The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign


wrong kind people zodiac sign

Every person walking on this earth has fallen for the wrong people, at some point or the other; maybe it’s something everyone has to go through to find the one they are meant to be with. But when it comes to some people, they keep on falling for the wrong people. If you are one of them, then have you ever thought about why this happens?

Interestingly, your zodiac sign might hold the answer to that. Yes, your zodiac sign can tell you why you keep falling for the wrong people and get your heart broken, over and over again.

Why You Keep Falling For The Wrong People Based On Your Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

wrong kind people zodiac sign aries
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Falls for people who are like them.

The adventurous Aries falls for people who are exactly like them. Though the relationship appears quite interesting in the beginning, it loses its momentum slowly and both the partners try to dominate one another. This results in the failure of the relationship.

Rather, the Aries should date someone who is their polar opposite in order to have a long and stable relationship.


2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

wrong kind people zodiac sign taurus
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Goes for people who according to their guts arenโ€™t right.

The stubborn Taurus always chooses people who arenโ€™t right for them. This results in a bigger mess. Itโ€™s better for you to go with people who are adaptable and easy-going to adjust to your headstrong nature.


3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

wrong kind people zodiac sign gemini
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Drives away the right ones in order to avoid getting hurt.

The social butterfly Gemini is, they always drive away anyone who comes close to them. They are scared of getting hurt but in doing so, they actually invite shallow people to hurt them.

A Gemini needs to be someone who cannot be driven away so easily, who will stand by their side and make their relationship work.


4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

wrong kind people zodiac sign cancer
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ends up with attention-seekers.

Being a nurturer, Cancer always attracts attention-seekers. What they donโ€™t realize is they need care and warmth too. Cancer needs to be with someone who can be balanced in a relationship, who will give as much as they receive.


5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

wrong kind people zodiac sign leo
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Falls for their โ€˜yes-personโ€™.

The charismatic Leo enjoys being with people who always say โ€˜yesโ€™ to whatever they do. Eventually, they fall in love with one such โ€˜yes-personโ€™ but it becomes boring after a while. Also, it doesnโ€™t felicitate Leoโ€™s personal development.

You need to be with someone who will criticize you and help you grow.


6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

wrong kind people zodiac sign virgo
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Goes with people who are too casual and chilled out.

The pragmatic Virgo thinks they need people who are good listeners and eventually fall for the ones who are extremely easy-going. The relationship turns sour because this kind of person fails to understand the serious issues of the Virgo.

Instead of going for such a type, you should go for the one who is critical and will give you advice in times of need.


7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

wrong kind people zodiac sign libra
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ends up with people who love them for their appearances.

The charming Libra loves to be with people who admire them for the ways they look. But you need balance in life. So, you need to be with the one who will love you even on days you donโ€™t look good and will criticize you to make you improve.


8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

wrong kind people zodiac sign scorpio
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Falls for unassertive ones.

The moody, mysterious Scorpio often ends up with unassertive partners as they live in their own world. This leads them to a lot of wrong moves. The ideal partner for the Scorpio is a sensitive person who will be able to understand and support them.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

wrong kind people zodiac sign sagittarius
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ends up with a like-minded and chilled out partner who lacks seriousness.

The fun-loving Sagittarius always ends up with a partner who loves to explore with them but the lack of seriousness in their partner causes harm to the relationship. The Sagittarius needs a partner who is equally fun-loving and serious.


10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

wrong kind people zodiac sign capricorn
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Falls for introverts.

The workaholic Capricorn usually takes time to fall in love and after some time, both the partners donโ€™t know how to interact. A practical and easy-going partner is someone Capricorn should be with.


11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

wrong kind people zodiac sign aquarius
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ends up with people who are fragile like them.

Itโ€™s hard for the Aquarius to commit because they are carefree and this leads to them committing to the wrong people who are equally laidback to the ways of the world. However, the Aquarius needs someone who will keep them grounded.


12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

wrong kind people zodiac sign pisces
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ends up with narcissists.

The dreamer, sensitive Pisces loves to help people and usually falls in love with narcissists who use them and leave them hurt and broken. You need someone who will love you back and help you with the practical ways of life.


So, do you also keep on falling for the wrong people? Let us know in the comments down below!

Why You Keep Falling For The Wrong People Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Why You Keep Falling For The Wrong People Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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The Wrong Kind Of People You Usually Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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  1. Braxton Walton Avatar
    Braxton Walton

    LMFAO!! Very clever rangers.

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