How To Get A Man’s Attention Based on His Zodiac Sign


How To Get A Man's Attention

Let’s face it, men too can be hard to read. Especially when you donโ€™t really know about his likes or dislikes, you end up doing silly things that have his attention on you but not for long. To avoid playing such mind games on the guy that you’re eyeing, there are many ways to get his attention.

Making eye contact with him is the milestone to winning the affection of the man of your dreams. Having him notice you’re interested in, after all, leads to bigger and better things.

But when you have a crush on a guy and you really want him to feel the same way. It will take more than just eye contact, you have to know about his interests and hobbies.

Here are some tips on how to get a man’s attention based on his zodiac sign. These can help you get his focus on you. Although it’s not all about getting his eyes on you all about learning how to make an impression. As they say, โ€œThe first impression is the last impression.โ€

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based on His Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

With healthy competition and your confidence

An Aries man is someone who is confident and sure about himself. So, if you really want to get his attention, you need to get him intrigued by you. They love women who are strong and determined. A woman who is a leader that doesnโ€™t let anything come in her way to stop her from reaching her goals attracts him right away.

Show the Aries man that youโ€™re confident, and heโ€™ll want to talk to you 24/7. But, thatโ€™s not enough as he thinks confidence is sexy, you should be able to challenge him. You also need to complement his energy to show him your interest and really keep a hold of his attention. He loves the thrill of the chase and will get more interested in trying to figure you out. 

So, what are you waiting for? Keep up with the healthy competition, be honest with him and grab his attention.


2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Take things slowly, earn his trust and make him smile

If your interests lie with a Taurus man, you need to take things slow with him. He will appreciate it when you pamper him or make him handmade gifts, he will appreciate your efforts.

You just have to gain his trust in a gradual and delicate manner. Make sure that you arenโ€™t rushing things with him or else he will not want to have anything to do with you. In addition to really getting a hold of his attention you make him laugh. It takes a lot to be able to make him happy but if he feels comfortable with you he will open up and share a laugh with you.

So, buckle up all these may sound like heโ€™s demanding, but all you really have to do is gain his trust. If he trusts you, you already have his attention.


3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Win him over by your style, intellect, style and adventurous spirit

Prepare yourself well if you are trying to woo a Gemini man. He is usually well-versed in events of the world and wants to have intriguing and intellectual conversations with someone they like.

If you want to grab his attention, you have to be smart. They just get bored easily so you have to stimulate them intellectually and it will make you the special someone in his life. Sometimes you have to be adventurous and show him that your personality is as bold and fearless as are your thoughts.

Get ready to have some intriguing discussions on world politics or cinema to draw him towards you. Make your dates fun by taking him to museums, historical places and he will love it.


4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Show how generous you are and take care of him

If you want to get a Cancer man’s attention you need to be well acquainted with the art of taking care. You will have to pamper him and he will be loyal to you forever. 

He finds comfort in a nurturing and safe environment.  If you make him feel like you genuinely care about him he will get used to you being around him. As he always looks to be in service to those who are closest to him. 

It’s not that he cannot take care of himself, but it’s something he likes and if you’re generous to him, you will get an opportunity for him to notice you and be part of his inner circle. If he sees your being compassionate and kind to the world, he will be drawn towards you.


5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Make him the center of attention, express yourself with grand gestures and beauty

A Leo man is someone who adores himself. It may appear that he is full of himself, but you will understand why he holds himself in such high regard.

He is all about self-love and expression, so all you have to do is show him how much you appreciate everything he is. If you demonstrate to him that you are capable of noticing the small details that make him such a wonderful person, heโ€™s going to take notice of you too.

Leo is all about glitz and glamour. To grab his attention, you may need to do more than just notice him, you may need to make grand gestures as well. He’s not into texting, so call him and tell him you’re interested he’ll appreciate your honesty rather than playing games. But make him the center of attention, and he’ll appreciate you even more.


6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Be captivating and fascinate him by volunteering to the community

A Virgo man is by default grounded and a perfectionist as well, as they belong to the element of Earth. In terms of traits, he will be able to tell when someone is not being genuine or true to him. He’s very perceptive in that regard.

So when it comes to liking someone, he prefers someone with a fascinating personality. So to get closer to him, you should be smart and confident.

Live your life on your own terms, have an opinion, and create a life you can be proud of. He is drawn to a woman who understands her worth. That is why you should simply strive to be the best version of yourself. 

