8 Things To Never Do In The Morning After Waking Up


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Things To Never Do In The Morning After Waking Up

Mornings can be a battlefield, especially when the alarm clock rudely interrupts your dreams of tropical beaches and unlimited snooze buttons. But here’s the deal: there are certain things to never do, once you’ve woken up. Trust me, I’ve made my fair share of morning blunders.

Picture this: stumbling around and extremely groggy, you are reaching for that tempting snooze button like it’s your lifeline, only to realize that you’ve wasted precious time and now you are running late for work and household chores.

If you relate to this scenario, then it’s high time you ditch those toxic morning habits and practice some healthy ones. So, grab your coffee and read on to know about eight things to never do after you wake up in the morning.

Related: 8 Morning Routine Habits That Will Make You More Disciplined

8 Things To Never Do In The Morning After Waking Up

1. Waking up late.

Yes, this is the very first thing you need to do if you’re trying to give up your toxic morning habits. Let’s face it, waking up late can really mess up your day because if you press snooze too many times, before you know it, you’re rushing from the get-go!

You have no time for peace and quiet nor do you have ample time to get ready for what’s coming at you. That hour right after you wake up is golden. It’s when you should be setting yourself up for success.

So try getting up a bit earlier, take an hour to kickstart your day right, and feel the difference it makes.

Things to never do in the morning
8 Things To Never Do In The Morning After Waking Up

2. Checking your emails first thing in the morning.

It may sound smart to start your day by going through your inbox, but that’s probably one of the things to never do. The reason is if you dive headfirst into a sea of urgent messages, you start off your day with anxiety and tension.

What you should do is keep your phone away from you, and check your messages and emails when you reach your office. If going through your inbox gets you really tied up in knots, why not wait until later to peek at it?

You might see it totally flips the script for getting more done with way less stress. Also, you will realize that not checking your emails first thing in the morning makes you feel calmer and more confident about the day that’s coming.

3. Not practicing self-care, and taking time out for yourself.

One of the things to never do after waking up in the morning is this.

Caring for your mind and body is just as important as hitting deadlines and attending meetings at work. People with healthy morning habits know that you can’t give your all if you’re running on an empty tank. You have to feel good to do well, you know.

That’s why, each morning, you should set aside some time for self-care, and self-love. Whether that means exercising, meditating, or simply basking in the sunlight for a few minutes, do it.

Remember, looking after yourself is not a luxury, it’s essential to your overall well-being. You should be at the top of your to-do list, so donโ€™t neglect yourself.

Related: 5 Strategies To Perfect Your Morning Routine And Make Every Day a Good Day

4. Not moving your body.

If you are wondering what toxic morning habits to give up, then this should be number 1. Just 20 minutes of light-moderate exercise can improve your mood and increase your energy for 12 hours!

However, remember that you don’t have to work out like Usain Bolt or Serena Williams; just a little bit of moderate exercise can get your heart pumping at a rate of about 110 to 120 beats per minute. So, you really donโ€™t have to wake up and do a very tiring, and drenching high-intensity workout.

Additionally, working out first thing in the morning helps you utilize the first 12 hours of the day which are considered to be the “happier hours” by experts.

5. Active on social media in the morning

If you are thinking about what morning habits to give up, then this is particularly important. For everyone who loves to check their phones as soon they wake up, we’ve all found ourselves grabbing our phones and instantly starting to browse through our social media handles.

If the first thing you do is doomscroll on social media after waking up, then you’re not just tiring yourself out mentally, you are also wasting time. Itโ€™s like going down a hole you never intended to explore.

You end up feeling left out or less accomplished because you’re measuring your life against someone else’s best moments without even realizing it. Resist that first temptation to scroll through your social media in the morning, folks.

Try giving your day a shot of reality first, it’s probably better for you in the long haul. This is one of those toxic morning habits that you should give up right now.

Things to never do in the morning - scroll through social media after waking up
8 Things To Never Do In The Morning After Waking Up

6. Not making your bed.

The state of your bedroom can have a significant impact on your personal well-being. Yes, it’s true. Making your bed and keeping things neat and organized in your bedroom puts you in a positive mood and makes you feel a sense of accomplishment.

When you make your bed after waking up, you feel refreshed and energized and feel ready to take on the day as it comes.

Some might believe that skipping making the bed in the morning is no big deal, or it wonโ€™t make a difference. But theyโ€™re wrong. Make your bed and focus on cleanliness and you’ll be amazed by the positive impact this simple task has on your day.

Related: 8 Remarkable Psychological Benefits Of Making Your Bed

7. Having coffee immediately after waking up in the morning.

One of the most important things to never do after waking up in the morning is this. The first drink you should have after waking up in the morning is water, not coffee. This is because drinking coffee affects your cortisol levels, which helps you to maintain your energy.

It raises our cortisol levels and high cortisol can increase blood sugar, affect your sleep, and even impair your immunity. Moreover, it also makes you feel more anxious.

Now why should you tamper with your bodyโ€™s natural energy state early in the morning? Drink your coffee around one and a half hours later after waking up, and have some warm water first thing in the morning.

8. Not including protein in your breakfast.

Ideally, you should consume around 20-30 grams of protein after waking up in the morning. Not having protein as part of your breakfast is one of the most toxic morning habits.

Why? Protein provides a more stable blood sugar level and even tends to prevent hunger spikes. And most importantly dopamine has been found to regulate motivation leading to โ€œinitiation and persistence.โ€

This is exactly what we need to do first thing in the morning: have a protein-rich breakfast.

So, these are the things to never do in the morning after waking up. Even though it might not seem like a huge deal, but trust me, these toxic morning habits can affect your overall well-being in the long run.

habits to give up
8 Things To Never Do In The Morning After Waking Up

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