When A Good Girl Gets Played: 11 Things That Happens


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When A Good Girl Gets Played 11 Things That Happens

When a good girl gets played, she changes inherently, and she loses the things that made her, her. She gives up everything she believed in, because what else can she do? She gave her everything, and what did she get in return? Lies, hurt, pain, and heartbreak.

She is a girl who believes in giving, in compassion, and in never letting anyone down. No matter how busy she is, sheโ€™ll always find time for those she cares about and she always has faith in them. No matter how many times they fail, sheโ€™ is always there to pick them up.

She doesnโ€™t do anything by halves and the same goes for when she is in love. She will love that person with all the love that is in her to give. She knows that theyโ€™re not perfect but sheโ€™ll accept them as they are.

A nice girl is nice because that is just the way she is. She didnโ€™t ask for this but she was born this way and itโ€™s very difficult for her to change the person she is.

Unfortunately, there will always be a few who will take advantage of her because they know that her compassion is unending. They will use her and discard her, only to come back when they need her again.

Related: To The Girl Who Has Been Through a Lot

This happens to her a lot. People take everything she has without offering her something to replace what they have taken. She is generous and so she never complains. Sheโ€™s also accustomed to this by now and she has the strength to bear it. However, there are times when her heart cracks, just a little.

Itโ€™s hard for her when people come to her as a last resort. She doesnโ€™t usually have to deal with someone she cares for letting her down. She also doesnโ€™t take it well when she hears someone make a promise that they donโ€™t intend to fulfill.

But there are some who always disappoint her, even when she does everything she can to help them. They take what they can and play around with her heart. She doesnโ€™t know when to call it quits and it is especially hard for her because thatโ€™s not the kind of person she is. So they use her till they break her but by doing so, all of them lose.

When a good girl gets played, she loses faith in her emotions. When a good girl gets played, she stops believing in goodness.

Every feeling she had when she was with you, she begins to alienate. Her mind begins to blank out all the memories that hurt too much to think about. She begins to shut out her own emotions so that she wonโ€™t have to feel anything painful. Whatever she canโ€™t handle, she cuts out.

Here Are 11 Things That Happen When A Good Girl Gets Played

1. She loses her ability to trust.

She begins to see the world as an unfair place that only hurts you, even if you are good. Gradually, she stops being able to see the best in people, and even when she wants to let a new person into her life, she cannot trust them the way she used to.

2. All that is good about her is taken away.

She loved herself the way she was and she didnโ€™t ask for that to be taken away. Itโ€™s not her fault that another person used up all she had without caring about her emotions and what their actions might be doing to her.

Related: Inside The Mind Of A Girl Whoโ€™s Broken By An Emotional Psychopath

3. A transformation happens.

Nothing will be the same again. She understands that she canโ€™t always be the one taking up othersโ€™ burdens without being offered the same. She isnโ€™t a toy anyone can pick up and play with simply because she is nice enough to want to be there for them.

4. She builds a fort for protection.

When a good girl gets played, it will only leave her unable to fully trust anyone in her life. Sheโ€™s worried that sheโ€™ll allow a person in only to see the whole thing play itself out again so she withdraws into her mind palace and keeps everyone else out.

5. She is no longer approachable.

The hurt that she has experienced leaves her mind clouded. She blames herself for being so gullible and letting others play her. With all this filling her mind, she is no longer easy to approach. Her kindness gives way to sarcasm and even those who genuinely wish to help her are turned away.

Related: Dear Nice Girl: This Is How He Played You For A Fool

6. No one gets to keep her.

It doesnโ€™t matter whether other people were nice to her because she is no longer able to trust them. She only saw the best in everyone and that only caused her pain. To protect herself, she leaves behind even the people who truly love her.

7. She becomes her own savior.

Before sheโ€™d go to other people whenever she needed assistance and in return, sheโ€™d be there for them when they needed her. But sheโ€™s distanced herself and she is in too much pain to offer comfort to someone else. She has to help herself before she can help them.

8. She keeps all that she used to give others for herself.

Sheโ€™d give the best of herself to everyone around her, even if they didnโ€™t appreciate her for it. So now, she keeps her best for herself. She does what makes her feel good and makes her be better. She begins to treat herself the way she used to treat everyone else.

Related: To Every Girl Who Has Ever Lost Herself To A Toxic Man

9. The truth is bitter but necessary and so she learns.

She didnโ€™t ask for these lessons but she has to learn them, even though she never wanted to. She has learned that life is difficult at times and not everyone is as nice as she is. She had to learn all this with a lot of pain but now, sheโ€™ll never forget it.

10. She knows that trying to make everyone happy is harmful to her.

While her perspective made her feel good earlier, she has now learned that trying to keep everyone happy just leaves her feeling worn out in the end. She wasnโ€™t able to tell them to stop talking, even when she had nothing left to give. But now, she knows that she needs to make herself happy first.

11. She realizes that there are bad people in this world.

She wonโ€™t use anyone the way they use her but that doesnโ€™t prevent others from playing with her emotions. The world doesnโ€™t keep you safe just because you donโ€™t mean any harm and sheโ€™s learned this lesson too well now.

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Inside The Mind Of A Nice Girl Who Got Played By Someone She Loved
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When A Good Girl Gets Played: 11 Things That Happens

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  1. Robin Anderson Avatar
    Robin Anderson

    OMG, This is so me, I would love to read some more of your writings.

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