He also appreciates a kind and gentle soul who helps others through volunteer work.


7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Seduce him with your charm and dance along with him

The Libra man is a very charming person but hey, heโ€™s quite easygoing as well and you donโ€™t have to make constant efforts to win him over. Although he is going to be surrounded by a lot of attractive women and so you definitely have to set out from the rest.

He loves a woman who is classy, dresses well but also has a bright mind with a love for arts. You just need to rise above the rest with class, grace and depth.

Due to his flirty nature, he tends to get distracted too quickly. Seducing him with your charm and personality is the best way to get this manโ€™s attention. He also loves to dance, an ideal time to spend with him would be at a dance club, heโ€™d surely appreciate that. 


8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Share his interests, compliment him, be honest and sensual

If you are planning on making a Scorpio take interest in you there are a few things you should keep in mind. He fancies a woman who is strong, independent and is loyal to him. She should be sexy, intelligent and with a hint of mystery. 

If thereโ€™s something that can grab his attention then itโ€™s honesty. He hates flattery or people who lie to him, so when youโ€™re with him make sure you are completely honest or else it will have a negative impact. Try to be honest with him so that he can open up to you. The best way to win him over is to share his hobbies, start learning a new language with him or attend a match for the sport he plays. Just try to relate with him as much as possible.

Thereโ€™s something else he would also prefer and that is showing your sensual side to him, he needs someone who is sensitive to his feelings and wants to know him better.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Win him over with your positive energy, help him reach his career goals and take him on adventures

Sagittarius men are adventurous with a wild child soul. Theyโ€™re sociable and friendly, they strive to live life to the fullest and someone who always speaks his mind. He likes a woman who is unpredictable and always keeps him guessing but it necessarily means you should play hard to get, but healthy challenges are something that keeps him in the loop.

To get his attention show him that you are interested, but you can act coy sometimes, he will like that. There are few other things that may grab his attention as well and that is your positive vibe. Support him while he is achieving his career goals with practical suggestions and he will be drawn towards you. He loves a woman who is smart and has an interest in travel. So what are you waiting for, go on an adventure with him!


10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Be strong, independent and lead him towards the relationship

A Capricorn man is mature and gives off assertive vibes which can be extremely attractive to all women out there. Since he’s a cardinal sign, he’s quite ambitious and motivated to achieve his goals in life but being an earth sign, he is also grounded and dependable, kind of an old soul.

To make him intrigued you have to match up to his strong and independent personality. Taking decisions, making plans for a date or having insightful conversations with him will grab his attention.

He doesnโ€™t prefer having small talks, rather he would discuss your ambitions, but donโ€™t forget to ask him about his aspirations too. He is strong and self-sufficient so you need to show him that youโ€™re capable of being a strong personality or else, heโ€™s not going to take you seriously.


11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Be yourself and engage in humanitarian activities

You don’t need to read long and complex guidelines on how to impress the Aquarius man. He will notice you if you are yourself. Just don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Since heโ€™s an element of wind he is quite easygoing. The only thing that can win him over is your kindness, he would appreciate it if you contributed to the world.

Participating in social services is the best way to attract him to you. Show your concern for society by listening to him, as he is always excited to share his knowledge and intelligence to solve the world’s problems. You don’t have to try too hard, just read a few books on global issues or the news and he’ll appreciate that.


12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

Be flirty, romantic and show him a new world

Pisces men are romantic, but they are also emotionally caring, creative, and have a gentle heart. He is appealing, and one of his most endearing characteristics is his humility.

If you want to win him over, you must first gain his trust. Begin by being friends and gradually enter his inner sphere by demonstrating how caring you are.

He adores a woman who is gentle yet firm in her convictions.

He has a romantic soul and enjoys escaping reality. So show him a new world, take him to new places or cafes, try new things, and he will fall in love with you. Don’t be a hopeless romantic. You’ll be able to captivate him by showing that you are a dreamer as well.


Wrapping up

We hope that these little pieces of knowledge can help you get a manโ€™s attention, but also to like you for who you are. Make sure you know him before you go to lengths to make him yours.

It might be a challenge, but if heโ€™s worth the trouble, weโ€™re sure heโ€™ll take notice of you.

Secrets To Get A Manโ€™s Attention Based on his Zodiac Sign
How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign
How To Get His Attention Based on His Zodiac Sign
How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign
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How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign
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How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign
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How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign
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How To Get A Man’s Attention Based On His Zodiac Sign

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