Not just men but in reality, women also go through unreciprocated love. Often she acts like she doesnt care but in reality, she is dying on the inside, torn between love and loneliness.
“Because what’s worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?” ― James Patterson
Honestly, there’s nothing more comforting than denial. Putting on a brave face and acting as if everything is in place can be an easy way to console oneself, like when you can’t afford that fancy item in a store and tell yourself it’s just a way to save some bucks.
But what happens when it’s your emotions at stake? How do you come to terms with yourself? Ignoring it can only eat away at your mental peace.

Read Why You Fall In Love With Someone You Can’t Have
It’s easy to say “everything is fine,” “I don’t care,” or “how does it matter?” But there’s always a reason behind it. It’s not about avoiding appearing weak.
So, why do women sometimes act like they don’t care when they actually do? Here are some reasons:
Why She Acts Like She Doesnt Care But She Does
1. She is not bothered about it.
She looks as if she does not care if a guy she loves hangs out with other friends without thinking about her, but it hurts her deeply.
2. Unanswered texts.
If a guy doesn’t respond to her texts or pick up her calls, it can be devastating, but she may try to act like it doesn’t matter.
Related: What To Do When The Person You Love Doesn’t Love You Back
3. She’s not ready to admit how much she likes the guy.
She may be afraid to admit how much she likes him. This is because she’s afraid of losing herself. To protect herself from these feelings, she may act like the guy is just another boy and not “her guy.”
4. She wants his attention.
Spending hours in front of the mirror is not just about feeling good about herself; she also wants him to notice her and choose her. But when things don’t go as planned, it can be confusing, and she may continue to act like she doesn’t care.
5. She acts like she’s not affected.
Even though the guy’s relationships with other girls may hurt her deeply, she may try to act like she’s not affected. This can be the most painful part of the situation.
“Let no one who loves is called altogether unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow.”
― M. Barrie
It’s important to remember that unrequited love is not uncommon, and it’s not the end of the world. It’s okay to feel sad or disappointed, but don’t dwell on these emotions for too long.
Maybe life has something better or more meaningful in store for you, like your soulmate who’s waiting just around the corner.
If you’re a woman who’s struggling with these feelings, it’s important to accept them and not deny them. It’s okay to feel hurt, sad, or disappointed, but don’t let these emotions consume you. Remember that you’re strong and capable of overcoming any obstacle.
Read 8 Beautiful Life Lessons You Can Learn From One-Sided Love
Be kind to yourself, take care of your emotional wellbeing, and trust that things will get better with time.

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