The Good and Bad of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths)


Good and Bad of Loving A Scorpio

Loving a Scorpio is anything but boring, and when you are in a relationship with them, it is nothing short of a rollercoaster. In a good way, of course.

They are passionate, intense and full of great mystery; a Scorpio knows how to keep things exciting and their sexuality is nothing to be taken lightly.

Scorpios are naturally empathic and highly intuitive which makes them more sensitive to emotions than most. Scorpios are dominating and headstrong, but in the end, they will always follow their hearts. Because of this quality in themselves, they most often listen to the hearts of others over rational thinking processes and can be left confused and hurt when someone doesnโ€™t follow their truest desire.

So if you are dating, are married to, or are simply related to a Scorpio, here are the crucial things you need to know.

1. They are intense.

No other sign in the zodiac can match the intensity of a Scorpio. Whatever they do, they do it with reverence or they wonโ€™t do it all.

2. They can be self-destructive.

The sign of the alchemist, Scorpio rules over death and rebirth and therefore is natural at breaking down aspects of themselves in order to start over from scratch.

From an outsider’s perspective, it may appear to be self-inflicted abuse, however, a Scorpio knows that it may take a meltdown in order to build themselves back up again and this time, stronger than ever before.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

3. They can be overly sensitive.

As Scorpioโ€™s are highly intuitive and naturally empathic, they tend to absorb the energies of others and reverberate them into their being, let alone trying to cope with their own emotional dealings.

Therefore Scorpios can be highly sensitive and it is important to support a Scorpio, the way they need to be. Reassuring a Scorpio โ€œthat everything will be okโ€ and that there is no need to worry can do wonders for emotional stability.

4. They are introverted.

The extroverted introvert, a Scorpio loves to be the center of attention when at a vibrational high, yet will become recluse once the energy is either attained or dispelled. They are naturally gifted at โ€œsmall talkโ€, and know how to be charming without letting outsiders see the real authentic part of them.

5. They believe in fairy tales.

Scorpios are magicians by nature and they are keen at reading between the lines. Love stories like The Notebook or fairy tales like Cinderella, conjure their inner knowing that miracles are real.

A Scorpio loves to search for these hidden meanings lying just below the surface and will scratch until they break the veil.

Related: 10 Reasons to Love a SCORPIO

6. They are stubborn.

The intensity and tenaciousness of a Scorpio can drive them into tunnel vision. Once they are set on something, its hard to make them see anything but what they are focused on. When offended a Scorpio will plant their feet hard and dig in deep.

It takes the soothing and calm demeanor of their partner to melt their ice and bring them back to a level head.

7. They are independent.

A Scorpio is clear to let you know that they really donโ€™t need you, without speaking a word. They are strong, determined, and self-sufficient. The hard shell of a Scorpio allows them to manage alright when it comes to every day, but what they really need is someone who can match their level.

No doubt a Scorpio has or will have gone through relationships where they assume the leader role and while they can do this with ease, for the long-term they are looking for someone whom they can trust enough to lead them.

It takes a lot to earn the respect and trust of a Scorpio and this is because they can see right through you, donโ€™t ever think they canโ€™t.

8. They tend to be overthinkers.

A Scorpio always hears what is behind the words being spoken, the โ€œwhatโ€™s not being saidโ€ is their domain. And because of this, they canโ€™t help but lean towards the overthinking end of everything.

9. They take things seriously.

On the downfall, Scorpios are known to take life a little too seriously and need to be reminded that the universe is playful! They are hard on themselves and are known to hold guilt for a longer than normal period of time.

Let your Scorpio know that they shouldnโ€™t sweat it โ€œlike water off a duck’s back.โ€

10. They are highly observant.

Not much gets past a Scorpio, a natural detective, they will be on to you before you know it. So if you are trying to be sneaky, youโ€™d better be on your A-game.

Loving a Scorpio
The Good And Bad Of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths)

11. They are highly sexual.

No doubt, word on the street is that a Scorpio is crazy in bed. If you arenโ€™t looking for anything but the contemporary, choose a different sign to be your mate.

Scorpios know how to take normal ordinary sex and amplify it into something moreโ€“ sensual, spiritual, and creative. They understand the power of sexual creative energy and know just how to wield it.

But beware if you double-cross a Scorpio, they have complete control over their reproductive organs can shut it down, turn it off and lock it up, just as quick.

12. They are crazy!

Scorpios are highly creative and this creativity needs an outlet! If a Scorpio is pent-up without a release or stuck on an idea without closure youโ€™d better watch out because it’s going to get out, one way or another.

Originally Published on – ISoulScience 

Loving a Scorpio
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The Good And Bad Of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths)

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  1. vittry Avatar

    yes truee… it sound me damn crazy scorpios!

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