Aries Personality Traits: A Zodiac Guide to the Enterprising Yet Ruthless Sign


A Zodiac Guide to the Aries Personality test

Each zodiac sign comes with a list of character pros and cons. Discover Aries here and read this zodiac guide to the Aries personality traits.

If you were born between March 21 and April 20, your Sun sign is Aries, which is signified by the Ram. Most likely, youโ€™re expressive and love to have fun.

When you go out with friends, you enjoy dressing in bright, festive outfits making you the life of the party. Even body glitter isnโ€™t out of the question.

But, being an Aries isnโ€™t all fun and games. They know what they want and donโ€™t hesitate to take it.

Knowing about your Sun sign gives you a look into your nature. Itโ€™s like putting the pieces of a puzzle together. Knowing Aries personality traits can give you a deeper knowledge of your true self, and why you do the things you do.

Do you know what other Aries personality traits you could have?

Read more to find out how Aries traits fit in with your personality.

What Are Aries Personality Traits?

Aries is the first sign of the 12 signs in the zodiac. Each of these signs has unique characterizations, meanings, and associations. The 12 signs are divided into masculine and feminine. If you have a masculine sign, youโ€™re direct and energetic. If youโ€™re a feminine sign, youโ€™re magnetic and receptive.

Aries is a masculine sign. Also, every sign belongs to one of the four groups of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Aries is a fire sign, which means people born under this sign are active and enthusiastic.

Even if you read your Aries daily horoscope every day, this guide of Aries traits can help you understand more about the first sign of the zodiac:

1. Adventurous

Aries symbolizes new beginnings and if youโ€™re an Aires, you are courageous and adventurous enough for sudden changes in your life. You take on any new challenge or change, ready to face it head-on, just like the Ram symbolizing your sign.

2. Restless

If youโ€™re an Aries, you canโ€™t sit still. You want to be active and get on with all your plans. You get excited and enthusiastic about all the challenges you face.

3. Talkative

Aries love to talk. You carry on lively, vibrant conversations about any topic someone brings up. In fact, some people say that they canโ€™t get a word in edgewise when talking to an Aries.

4. Natural Leader

As an Aries, you want to be at the center of the action. Youโ€™re a natural-born leader who always wants to get your own way. Many times, you treat anyone who doesnโ€™t agree with you as an annoyance.

5. Self-Confident

Your self-confidence makes you feel youโ€™ll be a success at whatever you do. Sometimes, your self-confidence leads you to become too self-involved. You have to work at feeling empathy for othersโ€™ feelings so you donโ€™t become too self-absorbed.

6. Reckless

Aries love to live on the edge. You enjoy being reckless because it makes you feel more alive. The thrill you get from being reckless is worth the risk to you.

7. Optimistic

Your optimistic nature makes you willing to follow your dreams, work toward attaining your goals and taking a gamble to get what you want. Your optimism helps you go after everything you want with enthusiasm. This trait attracts others to you.

8. Hot Tempered

Even though Aries is optimistic, they take offense at any slights or injuries. As an Aries, you probably have temper tantrums and fits of anger when you donโ€™t agree with someone.

9. Impatient

If you donโ€™t succeed at a project or idea immediately, you become impatient and abandon the task. Aries often donโ€™t finish what they start because theyโ€™re too intent on moving on to something new and exciting.

So, if you get bored easily, and youโ€™re always looking for new people and places to keep you excited, youโ€™re living up to your Aries nature.

10. Sincere

You have a sincere and honest personality. But, this doesnโ€™t mean youโ€™re not willing to tell a white lie if itโ€™s advantageous to you. This can get you into trouble because Aries arenโ€™t very good liars.

Youโ€™re honest and sincere but sometimes youโ€™re too honest. You speak without thinking and say whateverโ€™s on your mind. Even though youโ€™re being honest, your words can be hurtful to others.

11. Lucky

As an Aries, you are lucky with money. The problem is you like to spend it. Aries like living extravagantly and often run up bills that go over budget.

12. Like Getting Credit

Youโ€™re willing to give anything to a friend and help those in need. But, you also want to get recognition for your good deeds. You love being thanked and noticed for the good you do.

How Do Others See You?

If you know how others see you as an Aries personality, it can help you understand how they react to you. You attract people because of your upbeat and magnetic personality. You bring excitement into their lives. They also see your courage as your most likable trait.

You might also notice that some people envy your ability to take on any challenge, and the fact that you seem to have the answer to whatever problem you face.

Your friends and family admire your honesty, but they often get annoyed when you use your sharp tongue. Sometimes, the people you know are afraid to disagree with you because youโ€™ll come back with a sharp remark.

Other Aries Associations

All the Sun signs in the zodiac are associated with symbols. Each of them holds clues into the Aries zodiac personality. Here are a few symbols related to the Aries sign:

  • Ruling Planet โ€“ Mars
  • Symbol โ€“ Ram
  • Dominant work โ€“ I am
  • Polarity โ€“ Libra
  • Lucky day โ€“ Tuesday
  • Lucky numbers โ€“ One to nine
  • Magical birthstone โ€“ Diamond
  • Special color โ€“ Red
  • Cities โ€“ Naples, Florence, Verona, and Marseilles
  • Countries โ€“ England, Germany, and Poland
  • Flowers โ€“ Geranium, Honeysuckle and Sweet Pea
  • Trees โ€“ All thorn trees
  • Metal โ€“ Iron
  • Animals โ€“ Sheep and rams
  • Danger โ€“ Susceptible to fire, speed, and sharp instruments

These associations to colors, jewels, places, and flowers are all a part of the history of astrology and the zodiac.

Learn More About Aries

The symbols and associations of Sun signs in astrology are fascinating and complex. No two signs are alike. These Aries personality traits, symbols, and associations make you unique with all the human wonders and pitfalls that make you who you are.

Donโ€™t stop learning about your Aries Sun sign. Read your daily horoscope and find out how being an Aries influences your daily life.

Read more supportive articles right here on our site about self-development for a full and happy life.

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  1. Rolf Rendahl (Gogahala) Avatar
    Rolf Rendahl (Gogahala)

    Var precis som jag รคr.

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