10 Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath


Strange Behaviors Of Authentic Empath

Being an authentic empath is not easy. Ignorance only makes it worse. So, in case you have recently found out that you are an empath, here is a list of strange behaviors of an authentic empath

behaviors of an authentic empath
10 Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath

1. Empaths canโ€™t help taking on the energy of others

The thing is, you donโ€™t just sense other peopleโ€™s emotions- you start feeling them too. This can get pretty trying at times. You canโ€™t be in the company of someone who is feeling sad without finding yourself near tears as well. And the very next instant, you might want to laugh out loud because another person next to you is just so happy.

These instant mood swings are exhausting and drain your energy like nothing else. But donโ€™t worry, with the time youโ€™d learn to control your empathetic impulses and it wonโ€™t be so bad.

Related – The Empathy-Compassion Spectrum: What Is The Difference Between Compassion And Empathy?

2. Your intuition is always spot on

Of course, all of us come with some extent of intuition which guides us through every day. But in the case of an authentic empath, it is completely off the charts. They know what is happening; even if there have been no clear verbal indicators.

Being an empath, youโ€™d learn to observe that you are picking up messages psychically. No matter what someone is saying, youโ€™d always be able to clearly understand their true intentions. This is because you are tuned into the emotions of others and there is scarcely anything that can go unnoticed by you.

empath facts
10 Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath

Related: Signs you are an Empath

3. Being around people is tiring and you feel drained often

Being around people, especially a large crowd is an ordeal for you. As explained above, you feel the emotions of others and this constant up and down of emotions and being around different people is enough to tire anyone.

Even more important is the fact that since you can feel what others are feeling, you canโ€™t help but try to help them; doesnโ€™t matter whether they asked you for it or not. You want to help everyone you meet and you spend a lot of your own energy dealing with the problems which arenโ€™t yours. You need to learn to cut back on this for your own good.

Related: 10 Things A Narcissist Believes All Empaths Owe Them

4. You find yourself being surrounded by people who are broken

As the direct result of the previous point, people who need help and emotional strength naturally gravitate towards you. Even strangers will be attracted to you because they can sense that youโ€™d listen to them and provide possible relief. As noble as it is to help others, sometimes you need to help yourself first. And how do you do that?

Again, you need to show restraint. When the universe gets the message that you are not willing to help only people who are very close to you, the others will automatically back off.

Related: 6 Struggles That An Empath Faces Daily (That Most People Never Notice)

5. You donโ€™t do well around crowds

Most people are happy to be a part of a crowd. The feeling of belonging draws people in thousands towards crowded events such as parties, concerts and the likes. Not to an empath though. For empaths, crowds can be very hard to process. They feel like they are being assaulted by various energies from every direction.

In order to protect yourself from the energies of the crowd, you can try wearing a protective stone on your person. They are very effective in shielding you from the energy of others.

6. You canโ€™t simply live anywhere

While relocating, the dimensions of the new house and proximity to the nearest Starbucks are not the only things on your mind. For you, it is important that the energy of a place doesnโ€™t hit you negatively. This means that living in a house where violent crime was committed (no matter how long ago) is completely out of the question.

Overall, an authentic empath prefers living in areas with low population densities. And the hustle and bustle of city life is not particularly attractive to them.

7. You are hypersensitive

You canโ€™t help it. Even if you know that the violence on the TV is enacted and make-belief you canโ€™t watch it for more than a few seconds. You canโ€™t turn a blind eye if you see an animal in pain. The same is the case for people.

If you see someone in pain, physical or emotional- you need to help. And if you cannot help because of some reason or the other, you will have to remove yourself from the situation. There is no other way.

Related: 5 Ways Empaths Can Protect Themselves from Toxic Energy

Empath Be like

8. Lies never work on you

One of the positive aspects of being able to sense the emotions of others is that they can never lie to you. They might put on the most convincing smile, but you know what is going on in their hearts.

At first, it might fill you with indignation a lot; especially because in most cases you canโ€™t prove it that they are lying. However, with time you will learn to handle it better and prepare yourself against backstabbers and the likes.

Related: The Mirror Effect Of The Empath: Why Some People Dislike You Instantly

9. You have the gift of emotionally healing others

You know most people listen, but not all of them understand. An empath, however, understands exactly what is going on through someoneโ€™s mind. This is why they are such good emotional healers.

If you are an authentic empath you can greatly help others who need emotional healing. But before you offer them your gift, make sure they are worthy of it. There are enough people in this world who would make use of someoneโ€™s gift and then not hesitate even for a second to harm them.

10. You have a problem with downplaying your own problems

Lastly, you are so busy taking care of the rest of the world that you donโ€™t care about yourself. You are always pushing your own problems away in favor of helping someone else. Moreover, you donโ€™t give yourself enough time to heal and recuperate before you go to saving someone else.

If you donโ€™t learn to take care of yourself, you will only end up burning out. Give yourself some importance, nobody else will.

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Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath
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Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath

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    Scherherazade Gibson

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