Zodiac Signs RANKED By Most Difficult To Love


Zodiac Signs RANKED By Most Difficult To Love

Falling in love is one of the most beautiful experiences life has to offer, and life feels complete when you finally find the one you were always looking for. But some people are difficult to love, no matter how hard you might try, and to understand that, all you need to do is have a look at their zodiac signs.

Maybe you are ready to give them all the love they need in their life, but no matter what you do, nothing seems to work out. Every zodiac sign has its own traits and sensibilities, and while it can be easy to love some signs, it can be equally difficult to love some of the others.

โ€œFalling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the skeptic, an ardent zealot.โ€ โ€• E.A. Bucchianeri

Here Are All The Zodiac Signs RANKED By Most Difficult To Love

1. Virgo (August 23- September 23)

The independent one

You are the most independent of all the zodiac signs. You are capable of dealing with yourself and you always want to live life on your terms. You donโ€™t depend on others at all. Hence, it becomes difficult for others to break your hard outer shell.


2. Scorpio (October 23- November 22)

The confused one

Scorpio is confused and doesnโ€™t know what they want from the relationship. So it becomes extremely difficult for others to figure out what their Scorpio love interest might want.


3. Sagittarius (November 23- December 21)

The commitment-phobic one

The Sagittarius runs away from commitment. Extremely whimsical, they wouldnโ€™t think twice before leaving you. Itโ€™s extremely difficult to get committed to them in a long-term relationship.


4. Aquarius (January 21- February 18)

The donโ€™t-want-to-be-vulnerable one

They do not want to be vulnerable in front of others. Well aware of the fact that love will make them weak and vulnerable, they try to stay reserved and it becomes quite a challenge to make them open up to you.


5. Capricorn (December 22- January 20)

The practical one

This earth sign is extremely rooted to the ground. If the relationship is practical for them, then only they will consider giving an effort. Else, not.


6. Gemini (May 22- June 21)

The indecisive one

The twins are indecisive. They are extremely emotional and it becomes difficult for them to take the right decision. However, the Gemini can adapt to situations and can be great lovers who will be there for you when you need them.


7. Leo (July 22- August 22)

The risky one

When you are falling for a Leo, just remember that they come with a risk. They can be either good or bad. You need to keep their ego balanced to keep them in your life.


8. Aries (March 21- April 19)

The workaholic one

You are always running after success and it becomes difficult for you to choose that special one. You tend to give extremely little time in a relationship but at one point or the other, you manage to settle down.


9. Taurus (April 20-May 21)

The loyal one

It takes quite some time to get through to a Taurus but once done, they are yours forever. Taurus is one of the most loyal lovers of the zodiac signs.


10. Libra (September 23- October 22)

The balanced one

Libra is always looking for balance in the relationship. They always want peace in a relationship and if they love you, they will love you selflessly.


11. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

The emotional one

Pisces loves deeply. Itโ€™s easy to get their affection because they are extremely emotional and itโ€™s difficult for them to stay away from the people who love them. They make wonderful romantic partners.


12. Cancer (June 22- July 22)

The one who nurtures

If you are in need of a partner who will take care of you and nurture you, then Cancer is the right one for you. Cancer is the nurturer among all the zodiac signs. They are reliable and extremely kind-hearted souls and you will enjoy a fulfilling relationship with them.


So, these are all the zodiac signs and how easy or difficult they are to love. Which one do you belong to? Let us know in the comments down below!

Zodiac Signs Ranked From The Most Hard Ones To Love To The Easiest
How Hard Are You To Love? Zodiac Ranked From Difficult To the Easiest To Love
Zodiac Signs RANKED By Most Difficult To Love pin
Zodiac Signs Ranked By Most Difficult To Love

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  1. A-Rae Avatar

    I really hate that they say that Sagittarians are commitment phobes. If anyone born under that sign read it repeatedly they would feel like they are not worthy of relationships and may as well slit their wrists because obviously no love is coming their way. I wish they would stop writing absolutes. Everyone is different even within their signs. Stop sharing info that seriously sets people up to fail in love before they have even begun. Itโ€™s like the opposite of a positive affirmation.

    1. EtoileMaren Avatar

      Your frustration is totally understandable. Take a moment to consider this perspective: When you stumble across Astrology posts and articles such as this one, you will often notice it only refers to the sign a person is born under (e.g., October 31st = Scorpio sun). Sometimes, posts like these include the Rising/Ascendant sign or say you can read for the Rising sign, especially if the Sun sign is the same as the Rising/Ascendant sign. When we meet someone, we meet the Rising sign first, then the Sun sign, and then the Moon sign in a more private and definitely one-on-one setting. I myself become annoyed at these posts, like “Libra is the balanced one” and I’m thinking “No, not really. That depends on their natal chart and a Synastry with someone” or how “Taurus is the loyal one” and I’m like “Yeah, to an extent. They are loyal to a fault but can detest you just as powerfully especially if they’re holding grudges and feel you’ve betrayed them even when the truth is you didn’t”. Still, these free posts are informative and I appreciate them. Just remember that there is more to a person’s astrological makeup than just the Sun sign. Remembering this can help you not take posts/articles like this one so personally.

      Since you are upset with Sagittarius one, consider the needs of a Sagittarius and why the author is deeming them as “commitment phobic.” When I read this, I personally don’t sense the Sun or Rising… I sense the Moon, then possibly Venus and perhaps Mars. Venus is what the person needs from a partner/relationship and who they are attracted to, while Mars is how they attract someone and pursue someone. Venus is the red rose, Mars is the warm fire (Venus = romance, sensuality, nonsexual intimacy; Mars = sex, sexuality, sexual intimacy, protectiveness). Someone with a Sagittarius Sun is more likely to be able toโ€”and want toโ€”commit to someone, whereas a Sagittarius Moon person may fit this article’s description better because it’s the moon and the moon is our basic fundamental needs. For example, a Sagittarius Sun-Libra Moon-Sagittarius Venus has the *need* to be with someone (Libra Moon) but also needs some space and adventure for the relationship to work for them. A Libra Sun-Sagittarius Moon-Libra Venus is somewhat similar, only their moon makes them *need* adventure and room to explore, they cannot be tied down to anyone…and them having Libra Venus can make them more likely to either cheat (betrayal/infidelity/adultery) or be polyamorous (all partners are aware and consent), or go have short-term relationships feeling incapable or making a personal choice to not commit to someone long-term. This person is more likely to cheat than the first one due to the Sagittarius Moon and Libra Venus (they have to work harder at being committed and loyal to someone), whereas the Libra Moon and Sagittarius Venus may cheat if they don’t feel their partner is safe to commit to long-term and doesn’t understand their need for adventure and room to explore without feeling tied down/restricted in any way.

      Take in the information, as there’s a ton out there that is freeโ€”and informative! Consider the personals (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ascendant, Midheaven), the aspects between the personal planets and angels/axis, the houses each planet is in, and then a Synastry chart to really understand if a person is commitment phobic or not (you can do a Composite chart if you know yours and the other person’s birth time).

      I hope this helps ๐Ÿ™‚

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