7 Signs of A Female Narcissist


Signs of A Female Narcissist

Can women be narcissists?
Yes! Female narcissists can be as toxic and threatening as male narcissists. Read on to know the signs of female narcissist

What is narcissism?

Narcissism refers to thinking very highly of oneself. Narcissists are selfish and have almost no regard for others.

A narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder where you constantly seek attention. You donโ€™t care about others and believe youโ€™re special and superior, even if youโ€™re not.

What Narcissist Means
7 Signs Of A Female Narcissist

Who is a female narcissist?

Narcissistic women can be self-absorbed, vain, lack empathy, and possess a bloated sense of entitlement.

They often have a vicious thirst for interpersonal exploitation and can bully their friends, family members, and romantic partners.

Although they can pretend to be caring and sweet, they are actually very cruel, vindictive, ruthless, and even abusive.

It is really easy to fall into their toxic web, whether youโ€™re a man or a woman.

narcissist's life

This video will help you identify the signs of a female narcissist to help you spot them easily.

Female Narcissist Signs

7 Signs of A Female Narcissist

Here are signs of a female narcissist that will help you to spot them and save yourself a great deal of pain.

signs of a female narcissist
7 Signs Of A Female Narcissist

1. Theyโ€™re highly concerned about their looks

Physical appearance is very important to the narcissistic woman. From body size to outfits, from fitness to makeup, it is mandatory for them to look good, if not better than others, at all times.

2. They donโ€™t take โ€œNOโ€ for an answer

Having an inflated sense of self, the female narcissist has a strong need to be right all the time. Denial or rejection is considered a direct attack on their self-esteem.

3. They can flirt with anyone

A narcissistic woman will flirt even with people they donโ€™t like just to get attention. They will use their sexuality & charm as a weapon to get what they want, even if they arenโ€™t interested in you.

4. They find it hard to apologize

As they believe theyโ€™re better than others, female narcissists have a problem with accepting their faults and apologizing. They will shift the blame on others and avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes.

5. They lack empathy for others

Being self-centered, the female narcissist struggles with the opinions of others. Theyโ€™re aggressive and inflexible people who are incapable of showing empathy to others. They can easily sideline the people around them.

6. They donโ€™t negotiate, they manipulate

Due to their fragile egos, narcissistic women do not believe in negotiations. However, theyโ€™re master manipulators. They can manipulate unsuspecting folks easily to have things their way.

7. Theyโ€™re highly competitive

Female narcissist has an alpha attitude that makes them very competitive and envious. They may act nice to people who pose a threat, but they will deceive and manipulate their way to superiority over others, even when thereโ€™s no need.

These 7 signs will help you identify a female narcissist.

However, it is not always easy to spot them as theyโ€™re good at hiding their true intentions.

Have you encountered a female narcissist? Are you dating a female narcissist?
Share your story in the comments section.

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7 Signs Of A Female Narcissist

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  1. Andy Ward Avatar
    Andy Ward

    I believed she was the love of my life. She was everything I wanted. I loved her so much so deeply more than Iโ€™ve ever loved anyone. She left me, cut me dead while 6 weeks pregnant!! I got the blame for it all, too needy and suffocating. I heard nothing from her apart from an email which stated at the end โ€œwhen Iโ€™ve decided what Iโ€™m going to do about the baby Iโ€™ll let you knowโ€ those words still haunt me. A week later I had a text msg to say she had miscarried in the night and was no longer pregnant. Hadnโ€™t heard a thing from her before that!! We got back together for 2 months only for her to cut me dead again after I asked a simple question making sure she wanted it to work between us and we were heading in the right direction. Again I got blamed for it all. Less than a month later( she was seeing this guy as well as me I think) sheโ€™s seeing a new guy and he is Mr wonderful and sheโ€™s so happy. 2 years we were together, I even took her kids on, loved them and I really miss them. We talked about having a baby and I was so happy for two years and to be able to be a dad again!!! She completely destroyed me twice!!!
    Lesson learned Iโ€™ll never let anyone in close again ever!! Iโ€™m a nice genuine guy who would never treat anyone like that, never. When she came back to me she didnโ€™t really talk about the baby or what went wrong between us the first time. No sorry, no explanation that made any sense, nothing!! I still go this day have no idea what I did wrong!!! I adored her, my parents loved her, I got on so well with her family, I wanted to spend my life with her, wanted to marry her, thought Iโ€™d found my happy ending, for me it was true love but it seems it was only one way

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