10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio The Ambitious Water Sign 1 1

Scorpios are mostly known for their adventurous attitude and impulsive nature. But is that all there is to them? The answer is a big fat NO! Apart from being adventurous, ambitious and all that, there are many personality traits of Scorpio, that people don’t know of. 

Scorpios are one of the most misunderstood signs out there, and most of the time they are dismissed as too dark and short-tempered. But if you look closer, you will see that they are some of the best people you will come across.

Here Are 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

1. They are very passionate. 

Scorpios are extremely passionate and intense people, amongst all the other zodiac signs. They have this uncanny ability to make you feel alive and energetic whenever you are with them. You can never feel bored or down when you are with a Scorpio!

Their intriguing and interesting personality makes them great people to hang out with, and are mostly considered the life of the party. 

2. They can be secretive creatures. 

Scorpios are complex characters who hold a lot of secrets inside them. They are exceptionally hard to read, and the moment you think that you have them all figured out, they will end up proving you wrong.

Due to their secretive nature, you will never get to know what is going on in their lives, unless they choose to tell you by themselves. They like keeping their personal lives private and are always seen as an enigma by most people. 

3. They are ruthless when angry. 

Scorpios are short-tempered people, and when they are angry they are the worst people to be around. They can be extremely brutal when they lose their temper, and they tend to say whatever comes to their mind, no matter how harsh. Their temper is one of their biggest vices.

If you ever try to screw over a Scorpio, they won’t rest until they have taken some kind of revenge on you. They don’t believe in the ‘Forgive and Forget’ motto in any way!

Personality Traits Of Scorpio


4. They can be unusually reserved. 

It’s kind of a misconception that Scorpios are open books. They can be very reticent and shy when they first meet you, and generally take a lot of time to open themselves up, especially emotionally. It takes a fair amount of patience and time to know a Scorpio on a much deeper level.

Scorpios are cautious people who don’t trust easily. The only time they open up to people is when they are convinced that their trust won’t be broken. If you know a Scorpio, you know what this is all about!

5. They notice everything.

When it comes to the power of observation, then a Scorpio takes the cake! Their eyes never miss a thing, and it is very difficult to dupe them or manipulate them into thinking what you want them to think. They tend to pick up on details that others normally miss.

Underestimating them in any way or thinking that it’s easy to fool them is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Scorpios are very talented when it comes to getting to the bottom of things!

6. They fall in love hard. 

It is not very often that Scorpios fall in love, but when they do, they fall hard. Love matters to them a lot, and that is why they always make sure that the person they like is worth their time and energy. But once they fall in love, they become so engrossed that everything else seems to disappear.

Scorpios go out of their way to keep their partner happy, and there’s nothing they won’t do for them. Their whole world starts to revolve around their partner and the relationship. When it comes to love, it’s all or nothing for them.

Have you ever been in love with a Scorpio? Read The Good and Bad of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths) 

7. They are extremely self-reliant

Two words that can describe Scorpios the best are self-reliance and independence. They hate depending on others for their work, and always prefer doing everything by themselves. Scorpios believe in making their destiny and building their own path, rather than get ahead with the help of favors.

This is one of the biggest reasons why they absolutely hate it when others try to interfere in their lives and try to tell them what to do. Scorpios have always done what they believed in. 

8. They are pure-hearted people. 

Scorpios are some of the most pure-hearted and genuine people you will ever come across. They might seem unbreakable and hard from the outside, but they are extremely soft from the inside. When they give compliments, they mean it from the bottom of their hearts.

Scorpios do not believe in fake flattery or insincere compliments. They despise sycophants and always admire people who are genuine and straight-forward.

Want to know more about how genuine people behave? Read The 7 Habits of Truly Genuine People

9. They always keep their promises. 

Cross my heart and hope to die- this is a Scorpio’s motto when it comes to keeping promises. Promises matter a great deal to them, and they always treat it with a lot of respect and love. If a Scorpio makes a promise to you, be rest assured that they will keep it.

Since they do not believe in broken promises, they will never look back at you, if you end up breaking any promise made to them. Scorpios are people of principles and values, and broken promises are something that really hurt and upset them. 

10. They have perfected the ‘death stare’.

One of the best ways to recognize a Scorpio is by seeing how their death stare is. This is because they are masters when it comes to exhibiting the perfect death stare. Their death stares are enough to make anyone feel haunted, intimidated, and horrible- all at the same time. 

It feels like you are staring at an unending and dark abyss. It’s enough to scare anybody out of their wits. If you have ever been on the receiving end of a Scorpio’s death stare, you know what we mean!

Personality Traits Of Scorpio

Scorpios are nothing short than legendary beings, and you are truly lucky if you have one in your life. Despite their tough-as-nails exterior, they are some of the best and purest people you can mingle with. So, go and shower some appreciation on the Scorpio in your life!

If you want to know more about the personality traits of Scorpio, then check out this video below:

10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio The Ambitious Water Sign

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  1. Bojan Avatar

    Absolute BS, scorps are only liars and manipulators

  2. irishwitch Avatar

    Scorpios, more than other signs, have levels. The low level.ones, represented by scorpions. The more evolved are eagles who work to.make this world better. They are police, lawyers,,scientists, because they have a strong ability to.investigate and research The highest level, the dragons, are high priestesses,,creators of fantasy art and writing, psychologists. They draw upon innate spiritual.knowledge. Unfortunately you met one of the low level.Scorpios They turn that passion and penchant for secrets on others to get what they want.

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