What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign


what makes you sad

Whether you’ve had a bad day at work or things aren’t going so well in your relationship, there are many reasons to explain what makes you sad. Take your zodiac sign’s help. It is associated with your elements, moods and personality which in turn will help you find out things that are making you so overwhelmed or why itโ€™s not working out.

Read below to gain knowledge about the things that make you unhappy and sad.

Hereโ€™s What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

what makes you sad aries
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You love doing things your way but sometimes you pile up too many responsibilities on yourself which prevents you from performing well. The pressure and stress that comes with it can often make you sad.

As an Aries, youโ€™re quite sensitive and it’s easy for you to get frustrated or upset when you donโ€™t feel like yourself. You feel like youโ€™re not making improvements or arenโ€™t being productive enough, it makes you even more upset.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign
Related: Aries Personality Traits: A Zodiac Guide to the Enterprising Yet Ruthless Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

what makes you sad taurus
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You feel sad when you put in the effort but things don’t go as planned. You hope that your determination will help push you through to the end, but avoiding shortcomings isn’t always possible. 

When going through what makes you sad, know that you’re one of the most stubborn among the zodiac signs, Taurus, which means that you almost never back down from a challenge or from reaching your goals. That said, because you’re so headstrong, you often don’t give yourself another chance in case things go wrong. It’s okay to not always have your way.

Related: 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About
Related: 10 Reasons Why Taurus Women Make The Best Love Partners

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

what makes you sad gemini
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You prefer enjoying life and its simple pleasures, but when life gets a little too real or stressful for you, you find yourself shutting down and falling into a depressed state.

When you ask yourself, “why am I sad?” You have to take into account that you’re used to jumping from one thing to the next, Gemini, but sometimes you need to slow down as it all can get exhausting. While you may be attuned with your inner self and skilled at handling conflict, you are as prone to emotional exhaustion as everyone else.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Gemini (13 Brutal Truths)

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

what makes you sad cancer
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You get sad because of your big heart and often grieve with others. You tend to carry the weight of everyone’s troubles on your shoulders as it’s hard for you to take a passive seat in the lives of the people you care about.

Cancer, your caregiving, nurturing nature are some of your best qualities, but they can also be the main reason you get sad frequently. You have such a big heart that instead of comforting and moving on you get caught up in everyone else’s problems and sorrow.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving a Cancer (10 Brutal Truths)

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

what makes you sad leo
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Youโ€™ve worked hard to get where you want to be in life, so having negative people around only brings your mood down.

Leo, you symbolize the lion and infant very prideful of the life you have because you’ve worked incredibly hard for it. You don’t get sad very often, but what makes you sad is when people try to bring you down. You hate when they talk about you behind your back as youโ€™ve always acknowledged constructive criticism and not the other way around.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign
Related: Top 13 Reasons Why Leo Is The Best Zodiac Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

what makes you sad virgo
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You feel sad when you feel like others are not making an effort. You don’t have any patience for people who bring half-hearted conversations or love to you.

Virgo, youโ€™re a gentle soul which also means that how other people behave can affect you. You feel like youโ€™ve always been nice to others and when you see that if you don’t text or call them, they don’t make an effort either, this can really make you feel upset.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving a Virgo (12 Brutal Truths)

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

what makes you sad libra
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You feel sad when you are unable to make the right call or when things don’t go as planned. It’s natural for you to become depressed in such situations. 

As a Libra, it’s easy for you to get stuck in your head, where you constantly struggle with what’s right and wrong. You value order and peace, which means you are constantly striving to make the best decisions in life. Inability to make the correct decision can make a hard-hitting impact for you.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign
Related: What it Means to Love a Libra

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

what makes you sad scorpio
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

It’s important that you feel things intensely and not just happiness. It can be distressing when you are unable to express yourself or experience a blockage of emotions.

Scorpio, you’re more accustomed to the darker side of emotions and feelings than other zodiac signs.

However, you are not always able to put your feelings into words, whether because you are unsure that anyone will understand or because you do not understand them yourself. The next time something bothers you, try to work on communicating your feelings.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths)

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

what makes you sad sagittarius
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The reason why do you feel sad is that you can’t believe how narrow-minded people can be. The world is evolving but there are still people trying to spread hate and not be welcoming.

Sagittarius, your personal mission is to have as many eye-opening experiences and explorations as possible. You believe in making memories for yourself, which you want to do with your family, friends, and every new person you meet. However, when you come across people who hold unkind thoughts and opinions and it breaks your heart.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

what makes you sad capricorn
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

When you’re so used to succeeding, failure can be disappointing. Especially it catches you off guard and hits you at your weakest spot.

As a Capricorn, you are extremely ambitious and goal-oriented. You’re the type of person who has a long list of goals that you want to accomplish, the reason why you feel sad is when you experience failure it can break your spirit and be overwhelming for you.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

what makes you sad aquarius
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You feel sad when you don’t feel like you belong or that you don’t fit into a group, but in reality, all you need to do is find people with whom you vibe.

Being an Aquarius means that you enjoy meeting new people. It’s just something about exchanging ideas and learning new things that incite you. However, you can have difficulty connecting with people on an emotional level at times. When you don’t relate to others deeply it can make you sad.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

what makes you sad pisces
What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You can easily make yourself sad, usually over things that do not exist. Your mood is constantly shifting, and there are times when you just need to be reminded that you are loved.

Pisces, you have a tendency to perceive reality differently than the other zodiac signs. It’s a quirk of yours that can become negative if you dwell on it too much, and that’s why you feel sad. But those who know you understand that it’s just you being yourself. You may believe that your friends and family don’t care about you or that you don’t fit in, but this is not the case.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Pisces (7 Brutal Truths)

Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately and couldn’t understand why you feel sad? We hope that now you have a better understanding of your sorrows and can cope with them. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Makes You Sad Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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