Diane Kathrine


Why Certain People Act As A Trauma Trigger For Empaths

A trauma trigger is an event from the past that can trigger a reaction, such as anxiety or fear,

How To Know If It’s Time to Let Go of Toxic Friends or Family: 15 Questions To Ask

These people, who may be friends or family, spew acid when they talk, and only look out for their

How Unbalanced Chakras Weaken The Empath

Chakras are vortices that control the energy of the body and if they are permanently open, they c

16 Traits Of A Highly Sensitive Person, According To Research

Many Sensitive people struggle to understand who they are and why they have such powerful emotion

How To Deal With Heightened Emotions When You Are An Empath? 5 Tips

Learn how your brain plays a vital part in your empath wellbeing, and how the amygdala’s activa

The Double Life Of An Empath

If you are an Empath, there is a good chance you go through life feeling like you lead a double l

15 Ways To Stay Grounded And Protected As An Empath

The best form of protection and way to stay grounded for any Empath is to create a resilient, he

Top 10 Things That Weaken An Empath

Empaths- We have to go through the dark to experience the light. If we had not gone through all t

How to Stop Being Controlled by Shame and Judgement

Fearing the judgments of others, as well as the judgments we place on ourselves, has kept us impr

10 Strategies To Protect Your Energy As An Empath

The best way to stay protected, when out in public places, is to either take pre-emptive measures

Why Empaths Should Avoid Negative People: 9 Important Reasons

Just spending too much time around those who are constantly disapproving or miserable, has an und

How Can Empaths Protect Their Energy From Trauma Trigger People?

Empaths often struggle with trauma trigger people. Learn how empaths can protect themselves from

The Mirror Effect Of An Empath and Why Empaths Are Hated

Empaths can wear other people’s truths like the mask they hide behind; even if they are unaware

Why Do Empaths Have Such a Strong Sense of Not Belonging

Too many Empaths go through life feeling like they don’t belong. It’s as though they have bee

What is the Real Connection Between an Empath and a Narcissist?

Where you find an Empath, you often find a narcissist nearby. In fact, if an Empath takes a peep

Why An Empath Reacts Unusually To Lies and Inauthenticity

Empaths know they shouldn’t lie for personal gain, or to manipulate others, and although they s

The Crossroads of Change: Unplugging from The Hysteria

We reside in a world going through the quickening of change, causing trauma, chaos and more.

5 Ways to Stop Empath Overwhelm

Every Empath experiences it at some point and it is one of the most challenging aspects of being

Are You A Multipotentialite Empath?

Empaths love to learn and master new skills and abilities (mostly to help others)! Read more abou

How Meditation Can Help Develop Empath Intuition

Meditation also opens up the Empath’s intuition like nothing else.

The Mirror Effect of an Empath and Why Some People Instantly Dislike You

Because an Empath picks up on other people’s emotions, hidden behaviors, and true personality t

Why Do Empaths Freeze Around Fake And Inauthentic People

When an Empath comes across fake people it is common for them to shut down as a form of protectio

Are You An Empath? 30 Empath Traits

Empaths are an inquisitive bunch and just love to learn or get confirmation on our ‘suspicions