According To Studies, Women Need More Sleep Than Men, Here’s Why

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According To Studies Women Need More Sleep Than Men Heres Why 1

Do women need more sleep than men? According to studies, they actually do! Women need more sleep than men, rather women’s brains need more sleep to think and function better. Why do women need more sleep? Let’s find out!

Couples will sometimes fight over who sleeps in more. And according to a study, it turns out your wife should be the one sleeping in, not you.

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Why Do Women Need More Sleep Than Men?

“One of the major functions of sleep is to allow the brain to recover and repair itself,” says Professor Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Center at Loughborough University and author of Sleepfaring: A Journey Through The Science of Sleep.

“During deep sleep, the cortex — the part of the brain responsible for thought memory, language, and so on — disengages from the senses and goes into recovery mode.”

He continues, “The more of your brain you use during the day, the more of it that needs to recover and, consequently, the more sleep you need. Women tend to multi-task … and so, they use more of their actual brain than men do. Because of that, their sleep need is greater.”

Women need more sleep than men

But why do women need more sleep than men?

“This is because women’s brains are wired differently from men’s and are more complex, so their sleep need will be slightly greater. The average is 20 minutes more, but some women may need slightly more or less than this.”

So in every sense, yes, women’s brains are more complex and need more time to relax and recover overnight.

Another study that examined 210 middle aged men and women found that women suffered greater health issues from lack of sleep than men.

“We found that for women, poor sleep is strongly associated with high levels of psychological distress and greater feelings of hostility, depression, and anger. In contrast, these feelings were not associated with the same degree of sleep disruption in men.”

Related: How Screen Time Affects Quality Of Sleep And Overall Health

So, there you go. Studies have proved why women’s brains need more sleep. So, what are you waiting for? Go and tuck yourself in for a good night’s sleep!

This article was originally published on Higher Perspective
Republished here via YourTango
According To Studies, Women Need More Sleep Than Men, Here's Why
According To Studies, Women Need More Sleep Than Men, Here's Why pin
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