7 Warning Signs Of Depression That You Need To Know


signs of depression

Depression is more than just a low mood. It is a global mental health issue which requires immediate medical notice.

Are you wondering what signs of depression look like?

Are you feeling not yourself and wondering if you are depressed?

Below a list of 7 warning signs of depression that are important for you to know right now!

The earlier you diagnose depression, the easier it is to treat.

1. Hopelessness.

Are you struggling with feelings of hopelessness?

When you think about the future are you filled with dread because your future looks so bleak?

When we are depressed, looking to the future in a positive way is literally impossible. When we are depressed itโ€™s hard to imagine that we will ever feel any differently than we do right now so the idea that the future might be bright is impossible to imagine.

Itโ€™s important that we recognize that hopelessness is one of the signs of depression because hopelessness is one of most insidious signs of depression because it can lead to thoughts of suicide.

So, understand that your hopelessness is in your head because of your depression and that seeking help is the best thing you can do to manage it.

2. Changes in sleeping patterns.

Are you having trouble sleeping? Are you sleeping way more than you used to?

Changes in sleeping patterns is one of the major signs of depression. We sleep less because we often lie awake with thoughts of hopelessness and dread keeping us up.

On the other hand, we sleep more because our body feels heavy and our mind is tired and sleep is the ultimate escape, if only for a bit.

If your sleep patterns have changed, recognize that it is one of the signs of depression and seek treatment.

3. Lack of interest.

Are the things that have always made you happy things that you now find unthinkable to do?

I know when I get depressed doing things that I have always loved to do, like hiking or reading or life coaching, are almost impossible. Instead, I lay around and watch TV and shut myself off from the things that make me happy.

And lying around watching TV actually sinks me into a deeper depression then I had before. Ironic, no?

So, if you are struggling to do the things that you love, you might be suffering from depression and itโ€™s time to seek help.

4. Listlessness.

One of the easiest signs of depression to notice is a distinct listlessness.

Do you have less energy than you used to? Does getting off the couch or out of bed seem simply impossible?

I always say that my depression is a 100 lb gorilla on my back, one who comes along with me doing my everyday day tasks but who makes doing them way more difficult because of itโ€™s weight

So, if you are struggling more than before with having the energy to live your life, you might be depressed and, again, seeking help would be a good idea.

5. Anger & impatience.

Do you find yourself quick to anger or impatient with those you love more than you used to?

Are your co-workers complaining because you are difficult to work with? Is your husband staying away because your irritation with him has grown? Do you find the kidโ€™s bedtime routine can enrage you in a way that it hasnโ€™t before?

Being more angry and impatient than usual can be one of the signs of depression and seeking help will be important before that anger harms your life and your relationships.

6. Isolating.

One of major signs of depression is that tendency to isolate.

When we are depressed, the idea of spending time with other people is almost unbearable. The thought of interacting with people in any way fills us with such a feeling of hopelessness and dread that we just canโ€™t do it.

Ironically, one of the best coping skills for managing depression is to spend time with those you love, to laugh and live and push that depression to the side, if only for a while.

Are you finding yourself wanting to keep away from others more than usual? If you do, you could be depressed and I encourage you to get help before your isolation makes everything worse.

7. Self-loathing.

One of the biggest signs of depression but one of the hardest to spot is self-loathing.

People who are depressed, people who are hopeless, listless, angry and isolated, are people who donโ€™t like themselves.

They donโ€™t like the behaviors they are displaying, the hurt they are causing people, the lack of interest in things that make them happy. They feel bad because getting up off the coach is truly impossible and what a loser they must be.

Furthermore, because there is such a stigma around depression, people who are depressed blame themselves for their mind set. They believe it when people tell them to Suck it up or Snap out of it.

They believe that, because they canโ€™t manage their mood, they are in fact a loser.

And believing that you are a loser will only exacerbates your depression.

So, if you are struggling with your self-esteem right now, in a way that you havenโ€™t before, then you could very well be depressed.

I want you to know, very clearly, that this depression is NOT your fault. It is something that has happened because of a chemical change or a life occurrence. Itโ€™s not something that you can just brush off. But it is something that you can deal with by seeking help.

So, do it!

Noticing the signs of depression is a key part of accepting that you might be depressed

An important part of managing your depression is accepting it and you can more easily do that by looking out for the signs.

So, notice if you are feeling hopeless, have a change in your sleeping patterns, if you have no energy or interest in doing things, if you are quick to anger and you if really donโ€™t like yourself.

The quicker that you seek treatment, the easier your depression will be to manage.

I struggled my whole life with depression but wasnโ€™t diagnosed until I was 42. Think of all of the life that I wasted being sad. Donโ€™t let that be you!

Written by Mitzi Bockmann
Originally appeared in LET YOUR DREAMS BEGIN

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the 5 stages of depression?

When dealing with depression, there are five stages a person goes through such as โ€“ย denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance

How to help my wife with anxiety and depression?

To help your significant other with mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, first you have to learn about the condition. Rather than criticizing them be supportive and take part in activities you both can do together.

What exactly are the signs of depression?

Prolonged feelings of sadness, emptiness or hopelessness. Sometimes angry outbursts, irritability and loss of sleep or appetite can be warning signs of depression.

7 warning signs of depression that you need to know pin

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  1. Lucky Harmantharie Avatar
    Lucky Harmantharie

    actually since i was kid i am an introvert.
    lately (2019 ) i’ve found myself is an INFJ (from pinterest free test), well .. i don’t know.
    basically i have trouble seeking a job.
    i am not a lazy person.
    i know and i really really undertstand i have to work to earn money for my living for my need for my cats for my hobbies
    i’ve done everything ( about job ) from any lower/nothing jobs and done some kind of very small home industry/cooking/meal product like make an order of cookies, cake, traditional snack, chocolate candy even entrusted to sell to small store etc etc
    i have done everthing
    i have trough so many terrible things
    i could say it, i could name it …every single person in my life who hurt me… including my family, other people and so on

    i blame myself
    everybody pointing finger on my face, blame me, blame me, blame me
    like i never did something good
    like i never did a lot of effort for everything i want i need in my live
    everybody blind and deft
    they dont care
    they just care to blame and to hurt me so so so bad

    until i run to religion
    and finally it makes me worst and worst
    cause they only care to JUDGE and BLAME me over and over.
    they yelling at me, they kick me out
    it hurt me so much and so bad
    they push me to admit that i am a sinner, a big sinner

    i very very dissaponted to god
    i hate god
    i hate people
    i hate
    i become an atheist
    maybe this is what he want
    what people want from me
    see me screww up like this and do not care

    they supposed to support me not give and bring entire negativity to and from me

    yes i blame my self.
    nothing is right from me

    and i do not know to who i can speak and solve my problem in my country, because i am a homeless

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