Category: Coronavirus

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a newly discovered infectious disease caused by a virus. The COVID-19 virus usually results in mild respiratory issues and illness. People experiencing moderate symptoms can generally recover without the need for any specialized treatment. However, older individuals and people with certain medical issues like cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease or cardiovascular disease may experience severe illness.

As there is no cure or vaccine available for COVID-19 as of now, currently the best and most effective way to fight coronavirus is to prevent transmission through quarantine and social distancing. It is important that we keep ourselves well informed about the latest updates regarding coronavirus and stay well informed about the virus, the resultant disease and how it is spread. Moreover, we also need to practice self isolation, keep safe distance from others and wash our hands frequently with soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and stop touching our faces.

Coronavirus mainly spreads via discharge from the nose or droplets of saliva of an infected individual. Hence, it is crucial that we cover our mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing. Practicing respiratory etiquette is a vital part of prevention. According to the WHO, currently many ongoing clinical trials are evaluating potential treatments. 

In this page you can find all the latest information about how you can cope with the various aspects of the global outbreak of COVID-19 on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

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