9 Signs Of An Untrustworthy Person


9 Signs Of An Untrustworthy Person

One of the saddest and hardest truths of life is that you will come across more untrustworthy people than genuine ones. You might feel that they want what’s good for you, but unfortunately, all they want is to exploit you, suck you dry, and then toss you aside when they are done.

โ€œTrust is the glue of life. Itโ€™s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. Itโ€™s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.โ€ โ€“ Stephen Covey

Nothing is more important than trust in a relationship if you want it to last in the long term. Ideally, you should be able to trust the other person wholeheartedly and they should be able to trust you in the same way. However, trusting people can have disastrous consequences because not everyone is what they seem.

While a few people will be able to hide it so well that you wonโ€™t know till they break your trust, there are others who exhibit certain traits who will almost always prove untrustworthy in the end.

Here Are 9 Signs Of An Untrustworthy Person

Signs Untrustworthy Person infographics
9 Signs Of An Untrustworthy Person

1) Excessive charm.

A person who seems uncommonly sweet and charming always makes me feel like somethingโ€™s off about them and Iโ€™m hardly ever wrong when it comes to these people. A traitorous streak is carefully hidden within them that can take you by surprise.

Pay attention and youโ€™ll realize that theyโ€™re just interested in knowing more about you without reciprocating with any information about themselves. At some point, their real intentions will be revealed but by then youโ€™ll already be intricately entangled in a relationship with them.

2) Not empathetic.

To be able to deceive and hurt people exhibits a rather shocking lack of empathy. People who are empathetic wouldnโ€™t be able to stab others in the back uncaringly because theyโ€™re aware of the kind of pain they can cause if they do so. This always makes them take a step back and think hard if theyโ€™re ever presented with such an opportunity.

3) Traits linked to narcissism.

For a narcissist, nothing in this universe is more important than they are and everyone else exists just to do their bidding. Naturally, this makes them the wrong people to trust in every situation.

Theyโ€™ll never own up to their mistakes and will come up with reasons to make it seem like you pushed them into making the wrong choices. Placing trust in them will surely end with your heart breaking because they care for nothing else but their own egos.

Related: 6 Signs You Are in A Fake Relationship

4) Unable to keep secrets.

You know a person is untrustworthy if theyโ€™re revealing information that others told them in strict confidence. Thereโ€™s a 99.9% chance that theyโ€™re already doing the same with whatever secrets you might have told them. They like to be in the know at all times so that they can share juicy rumors and gossip to make themselves more popular.

They donโ€™t hold any secrets confidential or sacred. By revealing such information, they hope to connect with more people by showing them that theyโ€™re especially close to others.

5) Fickle about everything.

Being indecisive is vastly different from being fickle. Indecisiveness affects people when it comes to trivialities and when all the choices seem equally good.

But with fickle people, you can never trust any of their decisions no matter how important. They keep wavering between all extremes and no one can be assured of them staying loyal if they even value loyalty.

Related 7 Common Traits Shared By People Who Grew Up In Dysfunctional Families

6) Yes Men.

Beware of those who constantly keep sucking up to you. Theyโ€™ll nod along with everything you say and never disagree. Even if youโ€™re going completely off the rails, theyโ€™ll just keep offering you superficial praise because they think that they stand to gain something out of their association with you.

If something goes awry in your life and youโ€™re no longer in a position to offer them anything, theyโ€™ll be off before you know it and youโ€™ll most likely never see them again.

Untrustworthy Person
Untrustworthy Person

7) Two-faced.

Two-faced might be the popular term but these people can have many personas. Theyโ€™ll act differently with each and every person they meet and you can never be sure when theyโ€™re going to throw you over for someone else.

In front of you, theyโ€™ll be perfectly sugary and sweet but the moment your back is turned, theyโ€™ll start criticizing every single thing about you when they think you arenโ€™t listening. Placing your trust in them only means that the whole world will soon know all your secrets.

Related: The Easiest 5 Ways To Spot A Fake Nice Person

8) Prone to being abusive.

In the beginning, theyโ€™ll be nice to you but there will always be signs that thereโ€™s something off about them. It will simply take some time for their mask to wear off exposing the true colors underneath.

Once you place your trust in them, theyโ€™ll try to control you with that knowledge. Watch the way they interact with the people around them so that you are not caught unawares and can cut ties before your trust gives them power over you.

9) Avoids you in public.

These people will be really friendly with you when youโ€™re alone with them or in places where nobody knows them. However, theyโ€™ll avoid you like the plague when youโ€™re in the same place as other people who know them.

If theyโ€™re doing so, theyโ€™re probably only trying to get close to you because they want something from you. Once they get whatever it is, theyโ€™ll leave without thinking twice about the pain their betrayal will cause you.

In a world that can be cold, harsh, and unforgiving, you will often meet people with the traits described above. Thereโ€™s precious little you can do about them without cutting yourself off completely from society. Since that is hardly a feasible or ideal option, just be careful about whom you place your trust in and remember that there are also many genuinely good people out there waiting for you to find them.

Just keep all this information in mind wherever you go and whenever youโ€™re meeting someone for the first time. Remember that you donโ€™t owe strangers anything and donโ€™t feel bad if you stay reserved for some time, especially if you sense that there is something off about that person.

Trust your instincts because theyโ€™re usually right and are in place to protect you from danger. And if someone gets to you, just remember, this too shall pass.

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9 Certain Traits of Untrustworthy People
Untrustworthy People
9 Signs Of An Untrustworthy Person
9 Signs Of An Untrustworthy Person

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