brain with games, other than sudoku and crosswords? Then give this one a try.

Braingleโ€™s site claims to offer the biggest collection of brain teasers on earth with over 15,000 puzzles, games and other brain teasers along with an online community for enthusiasts among its offerings.

You can even make your own puzzles for advanced brain training sessions! Among Braingleโ€™s many offerings are optical illusions; codes and ciphers; trivia quizzes; etc.

Related: 10 Ways To Develop Logical Thinking Skills

4. Queendom

Queendom has more than two thousand personality tests and quizzes besides their vast array of โ€œbrain toolsโ€ which include logic, verbal, spatial and math puzzles; trivia quizzes; and aptitude tests.

If you want to keep track of your scores and results, then you will need to set up a free account. Some tests post only snapshot results for free, and charge a fee for full reports.

5. Lumosity

One of the most popular brain strengthening games right now is Lumosity.

It’s an online program which consists of games that can help you improve your memory, attention span, problem-solving abilities, flexibility and the speed of your mental processing.

All the games, tests, and activities are supported by science, and you can try them out with your eyes closed. You can play them on the website or get the free apps from iOS/Android store. Lumosity also has another app called Lumosity Mind which is used for meditation and mindfulness.

6. Peak

Peak is another app-only option (available for iOS and Android) that provides improve memory games for adults. It helps you work on your focus, memory, problem-solving, mental agility, and more cognitive functions.

If you like competing against other other people, this might encourage you. The Peak app itself is free, but if you subscribe, you will be able to unlock many interesting features.

7. Wordle

You must have heard of Wordle unless youโ€™ve been living under a rock. This web-based game has swept across the world like wildfire! Itโ€™s an addictive way of testing your vocabulary skills as well as training your mind to recognize patterns and clues.

Itโ€™s like Hangman but with more color and imagination in it. After guessing a five letter word entry there is change in tile color in relation to whether there are letters in the correct positions or not.

You can play Wordle with friends or family members, if you want some some more competition.

Brain strengthening games - Wordle
Neuro-Ninja Training: 10 Indoor Brain Strengthening Games For A Sharp Mind

8. NeuroNation

One of the best games to improve memory and concentration, is this. NeuroNation is an entertaining short attention span activity that improves your mental acuity too.

Training your intelligence by playing these types of brain strengthening games not only enhances what you already possess but it also creates new neural pathways so that you can gradually learn to answer faster than before, while moving from one game to the next within this system.

Related: 11 Simple Habits That Boost Your Brain Health and Memory

9. CogniFit Brain Fitness

This is a brain training app centering around neuroplasticity. It helps you improve your memory, concentration, and mental focus through a variety of personalized brain programs targeting the areas you will benefit from the most.

It starts off with an initial assessment, so that it can understand your cognitive needs better and what are the areas you need to improve on. After that, it crafts an individualized or custom program specifically designed for your personal requirements.

If you’re someone who loves challenges, then this is perfect for you. The games are built to train your cognitive skills, and over time they become progressively harder as long as you keep playing them. And for players thinking theyโ€™ve mastered all there is to learn about this game, there will always be something new.

10. Happy Neuron

If you are looking to train your brain with games, but you want it to be easy, simple and fun, try out Happy Neuron.

In this game, you need to use your memory to match identical shapes and figures, which have been separated by a grid of tiles. While playing the game, you will see that each and every level has a different layout, which ensures that you’ll never lose interest.

Additionally, it also updates you with statistics regarding how well you are doing, so that you can keep a track on your progress.


Playing brain strengthening games is a fun and effective way of enhancing your cognitive abilities and improve your mental well-being. These games are some of the best there are in the market right now, and these are bound to give you good results, all the while ensuring that you have fun.

Related: 22 Tips To Keep Your Brain Sharp and Young At Any Age

Will you be playing any of these games to improve memory and concentration? Do you already train your brain with games like these? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

games to improve memory and concentration
Neuro-Ninja Training: 10 Indoor Brain Strengthening Games For A Sharp Mind

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