10 Powerful Tactics To Put A Narcissist In Their Place


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Powerful Tactics To Put A Narcissist In Their Place

Are you tired of narcissists? Tired of all the lies, manipulation, gaslighting, and abuse? While it’s best to avoid a narcissist, sometimes you just need to put a narcissist in their place and show them who the real boss is. 

Although most of us have some level of narcissism, people with a narcissistic personality disorder can be really difficult to deal with. They are attention-seeking, self-absorbed, and empathy-lacking individuals who can do anything to get what they want.

This is why it is important that you smack them down and show them where they belong.

Related: The 7 Thrilling Narcissist Cheating Patterns You Need To Know

10 Ways To Put A Narcissist In Their Place

There are some tactics that you can use to make a narcissist stop manipulating and dominating your life. But it will undoubtedly be one of the hardest battles of your life. 

Narcissists can be abusive and calm at the same time and will put up a fight the moment you stop dancing to their tunes. So you need to bring your A-game. But it will all be worth it in the end. 

Make sure you check out number 9 as it will completely change the game for you. 

Here are 10 tactics to put a narcissist in their place:

1) Don’t get emotional

One of the most powerful things you can do to put a narcissist in their place is this.

Don’t let their aggression or toxicity influence how you react to situations and people. They will blame you for being overly sensitive and emotional.

But if you do get emotional, remain calm and don’t allow them to push your buttons. Let them be as angry as they want. The calmer you are, the more irritated the narcissist will get. Stay detached and maintain your composure.

2) Stop apologizing

Remove the word “sorry” from your vocabulary. Although they may try to act like the victim, you are the one who is being exploited, used, and abused. 

Their narcissistic behavior is not your fault. Saying ‘sorry’ is not going to make them any better. If you keep apologizing to de-escalate the situation, it will only encourage them to abuse you further.

Do not constantly apologize for something you haven’t done.

3) Compel them to stay on point

Narcissists will randomly change the subject in the middle of a conversation to bring the focus back on themselves. They will use words smartly to hurt and to dominate you. So keep reminding them to stay on the topic at hand.

Do not try to react or confront them as they are master manipulators. The moment you react, they will make you look like the villain in the story. So stay focused on the subject.

4) Give them the silent treatment

This is undoubtedly one of the best things you can do to put a narcissist in their place.

Narcissists thrive on abusing others and they will keep tearing you down if you keep playing their mind games. Unless they speak to you with respect and treat you properly, do not respond to them.

Attention is like oxygen for narcissists. If you keep lashing out at them, they will keep you trapped in their loop of abuse and blame. So refuse to talk to them unless they start showing some respect. Not getting approval and validation from you is a risk they can’t afford to take.

Related: How to Disarm the Silent Treatment: 6 Steps

5) Use their name while talking

Calling a narcissist using their first name can help you dominate the conversation and show that you are the boss here. Repeat their name over and over again throughout the conversation as you look them in the eye. 

This can be a rather disturbing experience for the narcissist as it shows that you aren’t afraid of them. Use their name to take back control.

6) Take a stand

Speak up for yourself in a calm and gentle manner. Tell the narcissist how their words and behaviors affect your mental and emotional well-being. Set clear boundaries, say ‘no’ when you want to, and let them know what is unacceptable and how you expect them to behave. 

While the narcissist may not pay any attention or care about your personal boundaries, be strong and protect your boundaries at all costs. But pick your battles smartly.

7) Avoid trying to defeat them

People with narcissistic personality disorder are way too toxic for you to outsmart them in their own mind games. No matter how angry or frustrated you may feel, do not stoop down to their level. This will only make things worse for you and better for them.

Take control of your emotions and do not give the narcissist any opportunity to use your emotions against you. Avoid your urge to fight back and do not give them any power over you. 

8) Call them out on their lies

This is one of the best tactics to put a narcissist in their place.

While you should avoid confrontations, do not hesitate to call out the narcissist when things don’t add up. Be vocal about your concerns and let them know that you are aware of their deceptive ways. 

Calmly counter their efforts to gaslight you and make you seem insane. Talk to your narcissists while others are around you, ask them to repeat themselves, pretend you don’t understand them and ask for written communication, make audio and video recordings of your interactions, and write things down. 

Narcissists will distort the truth to have things their way, so make sure to keep your communication transparent and verifiable.

9) Overcome fear

Being abusive, narcissists can invoke anxiety and fear within us and they use this fear to control us. But you don’t need to be afraid of a narcissist. Beyond their grandiose exteriors, narcissists are crippled with fear and insecurities. 

Narcissists are fragile and frightened individuals who are rattled by humiliation, rejection, and even the smallest failures. Instead of being afraid of them or what they may do to you, realize that they are more afraid of you leaving them. Tap into your inner strength and overcome your fear of the narcissist. 

10) Focus on yourself, not them

People with a narcissistic personality disorder love to attract attention from others. Instead of forcing yourself to sacrifice your needs to meet theirs, keep your focus on your own mental, physical and emotional needs.

Do not adjust your life to cater to their attention-seeking nature. Do not let your self-esteem be shaped by the narcissist. Practice self-care and self-love. Invest in your other relationships and focus on yourself instead of fixing them. 

There you go!

These are 10 simple and solid tactics that can help you to put a narcissist in their place and build a more positive and healthier life for yourself. 

Have you ever dealt with a narcissist? What tactics have you used to deal with them? Let us know by leaving a comment below. 

Want to know more about how to put a narcissist in their place? Check this video out below!

10 Powerful Tactics To Put A Narcissist In Their Place

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10 Powerful Tactics To Put A Narcissist In Their Place
Tactics To Put A Narcissist In Their Place
10 Powerful Tactics To Put A Narcissist In Their Place
tactics to put a narcissist in their place
10 Powerful Tactics To Put A Narcissist In Their Place

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  1. Mary Avatar

    Wish I had known this 5 years ago….10 years ago….even 20 years ago and would have saved myself so much emotional and mental anguish.

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