The Mirror Effect Of An Empath and Why Empaths Are Hated


mirror effect of an empath and why empaths are hated

Empaths pick up the personality, habits, and emotions of other people and project them back to their rightful owner. This is known as the mirror effect of an empath.

We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

There may be no clear reason for this change in their behavior. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, an Empath can sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not.

What is often baffling to the Empath is why some people act in an animalistic way towards them, when they know they are likable and trustworthy people.

Related: 6 Reasons Empaths Freeze Around Inauthentic People

Now other than the fact that some people will always want to take away the light of those who shine,

I have come to discover there are three other reasons why people either cool off or take an instant dislike towards the Empath and they are:

  • They act as a mirror
  • Their vibration is too fast
  • Their stillness is wrongly interpreted
Mirror Effect Of An Empath
Mirror Effect Of An Empath

Reflecting Back

It is common for people to act inauthentically. They hide who they are because they donโ€™t like aspects of their personality. An Empath has the ability to reflect this back to them.

There are some who hide aspects of their personality to manipulate others. But the majority who act inauthentically do so to fit in.

The fear of being judged or disliked, for what they donโ€™t like about themselves, makes some wear a mask of inauthenticity. Even those of a Sensitive nature put on a face when out in the world. There are some, however, who never remove their mask, going through life with a false identity.

Related: The 15 Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath.

When one comes face to face with an Empath there is no hiding from these concealed traits; the mask comes off. The traits they have worked hard to hide or deny are now waved in their faces. This often causes ill-feelings to be directed towards the Empath.

Because being around an Empath can bring up anything buried, it may cause a strong loathing to develop in others. However, what those who experience this โ€˜loathingโ€™ donโ€™t realize is the intense dislike they have, towards the Empath, is simply a reflection of their shadow-side. Anything hidden becomes seen within the โ€˜Mirror of the Empathโ€™.

The Mirror Effect Of An Empath

mirror effect of an empath
The Mirror Effect Of An Empath

Because an Empath picks up on other peopleโ€™s emotions, hidden behaviors, and true personality traits, they can take them on and thus project them back out to their rightful owner. They can wear other peopleโ€™s truths like the mask they hide behind; even if they are unaware they are doing it.

Anything hidden, such as insecurity, suppressed shame, guilt, or anger, builds the longer it is left buried. If someone has traits they donโ€™t like about themselves, they are reminded of them when in an Empathโ€™s presence. This is one reason why instant dislikes can form towards an Empath.

If this has been your experience, it could well be that you are reflecting back to them the truth they deny. Or there could be another reasonโ€ฆ

Your Vibration Is Too Fastโ€ฆ

Just like an Empathโ€™s need not be around people who spew negativity, there are some who cannot stand to be around those who vibrate a clean energy.

When you work on yourself and make any positive changes to your mind, body, or spirit, you become cleaner and purer. This can cause rejection from those who need to be around low-level vibrations.

You may have also noticed that when in an emotionally low place, some friends prefer you that way. Yet when you make changes and put yourself in a high vibrating space, those same friends donโ€™t like it. They may try to bring you back down and extinguish your inner-light and happiness.

Vibrating in a higher space can repel even those you love. People sense to change, whether it is visually apparent or not. And they feel when another has changed or stepped up their frequency.

Not everyone is ready to raise their vibration. Some still have lessons to learn at their level and are not ready to move forward. And because they are not ready, they may try to draw you back down.

Also, if you donโ€™t feel like a fit to them anymore, it may cause hostility towards you and another reason they are repelled.

Related: What is the Real Connection Between an Empath and a Narcissist?

Your Stillness Is Wrongly Interpreted

To those of an insecure nature, your quiet, and sometimes distant, ways are often seen as a form of disrespect or a snub.

Because at times, you may appear aloof some may consider this to be superior behavior. Wrongly assuming you believe you are in some way above them.

Normally, when an Empath acts in an aloof or distant way, it is because they are on overload. When having taken on too many stimuli from their surroundings and are in serious need of recharging, the Empath wants nothing more than to be invisible to others.

And when heading towards a fatigue meltdown, the last thing an Empath can deal with is someone offloading their troubles, like so many like to do. Even polite conversation is too much. This is often interpreted as a rejection or an insult.

Because others donโ€™t feel what an Empath feels, it is difficult for them to understand why they have to withdraw the way they do.

Related: 3 Types Of Inauthentic People Empaths Feel Uncomfortable Around

Sadly, the more insecure someone is, the more they are offended by your quiet ways. If they see you as blowing hot and cold, they may consider this as disrespect and reject you as a way to hurt you.

So, if someone develops an aversion towards you, for no good reason, remember not to take it personally. It is just the Mirror of the Empath at work.

If you would like to learn more about the ways of an Empath and how to harness the incredible power you may want to read 7 Secrets of the Sensitiveโ€ฆ It could transform your life!

I hope this helps on your Empath journey.

Until next timeโ€ฆ


ยฉDiane Kathrine At Empaths Empowered
Originally Appeared On Empaths Empowered

The Mirror Effect Of The Empath Why Some People Dislike You Instantly
The Mirror Effect Of The Empath: Why Some People Dislike You Instantly
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The Mirror Effect Of An Empath And Why Empaths Are Hated
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The Mirror Effect Of An Empath And Why Empaths Are Hated
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Mirror Empath Effect

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  1. John Murphy Avatar
    John Murphy

    I have suffered from the scowls of a colleague for the last 7 years. She is ten years older than me but our birthdays are 2 days apart. (Sagittarius). I have found out that she talks behind my back and anyone new suddenly stops being friendly towards me after a few months.
    She is very good at her job and extremely competent. I am also not bad at my job and do not actively seek praise and popularity and success but it always tends to fall into my lap.
    Sagittarians are naturally optimistic but I hae never met a negative one. She is so very negative and thrives on gossip and criticism.
    I have recently been activley involved in spiritual development and have not told anyone at work, least not this woman. She openly scoffs at anyone religious calling it indoctrination and lunacy when people talk to “a non-existent, imaginary man on sugar-candy-mountain” (she is a George Orwell fan). Since developing my spirituality she has become worse. So your article makes sense.
    Luckily she retired last month and those who stopped talking to me have left too.

    1. Kristin Cutie Avatar
      Kristin Cutie

      Darkness cannot thrive in light… The key to this problem is to put as much light around yourself, including your light, it will become too difficult for the darker โ€œsoulsโ€ to be around you. If you are trying to bring people to faith you can always try to pull their souls to the light as well, which then pulls off of your strength so be sure to recharge as I may say your own light in between peoples spirits you come into contact with for your own safety.Aleays remember shadows cannot hide in the darkness! May God bless you & keep you & put a hedge of protection over you.
      I am also a Sagittarius as well btw , it does indeed sound like the โ€œGodlessโ€ woman was attracting darkness which is why she hated your light!

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