6 Action Steps To Take When You Begin Feeling Overwhelmed


begin feeling overwhelmed

Feeling emotionally overwhelmed can be an all consuming feel.

Iโ€™m often asked that if you make the decision to choose to be happy. And follow all the strategies of living a life that feels nourishing and fulfilling. Will that equate to never feeling stressed or overwhelmed again?

And, honestly, answer is no. And thatโ€™s because life was never meant to be perfect. But the thing is, when you do find the path to choosing your happiness. And find strategies that work for you, those moments of stress are more easily traversed thanks to knowing the kind of action steps to take when you begin feeling out of sync.

Hereโ€™s 6 action steps to take when you begin feeling overwhelmed

1. Get Moving

The first one of the action steps to take when you begin feeling overwhelmed is to go for a walk. Itโ€™s an approach to exercise that almost anyone can do. And thereโ€™s no equipment necessary. All you need is a decent pair of shoes and somewhere safe to take a stroll. This can be around the block, at the mall, or on a treadmill somewhere.

Moving on Doesnโ€™t Mean You
6 Action Steps To Take When You Begin Feeling Overwhelmed

Our thoughts often shift us from managing things OK to feeling overwhelmed. So, by moving your body, youโ€™re forcing yourself out of your head and into your body. Thereโ€™s also something especially grounding about putting feet to pavement. As if youโ€™re sending those frustrations into Mother Earth.

Read Emotionally Overwhelmed or Feeling Trapped. Here’s How You Can Reclaim Your Life

2. Go To The Page

Taking pen to paper is one of the action steps to take to deal with feeling overwhelmed. And the best way to deal with those thoughts and emotions is to go to gratitude. so that your hand and brain seals the message with your soul that, even on the crappiest of days, there is goodness in your world.

In a small notebook or on a stack of index cards, each day simply writes down three to five things you are grateful for. Every day, so that it becomes a habit. Kind of a stop, drop and write moment.

Just know that gratitude will rewire the way your brain processes your thoughts. To make science work for you, do this daily as a morning or evening routine. Do this as a practice and see it as a ritual. And as a sacred act for your own soul.

3. Take It To The Mat

Thereโ€™s a reason why mediation is a hot topic when talking about managing stress. Thatโ€™s because it works. Scientists have found that folks who meditate  regularly have lower blood pressure. And even lowers blood sugar.

Meditation is one of the best action steps to take to deal with feeling overwhelmed. You can do this by sitting and breathing or downloading an app. And, when you make meditation a part of your life as a regular practice? It can help you better control how you respond to stress.

Meditation can change the brainโ€™s structure in just 8 weeks
6 Action Steps To Take When You Begin Feeling Overwhelmed

That means you will feel overwhelmed less often.

Read How to Overcome Being Overwhelmed

4. Make A Coffee Date

Sometimes the best solution to feeling overwhelmed is to spend time with others.  So, when you are feeling overwhelmed, one of the best action steps to take is to call a friend and set up a coffee or lunch date. Yes, I know youโ€™re busy. And yes, I know it can feel challenging to coordinate schedules with your friends, who are likely just as busy as you.

Coffee Doesnโ€™t Ask Silly Questions
6 Action Steps To Take When You Begin Feeling Overwhelmed

However, when you feel overwhelmed, is there anything that sounds better than having a good laugh? And sharing tales of the day with someone you trust?

So, text your BFF and schedule that time stat!

5. Plan Something Fun To Look Forward To

One of the best books I read last year was by Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam. In her research, she found that planning something you are looking forward to doing or experiencing allowed the anticipation โ€“ and pleasure โ€“ to build. Sometimes, even more than actually having the experience.

So, when you are feeling overwhelmed, another one of the action steps to take is to plan something fun. Maybe you canโ€™t take a vacation right away, but you can plan your next vacation. Or purchase a ticket online to that movie you really want to see next week. Or even plan a nice dinner after work tonight.

This also allows you to focus on something else, not just whatโ€™s causing you to feel overwhelmed right this moment.

Read 12 Ways To Get Back On Track When Things Donโ€™t Work Out

6. Crack Your Own Code By Brainstorming A List

Itโ€™s hard to deal with feeling stressed or overwhelmed often because sometimes the feeling just happens upon us. One of the best action steps to take is to prepare yourself before it happens. So, rather than waiting when overwhelm arrives, take some time to brainstorm a list of what helps when youโ€™re feeling calm and relaxed. I can this cracking your own code. Because, the thing is, my darling, you know yourself best.

Then, the next time you feel overwhelmed or totally stressed out, youโ€™ll have go-to actions to take.

When you take action, it helps you move out of your head (and swirling thoughts) and into your body.

Darling, you can find the path to loving your life. And, know that the moments of feeling stressed out and overwhelmed donโ€™t mean that youโ€™re screwing up. It simply is the reminder that you are a human being have a very human experience. By knowing some action steps you can take, then, my dear, that allows you to have more better days than bad days.

Do you need some help figuring out the best action steps to take to help YOU when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out? One-on-one coaching can help you create your plan.

Coaching gives you someone to talk through potential pitfalls and solutions to even the stickiest life challenges.Sometimes, you need help figuring out how to apply the best tips in YOUR life. If youโ€™re seeking practical advice from someone thatโ€™s been there, one-on-one coaching can be a life saver.

Do you desperately need support around your crazy-busy life? I am taking a select number of new clients. You can find details about packages and pricing here.

Drop me an email at: debra AT debrasmouse.com and weโ€™ll schedule a call to see if weโ€™re a good fit.

Click here to discover more strategies for dealing with stress, overwhelm, and burnout.

Written by Debra Smouse
Originally appeared in Debra Smouse
Republished with permission
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6 Action Steps To Take When You Begin Feeling Overwhelmed

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