10 Signs Your Relationship Is Gradually Falling Apart


signs your relationship is falling apart

The ending of a relationship is one of the most painful experiences. Especially so if you couldnโ€™t see it coming. The events leading up to the separation are sometimes laid out in the open, yet can be hard to spot. If a relationship is falling apart, itโ€™s always a good thing to get out early, instead of trying to delay the inevitable. If you have a hunch that there is trouble in your paradise, watch out for these warning signs of a deteriorating relationship.

What you need to also remember is that every relationship goes through ups and downs, and if you two are committed to making it work, knowing what are the signs of a deteriorating relationship might help you to reroute the course of your love life and keep the flame alive.

Is My Relationship Failing? Signs Your Relationship Is Falling Apart

If your needs are not met in your current relationship or you are not vibing right with your partner, then accepting the truth and doing something about it is the right thing for you. And you wondering โ€œIs my relationship failingโ€ should be the first clue. So, what are the other signs of a deteriorating relationship?

1. Emotional Detachment

Emotional closeness is the core of any relationship and if you feel you and your partner are emotionally drifting apart, then it means your bonding lacks interdependence. When partners stop caring about each otherโ€™s sentiments and feel detached from each otherโ€™s emotions, their relationship is on its way to the end. A study says โ€œemotional accessibility is more important than sexual accessibility in evaluating romantic relationships..โ€

2. Trouble With Self-Disclosure

Do you open up to each other? Does your partner love to share their achievements or the little details of their workaday with you? Do you intently listen to your partner and express enthusiasm or empathy? If not, then you two have trouble with self-disclosure and this is a surefire sign of a deteriorating relationship.

Related: 6 Tips on Letting Go of a Relationship to Attract New Love

3. Subtle Non-Verbal Clues

Often it is not what we say but how we say it that matters. Has your partner stopped speaking to you lovingly and affectionately? Have your conversations become mechanical and routine? Do they even bother to plant a kiss on your cheek before rushing off to work? Many non-verbal cues indicate whether your relationship still has warmth or is going towards a terminal point.

4. Resentment

Sometimes when we bottle up our dissatisfaction or apathy towards a partner, our frustration comes out as misplaced resentment. Every little flaw of that person starts to annoy us to a great degree and this leads to squabbling over petty matters. Make sure your partner doesnโ€™t feel ignored or dismissed in your relationship. A better-structured communication can save your relationship from becoming a thing of the past.

5. Secrecy

Although we all need a personal space, no healthy relationship should have secrets. If your partner feels the need to hide things from you or you no longer want to share your secrets with your significant other, it can be a sign warning you to take a hard look at your deteriorating relationship.

6. Disrespect

The absence of mutual respect is one of the signs of a deteriorating relationship. Whereas it is a normal thing for couples to occasionally fight and say hurtful things in the heat of the moment, if disrespect becomes a norm and one of the partners is always on the receiving end of demeaning and belittling behavior, it is time to think about the status of the relationship.

Related: Sometimes Letting Go Must Happen In Stages

7. Dishonesty And Mistrust

They say trust has to be earned and that it is a two-way street. While there is some kernel of truth in these statements, you might be barraged with probing questions and allegations for no fault of yours. If your partner mistrusts you and always tries to control your movements, you have bigger problems than you realize. Also, if you have been dishonest with your partner in the past, you might have lost their trust and even if they say they are over it, maybe they are not.

8. Defensiveness

When a romantic partner becomes defensive about every silly little thing, it may indicate that they are hiding something from their partner. But if you have a habit of challenging their every action or decision, this can also send them to an indifferent mental space, where they are always on guard to protect their feelings and self-respect. A failing relationship will have subtle signs of gradual deterioration when partners choose to be defensive rather than vulnerable with each other.

9. Lack Of Commitment

Do you feel less devoted to your partner and their needs than before? Does your partner feel and act fully committed towards you? A lack of commitment can be a sure sign that something is not right in your relationship. According to the celebrated Sternbergโ€™s theory of love, commitment is one of the 3 most important factors that influence the shelf-life of a romantic relationship. Without love and commitment, any relationship is surely doomed.

Related: 5 Ways To Handle A Non-Committal Guy

10. Different Expectations

If with time you and your special one have realized that each of your expectations from the relationship is different, then it can cause a rift in your happy life. Maybe your partner wants that Paris job and wants you to go with them but you want to stay put in your hometown. Changed priorities are often one of the most blazing signs of a deteriorating relationship when partners seek different paths to fulfill their respective ambitions and aspirations.

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Letโ€™s Check Out Some More Red Flags Which Are Signs That Your Relationship Is Deteriorating And Gradually Falling Apart:

  • You are not spending enough time with each other.
  • You are avoiding disagreements for the sake of avoiding communication.
  • One or both of you are not giving proper attention to what the other person is saying.
  • Not getting home straight after work or getting home late every night.
  • Feeling lonely even when you are with your partner.
  • You get turned off easily by each other.
  • You donโ€™t share or make future plans together.
  • Your conjugal life is missing the spark.
  • You are feeling sad or stressed more often.
  • Refusing to see a relationship counselor.

Look For The Rainbow After The Storm

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship and if you are doubting about the future of yours, have a heart-to-heart with your loved one. If things are beyond repair, you can walk away anytime, but with the right help and determination, you two can also renew your deteriorating relationship.

Related: 4 Questions You Need To Ask Before Getting Back Together

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10 Signs Your Relationship Is Gradually Falling Apart
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10 Signs Your Relationship Is Gradually Falling Apart

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