How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You


How Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Every zodiac sign has its own unique personality, which makes them different from others. Each of them has its positive as well as negative traits. Similarly, every zodiac sign sometime or the other manipulates other people to fulfill their own needs and wants. Knowing how every zodiac sign manipulates you, will help you not fall for their trickery.

โ€œI’ve been doing this a long time- manipulating people to get my way. That’s why you think you love me. Because I’ve broken you down and built you back up to believe it. It wasn’t an accident. Once you leave this behind….. you’ll see that. -Calebโ€ โ€• C.J. Roberts, Seduced in the Dark.

Here Is How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Peer pressures everyone with confidence
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Peer pressures everyone with confidence.

The upfront Aries wouldnโ€™t even hide their attempt to manipulate you. They have tasted success so much that when they peer pressure everyone and manipulate them, it becomes difficult to question them.


2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Plays the victim card.

When dealing with a manipulative Taurus, one has to remain logical. The Taurus is clever enough to act like the victim and manipulate the situation in such a way that you will feel you are the one who is at fault and give in to their demands.


3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Convinces others with their half-truths.

The twins with dual personalities can be loyal friends and liars beneath their skin. They can manipulate you in such a way that you will believe their half-truths and act in the way they want you.


4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Manipulates emotionally and plays the victim card.

We all know Cancer is the sensitive one. So people usually avoid giving negative vibes from them. However, Cancer uses this to their advantage. If someone denies their wish, they would emotionally manipulate them so that the other person feels guilty for rejecting them and gives in to their demands.


5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Mocks others to make them inferior.

The proud Leo canโ€™t even think that people will do anything against their wishes. If anyone dares to act otherwise, they will judge them outwardly, mock them to make them feel inferior, and eventually, they will submit to their demands.


6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Plants ideas in others, and makes them think it’s their own.

The Virgo wouldnโ€™t tell directly what they want. Instead, they will work their way through otherโ€™s minds, slowly planting their ideas. When the victim executes them, they wouldnโ€™t doubt that they were manipulated to do so.


7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Feign helplessness.

The Libra uses their caring nature to feign helplessness when they feel things arenโ€™t going in their way. Their peers will immediately jump into helping them while they sit back and enjoy the show.


8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Threatens to leave.

One of the most intense signs of the zodiac, the Scorpio is full of drama. If they donโ€™t get things they want, they will just give you 2 options: either you do it or they leave.

Some fall in this trap and accede to their demands while very few are strong enough to test whether they will actually leave or not.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Blackmails others with their past misdeeds.

When the Sagittarius realizes they are in a soup, they will bring up your past wrongs to make you feel guilty. They will manipulate you into thinking that youโ€™re the one who made more mistakes which are worse than theirs and thatโ€™s how they get away with their own misdeeds.


10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Throws facts to make others feel like an idiot.

Being extremely practical, the Capricorn relies upon facts and statistics to manipulate others. They would give such information that the victim will feel they are the idiot and succumb to their demands.

The Capricorn wouldnโ€™t even step back even if they have to make up these facts.


11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Sorry and not-so-sorry.

The clever Aquarius will apologize for increasing the intensity of their mistake. They will act as if they will never ever do it again. The reality is, they are โ€˜Sorry and not-so-sorryโ€™. Once they have convinced you they can be trusted, they will go back to their old self the very next day.


12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

Silent treatment.

The Pisces follows the motto โ€œSilence is the best form of revengeโ€ way too seriously. They wouldnโ€™t go into heated debates and rather use a passive form of aggression: silence. They will ignore you so much that you will feel you are a complete stranger to them.

The only way to get them to start communicating with you is by giving in to their demands.


So, these are all the zodiac signs, and how each manipulates other people. Which zodiac sign do you belong to? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Sneaky Ways By Which Each Zodiac Sign Tries To Manipulate You
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You
Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You
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How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You
Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You
Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates
How Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Manipulates You

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