Mental Manipulation: 5 Things A Narcissist Says To Undermine Your Reality


Mental Manipulation: 5 Things A Narcissist Says To Make You Feel Crazy

Dealing with a narcissist can be a challenging experience. They have a knack for making you feel crazy, and they’ll go to great lengths to prove that you are. There’re certain things a narcissist says to gaslight and fool you.

Narcissists may not look any different from anyone else, which makes it difficult to recognize them at first. However, once you become intimately involved with a narcissist, you may find yourself desperately searching for a way out.

Narcissists can be highly intelligent and manipulative. They have the ability to mold themselves into the personalities they want to be in order to get what they want from almost anyone. But while they may be able to fool you for a while, in the end, they’re just fooling themselves.

If you find yourself in a relationship with a narcissist, it can feel like there’s no way out. They’ll use their charm and manipulative techniques to get what they want from you, and once they’ve used you for everything they desire, they’ll discard you like yesterday’s news.

Before they do, however, they may use some common phrases to try to break you down. So, what are things narcissists say usually to manipulate you? Let’s find out!

Related: The Toxic Attraction Between An Empath And A Narcissist

5 Things A Narcissist Says To Make You Feel Crazy

1. “Stop overthinking everything.”

Definitely, there are people who really DO overthink situations, words, and actions of others. But when a narcissist says this to you, if you retrospect you will realize that you were actually not over-analyzing. Instead, you were factually correct.

Narcissists are masters of manipulation. They’ll intentionally engage in activities that hurt you and then try to make you feel guilty for being suspicious or paranoid.

They’ll make you question your intuitive abilities just to prove you wrong, and if you protest, they’ll make sure you feel guilty and lose your self-confidence.

Why do they do this? All of it is to merely protect their wounded ego.

Things a narcissist says to gaslight you
Mental Manipulation: 5 Things A Narcissist Says To Undermine Your Reality

2. “Stop being so melodramatic all the time.”

This is one of the most common things narcissists say when gaslighting someone.

Narcissists don’t like drama, yet they seem to be at the center of it everywhere they go. They may shower you with affection, attention, care, and consideration in the courting phase, but they’re never consistent with this idealization.

Once they start finding faults in you, they’ll start criticizing and blaming you for everything. The care and attention you once bestowed upon them will gradually start to irritate them. If you mention your concerns, they’ll make you feel guilty for becoming the drama-monger that you’re definitely not.

If you do that, they will display their frustration, and let you know how much they detest drama. You will be blamed for becoming the drama queen that you are definitely not. All they want then is “mental peace” and “space” from you.

Related: Signs Youโ€™re Arguing With A Psychopath.

3. “You are too sensitive to deal with.”

Narcissists manufacture emotions in others. They’ll shower you with flattery, appreciation, love, and attention, and then suddenly disappear for days to keep you disconnected from them.

When you finally make contact, they may use your rage and disappointment against you, blaming you for being too clingy and needy. If you’re not lucky, they may even tease, joke, laugh, and mock you for being a crybaby.

They will use your sensitivity against you and not even feel an iota of remorse. This is one of the most typical things a narcissist says to manipulate you into believing that you’re the problem, not them.

4. “You never understand me.”

This is one of those sneaky things narcissists say to make you feel crazy.

Gaslighting is a common technique used by narcissists to make you doubt your own perceptions and experiences. They’ll lie to you and stage circumstances to make you question yourself and your reality.

Once you start disbelieving and questioning them, they’ll turn the blame wheel towards you, saying that you’ll never understand them. The moment they’ll realize that they’re losing control and you’re starting to see through their facade, they’ll quickly start manipulating you into believing that you are being insensitive and unfair towards them.

If you are a good person and someone who likes to keep the peace in the relationship, you will believe them and apologize for your behavior to reconcile as they make a quick happy dance in their mind thinking that they have won.

Related: 30 Red Flags of Manipulative People

5. “I hate being with a crazy/bipolar/jealous lover like you.”

Narcissists often paint their exes as crazy or manipulative. If they start calling you names like “crazy,” “bipolar,” or “jealous,” it’s just another way of deflecting blame and making you feel like you’re the problem.

All of their mind games and toxic actions depend on your reactions. This way they get a chance to complain about how crazy you are, and how you are ruining their life and destroying their tranquility.

Once done, they won’t falter twice before tossing you in that very same “crazy” bucket, continuing their never-ending cycle of idealizing and devaluing anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path.

Things a narcissist says to make you feel crazy
Mental Manipulation: 5 Things A Narcissist Says To Undermine Your Reality

Remember, dealing with a narcissist can be difficult, but it’s important to stay grounded and remind yourself that you’re not the crazy one. These are just some of the things a narcissist says in a relationship to manipulate their victims; there’re so many more toxic things narcissists say and do to control someone.

If you find yourself in a relationship with a narcissist, the best thing you can do is get out as soon as possible.

Have you ever been in a narcissistic relationship? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Want to know more about the things a narcissist says to make you feel crazy? Check this video out below!

Things narcissists say to make you feel crazy

Things a narcissist says
Things A Narcissist Says
things a narcissist says
Things A Narcissist Says
things a narcissist says in a relationship
Mental Manipulation: 5 Things A Narcissist Says To Undermine Your Reality
typical things a narcissist says
Mental Manipulation: 5 Things A Narcissist Says To Undermine Your Reality

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  1. Sheila Launderville Avatar
    Sheila Launderville

    Brandon Androsky

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