15 Ways To Stay Grounded And Protected As An Empath


ways to stay grounded and protected as an empath

Nowadays, with the constant bombardment of negative energies, it is a challenge for the Empath to stay grounded. Even when staying home, within their personal sanctuaries, their empathic antennas are constantly switched on, picking up emotional energy from the outside world. Because of this, they easily become drained, consumed with apathy, and distracted from their true Empath roles.

To combat the constant overwhelm, the modern world imprints on an Empath, they need to protect themselves and work to stay grounded.

Everyone is different and what works for one Empath will not always work for another. But, it has to be said, the best form of protection and way to stay grounded for any Empath is to create a resilient, healthy body, quiet mind, and strong energy field.

Below are 15 of the best ways to achieve this:

ways to stay grounded and protected as an empath info
15 Ways To Stay Grounded And Protected As An Empath

1. Water

The body is made up of 75% water (somebody tissue has 95%), so it should come as no surprise that this is way up there on the self-healing scale.

Many are unaware of just how dehydrated they are. An insufficient supply of water creates problems with the functioning of the energetic and physical bodies, affects general well-being, and accelerates the aging process.

Water is a powerful protector for the Empath and they need lots of it, both inside and outside of their bodies.

Most should be drinking at least 8 glasses of pure water a day just to replenish what the body loses naturally through sweating, urination, etc. The heavier you are the more water you need.

There is an old religious saying that: โ€˜Cleanliness is second to godliness.โ€™

I used to believe the saying was a ridiculous bully tactic to force young children to wash behind their ears (which in those days it probably was), but now I see it from another perspective. Water washes more than just dirt away; it has the power to cleanse the energetic body and clear negativity.

If youโ€™re skeptical when you come home from a hard day at work try this: instead of reaching for the wine, jump straight in the shower and see what an uplifting and clearing effect it has. Or when feeling emotionally frazzled drink a pint of cool fresh water and see how it dilutes the impact.

Related: Is Your Soul Tired? 10 Things That Exhaust Your Soul and Ways To Fix It

2. Diet

One of the best things an Empath can do, not only for grounding but for all-around balance, is to include more grounding, nutritious foods in their diet and remove any drug-like foods. Wheat is one of the worst offenders.

Cutting a long story short: wheat acts like a drug in the body. Empaths react more to drug-like foods than those not of a sensitive nature because they are highly reactive.

High reactive are sensitive to different vibrations of energy. Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies and that includes food, drugs or alcohol: the faster the vibration, the higher the frequency. Empaths are negatively affected by anything of a low vibration. Most drugs and alcohol have low vibrational energy and bring the Empath down fast. Wheat is not classed as a drug, even though it acts like one, and therefore carries the same signature.

If you struggle to stay balanced or grounded, even though you do much in the way of self-help: meditation and spiritual practice, exercise, and eat a clean, nutritious diet, look to see if you are including wheat. You may not eat bread but still, consume lots of wheat. It is hidden everywhere for the reason it keeps everyone consuming more of it.

If you want to learn more about grounding foods and transforming your Empath life, through diet, you may want to read this.

3. Sea Salt

It is said that the โ€˜father of medicine,โ€™ Hippocrates, was amongst the first to discover the, almost magical, healing ability of sea salt, after noticing how quickly seawater would heal wounded fishermenโ€™s hands.

Not only is sea salt a great medicinal healer, but it is also deeply purifying. It has the power to draw out and dissolve negative energies from the emotional and physical body. This is especially helpful if your day involves interacting with others, where too often you end up picking their stressed or anxious energy. Salt is not only grounding, for the Empath but a hugely beneficial energy clearing tool.

Empaths can stay grounded with this trick
Empaths Can Stay Grounded With This Trick

4. Balance Your Energy

By balancing your masculine and feminine energy it works exceedingly well to help keep you grounded and energetically stable. See this post for more information.

5. Smudge

Smudging helps clear your Empath energy field of unwanted energy and also offers incredible protection.

See post here.

6. Exercise

In the Western world, many turn to exercise for the benefits of weight loss and a toned body. However, exercise offers so much more, especially for the Empath. It releases pent-up emotions, removes impurities through sweat, enhances and uplifts moods, energizes, increases happiness, builds a powerful energy field, and is also grounding.

When it comes to exercise do what you love. If you donโ€™t like rules, routines or set times then go freestyle. Make the rules yourself. Get the music cranked up and dance like nobodyโ€™s watching (which itโ€™s probably best if no one is whilst throwing shapes out). Dance, stretch and jump your cares away and get a sweat on.

