8 Benefits of Cold Shower For Your Health


Benefits of Cold Shower

Any shower with a water temperature below 70ยฐF is referred to as a cold shower. There are a few benefits of cold showers in which you can use the body’s natural ability to adapt to harsher conditions. As a result, it makes your body becomes more resilient to stress and pressure.

They are not the primary source of treatment for any ailment, but they may aid in relieving and overall well-being. Several athletes prefer this because research has shown that using cold water may be beneficial to both physical and mental health.

Do you also get aggressive or anxious easily? Here’s your chance to put it to the test, following are some of the possible benefits of cold showers. However, keep in mind that cold showers aren’t for everyone, especially if you have a medical condition. Always consult your doctor first!

Benefits of Cold Shower For Your Health

1. Cold Shower Improves Resilience

Cold showers or ice baths can help to train your nervous system to be more resistant to stress and pressure. According to a study, your body induces a form of oxidative stress on your nervous system. If taken regularly the body adjusts to this over time. You will notice that you’ve become a more relaxed person over time.

Ideally, you won’t be able to think straight the first time you step into the shower, but once you get used to it, a cold shower benefits in reducing oxidative stress and is asserted as a process for body hardening.

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2. Cold shower benefits in reducing stress and increases endorphins.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based on the severity or chronicity, there are numerous ways to treat depression. Hydrotherapy is one of them. It is a comprehensive treatment that is getting a lot of attention. A clinical trial discovered that taking a cold shower, twice a week for up to 5 minutes helped relieve stress and anxiety. 

Cold showers can act as a subtle electroconvulsive therapy for people who suffer from depression. When you come in contact with cold water, it sends electrochemical reactions to your brain. They kick start your system, causing it to become more alert, clear, and full of energy. Endorphins, also known as happy hormones are released which produce feelings of contentment and positivity.

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3. It improves circulation.

Immersing your body in cold water can be uncomfortable at first, but once you get the hang of it, there can be various benefits of cold showers, making it revitalizing. Cold showers can improve the efficiency of your circulatory system.

Athletes have long recognized the benefits of cold showers for healing after a sports injury. Ice reduces inflammation when you end up hurting or tearing a muscle for the same reason. By lowering the temperature of a specific area of the body, your body speeds up the delivery of fresh oxygenated blood to that area, thereby lowering healing time. Showering in cold icy water can also help with high blood pressure or diabetes by moving the blood more quickly through your body.

4. It can help you wake up in the morning

Taking a cold shower first thing in the morning sounds insane, doesn’t it? Maybe not the way you wanted to wake up? However, there are few cold shower benefits if you want to improve your life. When the cold water hits your body, it releases a shock in your body that makes you alert.

Read: 8 Morning Routine Habits That Will Make You More Disciplined

5. It helps in improving metabolism

Your body’s increased response to cold water temporarily boosts your metabolism. Your system expends energy as it fights to stay warm. This self-healing process consumes more calories.

However, don’t expect to completely lose weight by freezing your body. Simply taking cold showers without changing other lifestyle habits will not help you. You can boost your metabolism by taking a cold shower twice a week. Over time, it may aid in the fight against obesity. However, researchers are still unsure whether it can help people lose weight thoroughly. 

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6. It gives your skin and hair a healthy glow.

Although scientific study on the effects of cold water on your skin and hair is limited, it is well known that hot showers can strip the natural oils in your skin by drying it out.

So, instead of a hot shower, take a refreshing cold one. It will help to tighten the pores of your skin and make your skin and hair shinier and sleeker.

7. Cold showers are beneficial for your immune system

Researchers discovered that taking icy showers can boost your immune system and make you more resistant to illness. A clinical trial discovered that taking cold showers reduced the number of people who called in sick to work by 29%.

The benefits of cold showers don’t stop here, according to a study published in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences, cold water applications may have local anesthetic-like effects that aid in relieving pain.

8. It can help in soothing itchy skin

After a long day when you’re sweaty and tired, don’t you feel better after a cold shower? Similarly, a cold shower helps people with irritated skin or conditions such as eczema overcome the sensation of scratching, providing temporary relief.

Final thoughts

Do you still want to try the cold shower? Take a deep breath, because changing the temperature of the shower from hot to cold isn’t going to be pleasurable. The best way to get into the habit of taking cold showers is to start small.

Begin by gradually lowering the temperature. Allow your body time to adjust as you reduce the temperature of the water. You may repeat this process for 30 seconds, twice or three times per week, depending upon your doctorโ€™s advice.


Vaile, J., Halson, S., Gill, N., & Dawson, B. (2008). Effect of hydrotherapy on recovery from fatigue. International journal of sports medicine, 29(07), 539-544.
Shevchuk, N. A. (2008). Adapted cold shower as a potential treatment for depression. Medical hypotheses, 70(5), 995-1001.

Benefits of Cold Shower Health
8 Benefits Of Cold Shower For Your Health
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8 Benefits Of Cold Shower For Your Health

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