Full Strawberry Moon 2021 Horoscope: Here’s What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign


Full Strawberry Moon Horoscope

The Full Strawberry Moon is going to rise up on June 24, Thursday, 2021 in the evening, just a little bit after sunset. It is going to take place after the summer solstice (the longest day of the year). In other words, the sun and the moon will together reach the peak of their cycles, at more or less the same time, which is going to affect all of us and our zodiac signs.

The Full Strawberry Moon of 2021 will occur in Capricorn, which points towards a mighty merging of your ambitions, goals, and emotions. The sign of Capricorn is known for being disciplined, hardworking, resilient, and ambitious, and while they themselves will feel this phenomenon very strongly, so will the other zodiac signs.

When can you see the Full Strawberry Moon?

You will be able to spot the Full Strawberry Moon on June 24, Thursday, a little after sunset. Look towards the southeast, and you will see the golden-hued and large full moon appearing on the horizon. It will be illuminated the most at 2:40 PM Eastern Standard Time on June 24, but won’t be clearly visible until late evening.

Being June’s full moon, this will be the first full moon of summer or the last full moon of spring, and that’s why it’s traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon. Another reason for its name is because during this time, many flowers start blooming, and many fruits start ripening, including strawberries, and are ready to be picked and gathered. Hence the name Strawberry Moon.

How The Full Strawberry Moon Will Affect The Zodiac Signs

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This month’s full moon is all about you and your career. Everything you have been working so hard for will come to fruition, and you will finally get your due. People who never really took you very seriously at work will look at you in a different way, but a good different way. Your boss will appreciate you for all your efforts, and you never know, you might even get the raise you were waiting for!

This is the perfect time to take on challenges, and show everyone your mettle and potential. Don’t hold yourself back, and most importantly, don’t doubt yourself. This is your golden period!


2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Take a deep, hard look within yourself and try to understand what is it that’s holding you back. Look closely at your drawbacks and limitations, and try to break free from them. This is the best time to take charge of your life and work towards making it a happy and worthwhile one.

Only you can build your dream life, and always remember that you are capable of fulfilling all your dreams; you just need to believe in yourself more and stop giving treating yourself with unnecessary negative self-talk.


3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You will feel the effects of the Full Strawberry Moon very deeply, and you will be able to feel your life changing. You will start realizing a lot of things about yourself and your life, and what you need to change to live your life with more authenticity.

Work on your self-development and self-awareness during this period, Gemini and you will see, with time, how it will help you stay on the right path in life. Focus on yourself, work on yourself and give permission to yourself to bloom into the beautiful flower you were always meant to be.


4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This Full Moon will force you to come to terms with all those uncomfortable and deep emotions that you had been working very hard to stay away from. You did not want to feel them because you were scared that they will consume you, and you won’t be able to get out of that darkness.

But you need to feel all your feelings, Cancer, otherwise, how will you ever move on? Focus on all the difficult emotions that are coursing through your body right now, and once you come to terms with them, you will feel light and complete. At the same time, your foresight will be so strong, you will be able to understand how to deal with tough situations that might crop up in the future.


5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This Strawberry Moon will serve as a reminder for you to cut ties with anything and anyone that is toxic, be it in your personal life or professional life. You have given your level best to help others, even those people who never deserved your help nor your kindness. This full moon, focus on yourself and your own needs.

You will also feel more productive, creative, and efficient during this period, and make sure you hold on to that. This will help you fulfill all those goals for which you were hustling for such a long time; but at the same time, make sure that you acknowledge and appreciate how far you have come, through your grit and determination.


6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You feel more ambitious than ever before, and you are constantly raring to go. You are always thinking about what more you can do and how you can better yourself further, by setting higher standards and coming up with more challenging goals for yourself.

Even though this full moon is a great time for transforming your dreams into reality, make sure that you don’t make any impulsive and rash decisions. Be patient and take one step at a time, and you will gradually move towards your goals, without falling into any serious kind of trouble.


7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This Strawberry Moon will inspire you and push you to let go of all the unwanted things in your life, that you have been harboring all this while. Former goals, redundant ideas and clutter – you need to let go of all this, for good. Otherwise, you will find yourself stuck in the same place forever.

Step out of your comfort zone, and you will see there’s more to life than just what you think and perceive. Go on a different path. Think differently. Approach everything with a new mindset. And most importantly, have an open mind and an open heart, so that you can embrace all the newness with open arms.


8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This period might prove to be a bit challenging for you, with things not really panning out the way you want. Things might go wrong, you might be faced with obstacles, and the bad days might overshadow the good ones. But you need to hold on and have faith that all of it will pass and the sun will shine again on you.

Try not to get too frustrated and angry, and do what you need to do to keep your life on track. If you feel other people are not understanding where you are coming from, don’t waste a lot of energy trying to convince them; the right people will always understand you and accept you for who you are.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, this is the perfect time to take charge of your life and take on interesting challenges! Your self-esteem will gradually increase and you will feel much better than before. You will feel as if you can take on the world, and rightly so. So, put on your blinders and keep your eye on the prize.

Get rid of any distractions that might come in between you and your goals, and give your best to make all your dreams come true. The timing can’t be better!


10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Since the Strawberry Moon is going to appear in your sign, Capricorn, you will feel more emotionally charged than ever before. You will feel every iota of emotion there is, and as long as you are able to channel them in the right way, this does not have to be a bad thing.

This is a powerful and significant time for you, so make sure that you make the most of it. Re-evaluate your life choices and decisions, introspect and if needed, make major life changes. It might feel intimidating initially, and you might not feel like doing it, but once you start working to get your life on the right path, you will see just how amazing your future turns out to be in the long run.


11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Your intuition and creativity will be at an all-time high, and you will feel the effects of it. You will be brimming with ideas, and you will be in your head so much, that you won’t be able to decide which one to go for, and which one to discount.

However, don’t put too much pressure on yourself and try to put a lid on that overthinking. Let your intuition guide you, and be rest assured that you will zero in on the right and perfect ideas. Just be patient and calm.


12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You might find yourself getting closer to your family and friends, and spending more time with them than ever before. Make the most of this, and spend as much time as you can with them. This will help you build stronger bonds and lasting friendships, who when needed will always stand by you, no matter what.

This is the best time to focus on your personal life and work on it. Maybe go on a trip with your partner, make plans with your friends, or simply go over to the parent’s place and spend a few days there – whatever it is, prioritize all those people who have always loved you and supported you selflessly.


So, are you excited for the Full Strawberry Moon, and what is your zodiac sign? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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Full Strawberry Moon 2021 Horoscope: Here’s What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign

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