12 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric


amazing health benefits of turmeric

Before there were prescription medications, herbs and spices were the foundation of ancient and traditional medicines around the world. And today scientists across the globe are going back to ancient wisdom and rediscovering the potential in these natural herbs and spices. One of the most popular and beneficial of these spices is what is commonly known as โ€œTurmericโ€.

It is a key ingredient in cooking in Indian and Asian countries. It is generally used for giving color and flavor to the dishes but this marvelous spice has astonishing health benefits as well. A lot of research has gone into uncovering the health benefits of turmeric.

Here Are 12 Compelling Reasons, Why You Should Include Turmeric In Your Diet:

1) Turmeric Helps In Weight Loss

According, to research conducted by Tufts University, โ€œCurcuminโ€ an active ingredient found in Turmeric helps to minimize the growth of fat tissues and controls excessive weight gain.

Therefore, including Turmeric regularly in your diet along with regular exercising is an excellent way to maintain your ideal weight.

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2) Turmeric Has Anti Ageing Properties

Turmeric has been used for ages in households to enhance beauty. It is also used extensively by pharmaceutical companies in beauty products.

There is a lot of scientific research that shows that Turmeric actually works on a deeper level in your body and it can actually prevent DNA damage and help in DNA repair.

There is no reason, why you should not use this miracle spice to slow down your ageing process.

3) It Helps To Fight Infection

Research conducted at George Mason University showed that Turmeric contains certain ingredients that have antibacterial and antivirus properties. Therefore, it is used generously to treat wounds and injuries.

4) It Helps To Maintain Ideal Blood Sugar Levels

Including turmeric in our diet is an easy and highly effective way to reduce our blood sugar levels.

How does it work?

โ€œAnti-diabetic activity of curcumin may be due to its potent ability to suppress oxidative stress and inflammation. Moreover, it shows a beneficial role on the diabetes-induced endothelial dysfunction and induces a down-regulation of nuclear factor-kappa B. Curcumin possesses a protective role against advanced glycation as well as collagen cross-linking and through this way, mitigates advanced glycation end products-induced complications of diabetes.โ€ explains, Nabavi SF, Applied Biotechnology Research Center, University of Medical Sciences, Iran.

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5) It Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

โ€œTurmeric has been used for over 4,000 years to treat a variety of conditions. Studies show that turmeric may help fight infections and some cancers, reduce inflammation, and treat digestive problems.โ€ โ€“ University of Maryland Medical Center

Traditionally, Turmeric has been used in Indian and Ayurveda medicine systems to reduce inflammation in people suffering from arthritis and colitis.

Since, inflammation leads to weight gain and obesity that can trigger another host of diseases like High Blood pressure, reducing inflammation has been the key aim of all integrated medicine systems.

How does it work?

โ€œTurmeric contains the chemical curcumin. Curcumin and other chemicals in turmeric might decrease swelling (inflammation). Because of this, turmeric might be beneficial for treating conditions that involve inflammation.โ€ โ€“ Web MD

6) It Protects The Liver

Curcumin which is an active ingredient in Turmeric is believed to have the potential to delay liver damage that can eventually lead to cirrhosis or liver transplant.

7) It Works As A Natural Anti-Depressant

Leading research in China has found out that Curcumin found in Turmeric works as a natural anti-depressant.

โ€œAn important theory to explain the cause of depression is the monoamine hypothesis which suggests that there is impairment of monoaminergic functions and the decrease of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine levels.”

At present, there are several types of antidepressants used in clinical practice, including tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), selective reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A (RIMAs), and specific serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), however, these drugs can produce many side-effects, therefore, considerable efforts are being invested in the discovery of better drugs for the treatment of depression

Herbal medicines such as St. Johnโ€™s wort have been used as alternative therapies for depression. Curcuma longa (Family: Zingiberaceae), also called Yu-jin in Chinese, has long been used in food and medicine.โ€ – BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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8) It Reduces Cancer Risk

Leading researchers at the American Cancer Society have found out that Curcumin found in Turmeric, โ€œinterferes with several important molecular pathways involved in cancer development, growth and spread.โ€ This is one of the most amazing health benefits of turmeric.

Further studies by the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, explain the various โ€œpathwaysโ€ that curcumin counteracts to gain such properties.

Related: A Magic Potion to Cure Cancer in 2 days: Dandelion Tea

9) It Aids In Digestive And Gastrointestinal Disorders

It is a well-known fact that Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties; therefore it is used extensively to aid digestive and gastrointestinal disorders.

A leading study at the University of Maryland Medical Center, found out various conditions in which Turmeric can be used. Some of the key findings of the study are as follows:

Curcumin which is a key ingredient in Turmeric, increases bile production in Gall bladder which supposedly helps to improve digestion

One exception to the use of Turmeric in treating Stomach issues is Stomach Ulcers. The researchers advised against using Turmeric to treat stomach ulcers because its usage may increase the production of stomach acid.

10) It Promotes Brain Health

A lot of scientific studies on the benefits of turmeric found out that Curcumin helps to increase our cognition abilities. Not only this, but it is also believed to help in warding off neurodegenerative disorders like โ€“ Dementia and Alzheimerโ€™s.

Another exciting discovery is that including Turmeric in our diet can actually aid in Neuroplasticity โ€“ the development of new pathways in the brainโ€ฆ.Now, who would have thought that.. Whoa!!

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11) It Promotes Heart Health

In the same study conducted by the University of Maryland, scientists found out that:

1. Curcumin has plaque removing qualities. Plaque buildup in arteries is actually the potential cause of a heart attack or stroke.
2. Curcumin also helps in reducing bad cholesterol known as LDL.

These are incredible benefits of turmeric, isn’t it?

12) It Alleviates Arthritis Symptoms

Since Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, it is also very effective in alleviating arthritis symptoms. A lot of medical practitioners recommend including Turmeric as a supplement in their diet along with prescribed medicines to relieve the symptoms.

Please share these health benefits of turmeric with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful.

12 Amazing Things That Happen To Your Body When You Have Turmeric Every Day
Amazing Things That Happen To Your Body When You Have Turmeric Every Day
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12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Turmeric

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