How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign


in love

โ€œShe wasnโ€™t exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way.โ€ โ€• Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven.

How would you understand that she is falling in love with you? There’s always something beautiful about a woman when she starts falling in love with the man of her dreams. That sparkle in her eyes, that spring in her step, and that beautiful glow on her face – love makes her feel as if she is walking on clouds. But at the same time, not every woman expressed herself in the same way, do they?

According to astrology, how a woman acts when she is in love, depends a lot on her zodiac sign. Even though the butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling will be the same for everyone probably, but there are certain things, and quirks that will solidly give away that she is falling head over heels in love with you.

How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

How She Acts When In Love Aries
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will feel very comfortable around you, and will care about the little things.

When Aries starts to fall in love with you, you will notice her being more comfortable around you. Her shyness will slowly chip away, and she will feel more confident and open with you. You might even find her in your hoodies most of the time because she loves smelling like you! Just like everything else, she will be passionate about you, and will always try to make sure that you are happy and comfortable with her.

She might have her infamous mood swings sometimes, and might even get annoyed with you, but she will recover quickly, and go back to loving you intensely. You will start being the center of her universe, and she will never hesitate to shower a lot of affection, and attention on you.


2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

How She Acts When In Love Taurus
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will hold hands with you, hug you more and will always have your back.

So the stubborn Taurus is finally falling for you? If she is hugging you or holding your hand a lot, that means โ€˜yesโ€™! She will be extremely devoted to you and the relationship and be rest assured that she will always have your back, no matter what. She will be your guiding light when you feel lost. She will pick you up when you fall down.

Loyal as she is, she will fight for you and will even be overprotective about you at times. No matter who is on your side, she will always be there on your side of the ring and stand by you through thick and thin. Don’t mistake her overprotective nature as controlling, she just cares about you a lot, and that’s how she shows her love. Sheโ€™s not the type to leave you ever. So donโ€™t ever give up on her and work towards weaving a bright future with her.


3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

How She Acts When In Love Gemini
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will show you her real self, and will never hesitate to be affectionate with you.

Gemini has a dual personality, and honestly, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You know a Gemini woman is falling in love with you when she doesn’t feel uncomfortable or unsure in showing you both sides of her personality. She will take you to new places, and help you experience things that make her happy.

You will probably know the music she loves listening to or the food she likes to have when sheโ€™s upset. She will be all ears when you share your life with her; she will be interested to do things you love doing. A Gemini woman will never impose her interests on you, and will also give equal importance to the things you like. And with her around, you will have no dearth of affection. Another adorable giveaway of her feelings will be when she will feel nervous around you and will be eager to make you happy.


4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

How She Acts When In Love Cancer
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will share with you her favorite things, and will reveal her innermost thoughts and emotions.

You know a Cancer is falling in love with you when she will start to bare her heart in front of you. She will talk to you about everything under the sun, especially her deepest thoughts and emotions, it will be like she is trusting you with all her precious feelings and hoping you will respect them. She will be there for you and will try her best to help you out with your problems.

She won’t expect a lot from you, but she will trust you to always have her back in everything she does. A Cancer woman won’t just be loyal to you, she will only have eyes for you, and you will be apple of her eye. She will never hesitate in showing you her artistic side, even if she doesn’t always feel confident of it herself. Having a woman like that in your life is nothing short of a dream come true.


5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

How She Acts When In Love Leo
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will always cheer you up, and give you creative and thoughtful gifts.

Your Leo girl is full of glamour! When you start receiving artistic and thoughtful gifts from her, be rest assured she is falling in love with you. She will be your ultimate cheerleader and will do things that will forbid you from feeling low. She will never be insecure about you and the relationship because Leos and insecurity never go together. Itโ€™s her confidence that will make both of you feel extremely secure and fulfilled in the relationship.

She will always give you the most beautiful and creative gifts, and you will be blown away every time by her unique mind. Leos are generous people, who always want to make their loved ones feel happy, safe, and secure, so it’s not really a surprise that she never lets you feel alone. Leos are truly one of a kind!


6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

How She Acts When In Love Virgo
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will put a lot of effort to make sure that things work out between the two of you.

Virgo women aren’t always as expressive as the other signs of the zodiac. She is a bit difficult to deal with sometimes but if you are serious about her, you should pay attention to the little details. Virgos are notorious for being very thorough and analytical, and they never do anything halfheartedly, so if you see her putting a lot of effort into the relationship, then it’s safe to say that she is falling hard for you.

Even though she will take time to open up to you, once she realizes she is falling in love with you, she will do everything in her power to make things work out in the long run. She will call you and text you without waiting for you to be the first one to call or text always. She will take you out on dates and give an effort to do what you like, and in return, she will only expect your patience, understanding, and attention.


