Category: Science

How many times have you lost an argument because you couldn’t back it up with facts? In today’s world, we are practically drowning in information, yet, we are never sure whether and how far the information we are consuming is accurate.

This is why The Minds Journal brings you the best science blogs that are fact-checked and science-backed.

Whether it is seeing apparitions, choosing the right diet for kids, psychological ailments, right sleeping postures, power of manifestations, and what have you, we dig deep and bring forth scientific data to corroborate the topic at hand. Our crisp and easy-to-read research and science blogs will simplify and answer all your doubts!

  • According To Studies, Women Need More Sleep Than Men, Here’s Why

    According To Studies, Women Need More Sleep Than Men, Here’s Why

  • The Science Behind Yoga And Stress

    The Science Behind Yoga And Stress

  • The 9 Different Types of Intelligence: Which Smart are you?

    The 9 Different Types of Intelligence: Which Smart are you?

  • People Who Talk to Themselves Aren’t Crazy: They’re Genius!

    People Who Talk to Themselves Aren’t Crazy: They’re Genius!