Top 10 Things That Weaken An Empath



Being an empath, you are prone to absorbing other people’s feelings. Empaths have the ability to pick up the emotions of others which sometimes can be negative too. This can take a toll on your emotional well-being. While being an empath can be extremely rewarding, absorbing those negative energies can weaken you to the extent of feeling completely drained.

I am about to share some things that weaken Empath, either by inducing high levels of emotional or physical stress or by weakening the body.

Now, before you think this post is going to be all doom and gloom itโ€™s not. Itโ€™s for a purpose. Itโ€™s a way of highlighting how tough times develop us in unusual ways.

We all experience difficulties in life, itโ€™s part of the journey, but it helps to have an understanding of why they happen and where they can take us. So here we go.

The top ten things that weaken an Empathโ€ฆ

1. Negative People:

Top 10 Things That Weaken An Empath

Science has acknowledged that just spending too much time around constantly disapproving or miserable people can impact health and happiness. Meaning: we become sick just by hanging out with negative people.

Backed by studies that show how prolonged people stress alters gene expression within the immune system, more and more doctors are recommending their patients to avoid spending time with negative people to safeguard their health.

For an Empath, who both lifts and experiences the dark emotions or intentions of others, they are worst affected than most by negative people. They soon come to understand that it is best to avoid them.

2. Narcissists:

We live in a society that promotes narcissism and narcissistic things that weaken empaths. You only have to look online or on social media outlets to see evidence of this. But the type of narcissist that weakens an Empath the most is the type who likes to control and manipulate.

An Empath carries the type of โ€˜lightโ€™ that might be considered as a weakness or something that can be controlled. This light often makes them a target of manipulative people and puts them in the firing line of narcissists.

That said, even when an Empath avoids contact with them, they can still get caught up in โ€˜the narcissistโ€™s web.โ€™ Which can cause various emotional and physical problems for an Empath.

Related: Why a Narcissist Does Not Seem Like a Narcissist at First

3. Unbalanced Chakras:

If an Empathโ€™s chakras are unbalanced it means they will not handle being around people for any length of time. It also means they are open to developing a number of health complaints.

The chakras are weakened by personal trauma, anxiety, stress, EMFs, modern lifestyles, and unsuitable diets. If any of the chakras are forced open, by any of the above, it can result in physical ailments and a diminished or permeable aura.

A vulnerable aura is bad news for anyone but is especially debilitating to an Empath. The condition not only drains physical energy but also allows the energy of others to have the worst impact.

Related: Which of Your Chakra Is Out Of Balance? โ€“ Psychology Test

4. Too Much WIFI:

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), created from wireless technologies, disrupt energy frequencies within the body and energy field. They affect the chakras and endocrine glands, immune system, and nervous system. In fact, the symptoms of โ€˜EMF overloadโ€™ are similar to those an Empath might experience from being ungrounded.

Sadly, the escapism of EMF and WIFI is virtually impossible. Yet there are some simple things we can do to help protect ourselves.

5. Low Vibrational Food:

Foods that have been refined, genetically altered, contain artificial flavorings, preservatives, etc., not only weaken the body but also the mind. They trigger amygdala activation (responsible for activating heightened emotions), ignite autoimmune conditions, depression, and more.

Consuming animal products, where the animals greatly suffered, might also trigger depression within an Empath.

Related: 10+ Immunity Boosting Foods You Should Have More Often

Low vibrational food, such as the above, has a negative impact on all humans, but for an Empath, who often has a โ€˜hot amygdalaโ€™ the impact tends to be experienced far worse.

6. Psychic Attack:

When an Empath is under psychic attack, they will know it by the repetitive thoughts going back to a certain person, accompanied by deeply uncomfortable emotions. However, it is when they themselves get caught up in โ€˜the attackโ€™ that things become problematic.

Once tied up in the thought process, triggered by the psychic attack, it becomes difficult to break free. Dark thoughts lead to dark emotions and stress, which negatively impact health and wellbeing.

Luckily there are ways around this.

Related: Are You Under A Psychic Attack? Symptoms and Ways To Protect

7. Not Living in Truth:

Again, this is something that weakens everyone, but not living in truth is particularly bad for an Empathโ€™s wellbeing.

An Empath first becomes aware of how inauthenticity weakens them after spending time around those who seem to โ€˜lie for a living.โ€™

The truth is, everyone lies to some extent; if only to themselves. It is how we navigate life and ultimately it is how we uncover our own truth. But, if an Empath avoids living their truth, they will get constant reminders to put them back on track, one of which is โ€˜freezingโ€™ around inauthenticity.

8. Conflict:

conflict - one of the things that weaken empath
Top 10 Things That Weaken An Empath

Empaths are generally the type of people who dislike confrontation because it might lead to conflict, which can cause insult and injury to all parties involved.

Through life experiences, most Empaths come to understand that minds are not changed through confrontation and thus conflict, but by living by example.

If an Empath gets caught up in conflict it can trouble their mind long after it has passed. This serves in keeping the stress hormones active in the body which can lead to health problems.

9. Observing Cruelty, Acts of Violence & Mainstream Media:

Witnessing acts of cruelty or violence, whether fact or fiction, is difficult for an Empath to observe. These are things that weaken empaths as they cause stress and deep emotional disturbances within their body, impacting the immune system and emotional wellbeing.

The mainstream media, for example, glorifies suffering as a way to entertain. Yet, at the same time seduces people into experiencing fear (an emotion that becomes addictive the more it is experienced).

Avoiding the media outlets that manipulate fear, as a point of seductive entertainment, is best avoided by all Empaths.

10. Rejection:

Rejection, for an Empath, is not something they easily brush aside. It wounds them deeply. Rejection is an unfathomable cause of insecurity that impacts them for many years into their future.

Related: How An Empath Faces Rejections

An inherent trait of an Empath is to be protective and faithful to all who they allow into their life. To be pushed away by those they trusted or considered as friends generates a deep mistrust of people and a weakening of body and mind. Read more here.

Now for the Good News

Undergoing experiences that might have made life challenging, dark and difficult (any or all of the above) offers incredible experiences for an Empath. From the depths of this darkness emerges a budding flower.

Like the beautiful lotus flower grows out of the mud, so do Empaths find their way into the light by experiencing the darkness.

Most of you have endured living in the shadows and have experienced great stresses in life. But we all come to understand whyโ€ฆ Enduring painful experiences, that weaken us, thrust us towards a greater understanding of life, evolvement, and spiritual awareness.

We have to go through the dark to experience the light. If we had not gone through all that we had, we would not develop the inner strength and understanding that takes us to another level.

Experiencing pain and working through it, allows us to see from a higher perspective. The dark really does serve the light.

No doubt these are things that weaken Empath, but they can ultimately take them to places of great evolvement and understandingโ€ฆ

Until next time.


Related video:

Written by: Diane Kathrine
Originally appeared on
:The Knowing1
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Top 10 Things That Weaken An Empath

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