7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

How She Act When In Love Libra
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will share all her secrets with you and will want to hang out with you more.

Libras have many secrets, and when you find her slowly starting to share all of it with you, know that she has given you her heart. Whatever she feels, and whatever she has experienced in her life, you will be privy to all of it. When things get a little rough in the relationship, she will try her best to resolve the problems, and will never expect you to pick up the slack singlehandedly. Relationships and love matter to her, and she will never bring her ego into all this.

She will also give more effort to know you and your friends, and will happily spend time with them, and in return, she will also introduce you to her friends and the big social circuit she has. She will let her guard down and share everything with you. However, she would probably want to avoid confrontation but if she is really into you. Just be honest and loyal to her and she will return back your love tenfold.


8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

How She Acts When In Love Scorpio
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will act jealous, deeply possessive and tease you in a playful way.

Even though jealousy and possessiveness are seen as red flags in romantic relationships, fortunately, or unfortunately, that’s the only way you will ever know if a Scorpio woman is falling in love with you or not. She will be extremely possessive when it comes to you and that is a sign of love. For her, jealousy is love. You know sheโ€™s falling for you when she becomes jealous of other women around you.

Another major sign that she is falling in love with you is when she teases you often. Don’t take this negatively, as this is just another of her ways of showing love towards you. The only thing she will ever expect from you is that you will also love her the way she loves you; cutting corners will only hurt and anger her more. Your Scorpio girl is there to protect you but one thing she is not going to tolerate ever is lying. So donโ€™t do something that will hurt her feelings and will make her withdraw all her trust and love from you.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

How She Acts When In Love Sagittarius
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She compromises with her alone time and space just to be with you.

The careless, wild Sagittarius will only sacrifice her freedom if she has started falling in love with you. For her, her space and alone time matter a lot, and if she is willing to let it go, then be rest assured she is falling head over heels for you. She will start giving you more time than she did and will ask you a lot of questions to know you on a deeper and more intimate level.

She will show you her generous, optimistic, and funny side as well, always trying to make things work for the two of you. She will always have eyes for you only, and she will leave no stone unturned in making sure that you are happy with her. Sagittarian women don’t fall in love that easily, but when they do, it’s for real. Such is the level of her commitment that she will always give her 100% percent in the relationship, so make sure you deserve her.


10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

How She Acts When In Love Capricorn
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will introduce you to her family and would want to know yours.

Family is everything to a Capricorn woman, and if she is really into you, she will probably introduce you to her family and would want to know yours too. They have simple, old-fashioned values and when they fall for someone, the very first thing they want to do is tell their family about them. Because she loves being with her family, she would want to do the same thing with yours.

She will try to adapt to your family, understand your traditions and introduce you to hers. Family matters to her a lot, and maybe somewhere she dreams of having one with you. Both of you getting along with each other’s families will be a dream come true for her.


11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

How She Acts When In Love Aquarius
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will fight for you and will always be there by your side.

As far as an Aquarius woman is concerned, it can be a bit of a challenge knowing whether she is falling in love with you or not. Because she is always lost in her own world, it might seem like she is not that into you, but if you notice that she is always trying to be there for you, is helping you through hard times, and is standing up for you, then she is falling in love with you.

However, there’s one thing you should keep in mind, and that is even if the two of you are in a relationship, she would want some โ€˜me-time.โ€™ Donโ€™t freak out because thatโ€™s her need and she will come back once sheโ€™s feeling rejuvenated. Donโ€™t suffocate her or feel insecure because your girl is optimistic about your relationship. Let her be the way she wants to be and you will find how amazing it is to be with an Aquarius girl.


12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

How She Acts When In Love Pisces
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

She will spend all her time with you and prioritize your needs the most.

Your nurturing Pisces girl will make you her first priority when she will start falling for you. She will not even think twice about herself before jumping in to help you, and she will trust you so much that she will go to any place with you. For her, being with you means everything and she will find happiness by just being with you; the place doesnโ€™t matter to her.

She will make you feel special every moment, by sharing her favorite songs with you, making DIY things for you and she will use her creativity to show how much she loves you. One of the most emotional signs of the zodiac, your Pisces girl will form a strong emotional bonding with you. Cherish it and see how rewarding it can be!


Which zodiac sign do you have? Let us know your thoughts about this piece in the comments down below!

Signs She Is Falling In Love With You Based on Her Zodiac
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign
Signs She Is Falling In Love With You Based on Her Zodiac
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign
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How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign
How She Acts When In Love pin
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign
How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign
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How She Acts When In Love Based On Her Zodiac Sign

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