Related: Empath Tips: 6 Things You Can Do To Stay Grounded and Centered

7. Meditation

This is a must if you have a busy head with endless mind-chatter and fearful thoughts like most Empaths do. A busy chaotic mind is un-grounding. 

Meditation helps you deal with stressful situations and gives you clearer insight. There are many forms of meditation. It is just a case of finding what suits you.

Empaths should practice meditation to stay grounded
Empaths Should Practice Meditation To Stay Grounded

8. Creativity

In a world of rules and routine, people seldom get time to be creative but this is one of the easiest ways to revel in the feel-good-factor. When you feel good you also feel grounded.

When you create from your passions or interests, it has an uplifting effect on your psyche, and when engaging in something you love it keeps the mind away from dark thoughts and feelings. A must for all Empaths.

9. Chakra Balancing

You have 7 main chakras which are part of your energetic body. They are your centers of spiritual power that run the length of our body, from the lower torso to the crown of the head.

The chakras are whirling vortices of energy aligned with the endocrine system (organs that secrete hormones such as adrenalin, cortisone, and thyroxine into the body). When any chakra is out of balance it can create disease (dis-ease) within the body.

Finding ways to balance the chakras works in being grounding as well as being incredibly beneficial to the health of the body and mind.

10. Yoga

Many people say yoga is not for them, but itโ€™s the very people who turn away from yoga who are the ones that need it most.

Yoga is incredibly grounding. It works on the physical and energetic bodies and serves everyone, no matter what age or ability. Yoga should be a staple in every personโ€™s life. There is a yogic saying: โ€˜We are only as young as the spine is flexible.โ€™ Because yoga works to create a supple spine it could be classed as an elixir of youth.

The very core of yoga is built on the breath. By breathing in and out of postures, it stills and calms the mind, and creates a strong supple body. Yoga is also classed as a moving meditation.

11. Nature

Being outdoors in nature has a healing and grounding effect on every Empath.

As an Empath, if you spend little time in nature you will struggle to stay grounded or find balance. If you work in a city, with no access to parkland, make sure you get out at weekends away from cars and air pollution.

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Do you want to know the secrets of being an Empath and discover ways to revolutionize your life in the most amazing way? Click here for more information. Get ready to transform!

Related: 6 Important Grounding Tips For Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

12. Laughter

As grown-ups, we spend too much time being solemn and serious, and too little time having fun (especially in the current times). Do you remember the last time you had a proper belly laugh?

โ€˜You donโ€™t stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing!โ€™

We hear children laugh all the time. They donโ€™t know how to take life seriously, itโ€™s all about play and fun, which helps keep them grounded.

Everyone should strive to stay childlike. To see the world in wonder and above all have fun and laugh. Anything that makes you laugh will make your spirits soar. It really is therapy.

13. Crystals

The healing power of crystals has long been known in numerous cultures, from Atlantis to ancient Egypt. It is believed that the ancients had crystal chambers they used to heal physical, spiritual, or energetic ailments.

Crystals can be used in conjunction with the chakras to help balance them and remove blockages. Sensing their natural healing vibration, many Empaths are instinctively drawn to crystals for their grounding and protective abilities.

14. Essential oils

As with crystals, the healing power of essential oils has been known through the ages. It is through the olfactory senses that many of the benefits of essential oils are obtained.

There is an essential oil to suit every Empath for either: protection, grounding, re-balancing, relaxation, and moreโ€ฆ

Related: What is a Food Empath? 6 Ways To Reduce Stress and Overcome Food Addictions

15. Earthing

Although this is a late addition to the list it is one of the most beneficial when it comes to Empath grounding.

Earthing involves placing naked feet on natural earth or, in other words, walking barefoot! We often take for granted the extraordinary healing power of Mother Earth but connecting with her is one of the easiest ways for the Empath to find balance.

See this post for more information on Earthingโ€ฆ

So there you go my top 15 grounding tools. It should be pointed out that if you are suffering from a leaky aura you may not find many of the above techniques to be beneficial. You can read more about leaky aura syndrome here.

โ€˜As one goes through life one learns if you donโ€™t paddle your own canoe, you donโ€™t moveโ€™โ€ฆ Katherine Hepburn

Wishing you well on your Empath journey.


Written by Diane Kathrine
Originally appeared on Knowing1Wordpress.com
15 Ways To Stay Grounded And Protected For An Empath
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15 Ways To Stay Grounded And Protected As An Empath

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