Are You A Psychopath In The Making? 15 Personality Traits To Look Out For


Personality Traits Psychopath In The Making

Are You A Psychopath In The Making?

Here are 15 personality traits to look out for:

1) You donโ€™t have even a single friend who has been there for long. People come and go and are never there with you. None of your friends have lasted more than a few months. You have never been a part of a long-term relationship.

Related: 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath

2) Impulsiveness is part of your character. Control is something that you donโ€™t have. If your mind dwells on something, no matter how wrong it is, you will do it without giving a second thought.

Related: 9 Certain Traits of Untrustworthy People

3) You need a constant dose of excitement. There should be something, some adventure or drama, even at the cost of others, to kill your boredom.

4) You are manipulative. If you want something out of someone, you create circumstances to make it happen, then you are psychopath in the making. Whether it is a date or a gift, you make use of people to get what you want.

Related: Why Psychopaths Are Unable to Love Even Their Own Children

5) There is not a hint of guilt in your soul. You can dump people, fire or bully someone if you have to. No matter how unfair or wrong it is. Even if you see them crying or in misery, you donโ€™t feel any remorse.

6) You are a compulsive liar. Lying is just a tool that lets you out of a bad situation. Sometimes, you lie just for some fun. Maybe, to get someone into some kind of a mess, or start a drama and just see if you can manage out to fit.

7) You have charm. You exactly donโ€™t like people, but in social surroundings, you can pose yourself as a lovely person. You understand peopleโ€™s minds, and know very well, how to utter your words.

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8) Others are nothing but mere objects of utility for you. You have no qualms in sleeping even with strangers for sex. Or shelter or free food. If your life becomes easier this way, taking advantage of others is the right thing for you, then it’s a sign of psychopath in the making.

9) You are unreliable and irresponsible. You never reach anywhere on time, and important events slip out of your mind.

Related: 6 Diversion Tactics Used By Sociopaths, Narcissists, and Psychopaths to Manipulate You Into Silence

10) You think too much of yourself. No one else, but you are the most good looking, intelligent, and smart individual. Everyone around you is stupid and dull in your comparison.

11) You are self-centered. You really donโ€™t bother about anyone else. If you are getting what you want, you donโ€™t care much about what happens to others, then you’re psychopath in the making. You are the most important thing.

12) You are heartless. Hurting others, harming them or embarrassing them for no reason gives you joy.

13) You lack sympathy. You cannot feel for others. No matter how much pain you might find someone in, tears wonโ€™t roll out of your eyes. Your emotions donโ€™t work that way. Actually, you lack emotions

Related: 13 Signs Sheโ€™s A Keeper and You Shouldnโ€™t Let Her Go

14) You get violent. Getting into fights and hurting others physically gives you high. When it comes to inflicting pain on helpless creatures, you take your time, in killing them.

15) No ill act is beyond your capability. If you want to achieve something, you can commit fraud and even kill to be where you want to be. If success is what you want, you will have it anyway and that is another surefire sign of psychopath in the making.

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Psychopath In The Making
15 Personality Traits You Might Be A Psychopath In The Making
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  1. John H C Plaza Avatar
    John H C Plaza

    A natural Person Is A Normal Person …You Donโ€™t Have To Look So Deep…You Could Feel From A Young age Who You Are …,,,Just Keep Your Hands To Your Self ..Donโ€™t Make Other People Feel Sick…

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