The Crossroads of Change: Unplugging from The Hysteria


The Crossroads of Change: Unplugging from The Hysteria

You would have to live very deep underground to not have noticed the crazy happenings in society. Almost everyone has been affected, in some way, by the engulfing mass hysteria that has swept the world. It is easy to believe that most of it are politically fuelled but; it is my belief, the real reason goes much deeper than that.

The world is not a happy place. The masses are angry and afraid. Either because there are changes afoot they do not agree with or they are scared to speak out about their true beliefs for the fear of being labeled as racist, sexist, stupid, a conspiracy theorist or not politically correct.

Dogmatism and cognitive dissonance are rife. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought and individuality are being suppressed. And the energy of hate is skyrocketing.

It certainly feels like all humans are being manipulated to turn on each other.

This is not a recent thing it has been building for a while and affecting Empaths on many levels.

2016 was one of the most energetically chaotic years I can remember. Not so much from a personal perspective, but within the populace. There was so much shifting going on that no one could hide from the turbulently vexed energy being pumped out. I donโ€™t know of anyone who did not face some type of challenge, pain or frustration during 2016 (even if it was just political frustrations). Empaths, the world over, were drawn into this tumultuous vibrational energy, if even indirectly, without realizing. Even those who considered themselves to be in a good vibrational space were affected.

For me, I look back on 2016 and see it as a huge transitional year. A time of growth and empowerment. But it was not an easy year to live through and, it would seem, 2017 has started much the same.

We reside in a world going through the quickening of change. These changes are causing trauma, chaos, emotional pain, depression and more. Although trauma and upheaval may be considered as emotionally damaging, it actually leads to growth and spiritual awarenessโ€ฆ if we allow it. Trauma is the first step we take across the tempestuous waters of awakening. Pain is a prelude to birth.

For some, the initial stages of awakening are seen in random behaviors. Two of these being: denial and blame. In the past couple of years, you will have seen this behavior everywhere. People pointing the finger of blame and convincing themselves their problems lie in the hands of another. Most are so busy avoiding themselves, and instead of lashing out at others, that they are missing a unique opportunity for transformation.

Suffering is part of the โ€˜wake-up callโ€™. People far and wide are hearing the sirens of the awakening, and call to change, but it is their choice how the transition goes. The words of Tony Robbins spring to mind:

โ€˜Change is inevitable. Evolution, however, is a choiceโ€™

We can choose to wake-up, evolve and grow or we can choose to stay in denial. Denial is the comfortable, normally, safe passage. At least for a while. However, we canโ€™t ignore evolution forever. If we try things will eventually become so bad that we are forced to change.

All humans are presently being fed fuel to stoke up raging emotions, such as anger, bitterness, and hate. If we engage them, these types of emotions keep us trapped in mental conflict and away from finding peace and harmony.

Evil begets evil. Hate breeds hate. Anger feeds anger. Fear fuels fear. The more of this type of energy people put out into the world the more it grows.

We all have light and darkness within; both love and hate. Whichever we choose to give the most attention to will be the force that guides our feelings, thoughts, and choices. Choose wisely. We are the creators of our own reality.

Strange Things Afoot

It is clear there are some seriously strange things happening in the world. (If youโ€™ve read anything about the Mandela Effect or the flat Earth theory, youโ€™ll know what I mean). There is a lot of positive change happening and many truths are being revealed. But we are also being distracted to prevent us from discovering our own power. Distraction is a powerful tool. When our mind is preoccupied with all the wrongs in the world, we donโ€™t see what is right. And we donโ€™t notice the powerful positive and uplifting energy that is all around us.

We are at the crossroads of change. Being a crossroads means we have a choice of which direction to take. We can choose the path of denial and despair or the one of love and gratitude. That choice is often determined by where we place our focus.

You would think itโ€™s a no-brainer for us to choose the positive, love energy. But the more people who focus and send out the hate/fear energy the more this builds and the harder it is not to become embroiled in. For anyone Sensitive, this low-level energy, that has swept the globe, is agonizing to experience. But it can also be perversely alluring; drawing us in without our realizing.

I too have been lured into engaging the distressing and emotionally provoking news, designed to distract, divide and enrage. And yes, I get wound up by it all. I keep having to remind myself to unplug and stay switched off from it. No good comes from occupying the mind with such negatively charged news.

Some might argue that we have a duty to stay informed, we should fight for our rights and silence is consent. And as much as I may agree with that, most of what we are being fed is shameful propaganda, which does nothing but feeds our darkest emotions and pains the soul.

When we focus on the incredible force of gratitude and love it is a game changer. You see more and more positive come into your life. This amazing energy is all around us, we just need to take our eyes off the distractions and diversions to realize it.

By not giving our attention to anything which feeds negative emotions, we can free ourselves and then take our focus to the more positive. Choosing to stay unplugged is the best form of protection at this time. Especially if you are badly affected by all the hysterical energy.

Here are some excellent ways to stay unplugged:

Stay away from the media: Online news, social media, and televised news reports can lure you into negative thinking, frustration, and anger.

Avoid politics: Donโ€™t get involved in dogmatic discussions and avoid those who seem to thrive when politically venting.

Steer clear of large groups of people or protests: Mass hysteria is contagious and drags everyone in, even those with the best intentions.

Pursue your passions: Do what you love and be creative as often as you can (your own form of distraction).
Express gratitude every day throughout the day: Be grateful for anything you can. A delicious meal, a good book, film or just the traffic lights being on the green. Keep pumping this positive energy out.

Keep control of the mind: Meditate or perform moving meditations like yoga, Tai-chi or dance.

Get outdoors: Spend as much time in nature as possible and bask some natural sunlight.
Pain serves us in mysterious ways. We eventually come to a point when we understand why we endured all we have, and we recognize how our pain shaped and changed us for the better. But we donโ€™t need to keep experiencing it over and over. We have a choice. Now is the time to start shaping your new reality by unplugging from the old.

Written by
ยฉDiane Kathrine
Originally Appeared On  Knowing1 WordPress
Printed with Permission

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