The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths


Good Bad Loving Sagittarius

Sagittarians are famously known to have the most attractive personalities in the world of astrology. An extremely feisty, and fiery sign ruled by Jupiter, you can expect many surprises, shocks, and a lot of passion from them. Their passion for everything they come across is truly enviable, and their ability to find an adventure wherever they go is nothing short of magical. If you are a Sagittarius yourself, or you are on a roller coaster of loving a Sagittarius, be rest assured the adventure never stops.

Here Are 7 Truths You Should Know About Loving A Sagittarius

1. They can be annoyingly inconsistent sometimes.

Sagittarians can be excruciatingly unfocused, and inconsistent at times. They might tell you that they will clean the garage next week, but when the day comes they decide to instead mow the lawn. Even though that’s fine, after a point their fickle-mindedness can get on your nerves, and you will only want them to be a bit more disciplined.

They sometimes find it tough to stick to one task at a time, and very easily float on to the next, without even finishing the first one. Gently remind them to deal with everything in a more organized manner, instead of getting angry and blowing your fuse. Things might seem a bit irritating, but you just need to steer them in the right direction sometimes, because, at the end of the day, they have their hearts in the right place.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

2. They are some of the most friendly people you will come across.

Loving a Sagittarius means loving their friends too. Friendship is very important for people belonging to this zodiac sign, and if their partner cannot get along with their friends, the relationship might as well be over in a blink. Their outgoing and social nature makes them the life of the party wherever they go, and you might even find them striking up conversations with strangers, and becoming fast friends in minutes.

Blessed with the gift of the gab, their effortless charm, and their way with words can make anyone fall in love with them. When in a conversation, most of the time you will find that people are mostly gravitating towards what the Sagittarius is saying, and almost everyone wants to be their friend. Such is their power.

3. They will be optimistic no matter what.

Many times you might find it difficult to be around people who are being negative or a buzzkill. But when it comes to a Sagittarius, you never have to worry too much about that, because they are probably the most optimistic, and cheerful people you will come across. They always see the glass as half full, and always look to live their lives to the fullest.

Their positive nature makes people come to them for help, and they always attract good fortune in their lives. Sagittarians have infectious energy in them, which never fails to make even the most gloomy and dire situation better. Sometimes, loving a Sagittarius might feel like you are in a feel-good movie 24*7, but is that really a bad thing? They will always find a way to make you laugh, and feel happy.

Loving A Sagittarius
The Good And Bad Of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

4. They are immensely spontaneous.

If you want a Sagittarius to always follow a plan, then you are with the wrong person, to be honest. They are always looking to find out new things, explore new places, and try their hands at things that people normally shy away from. Sagittarians always take life one day at a time, and can never be bogged down by rules, and a strict plan; their spontaneity is what sets them apart from others.

When you are in a relationship with a Sagittarius, be prepared for them to come up to you suddenly, and tell you, “Pack your bags, we are going to Hawaii to swim with the dolphins!” The adventurous streak in them leads them to try out new things every day, and be rest assured you will never be bored with a Sagittarius. They are always up to something or the other!

5. They are phenomenal partners when it comes to love.

Sagittarius is a fire sign with endless energy in them, and most of the time they express their energy, and passion through their sexual nature. Their seductive, and charming side comes out when they find themselves drawn to you spiritually, and intellectually. Loving a Sagittarius means you are lucky to have a thoughtful, sexy, and generous partner, all in one. Once they give you their heart and soul, they will go to any lengths to make you happy.

Even though not a lot of people get to see this, but Sagittarians are very emotional when it comes to love, and relationships. They are nurturing, caring, and very thoughtful when they fall in love with someone. When a Sagittarius genuinely falls in love with you, know that you have got a keeper. Making you happy will always be one of their top priorities.

6. They are turned on by intelligence.

Sapiosexuals in the truest sense, if you want to impress Sagittarius then you have to be a person of intellect. Even though they can socialize with everyone, when it comes to close friends and their ideal partner, they always look for intelligence first. You might be the most good looking person in the room or the richest, but if you are not smart enough, they won’t show any kind of interest in you.

Sagittarians are usually very well educated, and well-read people who have the ability to hold a conversation solely with the help of their intellect. They can talk to you about anything and everything under the sun, and they will secretly expect the same from you. The best way to win over a Sagittarius is to intellectually stimulate them.

Related: 5 Signs You Are An Absolute Sapiosexual: Intelligence Turns You On!

7. They are some of the most trustworthy people you will ever know.

When you are in a relationship with Sagittarius, be rest assured that they will always be faithful to you. Cheating is something that they never indulge in, and they would rather part ways with you than betray you and disrespect the relationship that they shared with you. They are not just trustworthy when it comes to this, you can rely on them to be there for you whenever you need them.

They make sure that they create a safe space for you to be vulnerable, and will never use your secrets to hurt you. Ever. Once you tell them something and ask them never to talk about it again with someone else, know that they will take that secret with them to their grave. You can also trust them to give you good, and valuable advice when you need it. Because of their intellect and wisdom, they will always end up counseling you in the best way possible.

Sounds like a dream, right? Well, that’s how it feels when you are in love with a Sagittarius. They are some of the best people you can have on your side, and if you have a Sagittarian in your life, go and show them some well-deserved love, and appreciation!

If you want to know more about loving a Sagittarius, then check this video out below:

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The Good And Bad Of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

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  1. Vicki Stigleman Avatar
    Vicki Stigleman

    Yes I am. โ€œSaggโ€ and you nailed-me 100%. Told my boyfriend at the beginning if he wasnโ€™t into outdoor activities he might as well forget it bc that is a high priority with me . He has learned that I may send him a text that I am on the road and heading for somewhere to go hiking or canoeing/kayaking without ever mentioning I was thinking of going fortunately for me he understands my need for independence lived and our video Vicki

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