8 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight, According To Studies


reasons of not losing weight

How to change things that are stopping you from losing weight?

โ€œWeight loss can change your whole character. That always amazed me: Shedding pounds does change your personality. It changes your philosophy of life because you recognize that you are capable of using your mind to change your body.โ€ โ€“ Jean Nidetch

Losing weight can be a difficult task, more so as you get older and youโ€™ve always had those few extra pounds weighing you down. But diet and exercise are not enough to get you down to your ideal weight.

More than just the physical changes that you are making, weight loss also involves a change in your mindset and lifestyle. Gaining weight is always easy but losing it is definitely not.

8 things stopping you from losing weight and how to change that

1) Stress And Anxiety

We all live extremely fast-paced lives which are often complicated. Be it at home or at work or with friends, there are numerous problems and annoyances we all have to deal with.

Constant emotional pressure and tension not only cause your hormone levels to fluctuate, but they can also drive you to eat unhealthy amounts of food. This makes the exercise you do completely redundant.

Try not to succumb to the stress by concentrating on relaxing practices like meditation and yoga. Regular exercise will stimulate your brain to release endorphins which will make you feel happier.

You can also store some healthy snacks, fruits, for example, to fulfill cravings so that you can eat comfort food without ruining your health.

Read Press This Button On Your Body To Help Relieve Your Stress And Anxiety

2) Erratic Sleep Cycle

When you donโ€™t get at least six hours of sleep every night, your metabolism slows down and your body doesnโ€™t burn calories at the rate it ideally should.

Staying up really late past dinner can also make you hungry and youโ€™ll find yourself reaching into your pantry for a midnight snack, effectively regaining any weight you lost during the day.

You will also end up feeling tired and lethargic all the time. This will only demotivate you working out or performing any physical activity. Set a bedtime and stick to it. You will start losing weight. Your life will begin to change.

Read The Top 7 Proven Methods for Better Sleep

3) Exposure To Light Pollution

Research shows that when animals are constantly under any source of light, without increasing their food or lowering their exercise, they can still put on weight. Sadly, our world is always lit, which is one of the main reasons you aren’t losing weight.

Cars, lights from the city, TVs, all contribute to the light pollution around us. Even the blue lights emitted by devices like phones and tabs can make it difficult to go to sleep.

Make sure that very little light enters your room when youโ€™re about to turn in so that your body knows itโ€™s time to shut down. Switch off all your devices at least an hour before you settle in for the night.

4) Pills

Some medicines have the nasty side effect of making your metabolism work at a sluggish pace. Some also induce cravings for food at odd hours. Weight gain is a very common side effect.

Talk to your physician and find out what other medicines you can take that will keep you healthy without affecting your weight adversely.

Read 29 Proven Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence

5) Lack Of Confidence

Youโ€™ll quickly lose the will to the gym and eat healthy if you donโ€™t believe that you can. Many people tend to think about themselves so negatively that they firmly believe they are weak even if they are not.

Self-confidence is a superpower

Donโ€™t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes and lose a day or two of exercise occasionally. This will make it harder to pick up where you left off.

Believe in yourself and be kind to yourself. Remember that you are strong and determined, that you can work out harder tomorrow. This will work wonders for your motivation.

6) Go Organic

Throughout our lives, we are exposed to a variety of artificial chemicals. Theyโ€™re everywhere, in the wind, the soil, and even in our houses.

Sometimes these chemicals can cause you to gain weight, more so if youโ€™ve been in contact with them ever since the growing years.

You can keep exposure to a bare minimum by eating fresh, organic foods and using very little plastic around the house. Ensure that you always drink filtered water that doesnโ€™t contain anything harmful.

7) Health Issues

Several health conditions come with weight gain added on. Hypothyroidism, diabetes, PCOS, and fluid retention are just some of the conditions that have this as a prominent side effect.

If you realize that you arenโ€™t losing but only gaining weight despite your best efforts, go for a full medical check-up to see if you have any condition that could be responsible for this.

Once you start treatment that can control the condition, youโ€™ll notice that you start losing weight and feel more fit and healthy overall.

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8) Clinical Depression

Many people suffering from depression are so used to the feeling; they donโ€™t even realize they are depressed. This can make you sluggish and lead to binge eating to find comfort.

Discuss your condition with an experienced professional who can help you deal with it and take back the reins of your mind and body.

Once you feel happier, you can work on being healthier. You will be more motivated to exercise, diet, and take care of yourself in general.

It is not enough that you carefully diet and work out. These changes in your lifestyle will have to be made if you want to keep off that annoying extra weight.

Depression Isnโ€™t Always Dark Rooms

Lastly and most importantly, donโ€™t ever lose heart, no matter how hard it might seem. We all slip up once in a while and thatโ€™s absolutely alright.

Read 7 Warning Signs Of Depression That You Need To Know

As soon as youโ€™ve figured out what changes suit you, youโ€™ll be surprised at how efficiently you work out and eat right. Losing weight and sustaining that ideal weight will be that much easier for you.

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8 Things Stopping You From Losing Weight and How To Change That
8 Things Stopping You From Losing Weight and How To Change That
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