Full Moon in Aquarius 22nd August 2021: Predictions For Each Zodiac Sign


Full Moon in Aquarius

As we step into the month of August, we’ll be witnessing the Full moon that will appear on August 22, 2021. It is also regarded as once in a blue moon” because of its rarity.

The full moon governs intuition and memories on zodiac signs this year. Use the lunar energy to manifest positivity and development in yourself and your love life. It is also actively connected to passion, romance, and desire. Perhaps a sudden love proposal or an old lover will come back to your life during the occurrence of this rare event. So this may be a time for you to stand out and add a touch of excitement to your love life or make try to sort out ongoing issues with your family.

This Full Moon has the potential to have a significant impact on each of the zodiac signs. For many, it is an opportunity to evaluate relationships and for others, itโ€™s about learning to trust themselves as much as they trust others. That’s why many astrologers regard it as one of the luckiest days of the year and an ideal time to manifest your most ardent desires.

So what are you waiting for, find out the full moon predictions for your zodiac sign!

Here Is What The Full Moon Means For Your Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

For Aries, this full moon is all about collaborating with others effectively. You have a friendly outlook on life and believe in the importance of community building. As the Aquarius energy has prompted you to give back to the community, you will be considering your roles in bringing about significant change.

You will feel excited and connected with what youโ€™re doing. You don’t have to perform outdated roles. So set aside your old routines and trust that you’ll be able to serve both yourself and others well with your leadership skills.


2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

As a Taurean, you’re known for your stubborn nature which may be the reason why many things didn’t work out for you in the past. But, you are also extremely determined when it comes to your goals so allow your self-esteem and pride to help push you into the future.

This full moon will shine a bright light on your professional life. For the next few weeks, your efforts and accomplishments will not go unnoticed. So consider how you can excel and do better. It may be time to alter your approach towards work projects or your interactions with coworkers.


3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You Gemini, are one of the most self-aware among the zodiac signs and you know what you are capable of. You have a strong ability to keep calm even in the toughest of situations. You never lose focus of your goals and are always on the lookout for answers to questions that no one else has. You bring fresh ideas and perspectives wherever you go.

This full moon encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone and take some risks. Have you had any recent dreams or thoughts about anything?

With the moon in Aquarius, now is the perfect time to reach for the stars. You may also begin to notice a shift in your perspective, as well as a desire to take a vacation.


4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Do you have a distinct feeling about certain things in life, Cancer? This Aquarius full moon falls in your enigmatic and transformative eighth house. So it might be time for you to use your charm to attract people to you.

Aquarius’ innovative spirit makes it a good time to solve problems between your family or other relationships. You might be ready to face your parents about a serious concern. Whatever the case may be, it all comes down to being able to connect deeply with them in a new way. As you are one of the most polite zodiac signs, this trait can help you with a lot of other personal stuff too.


5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

As a Leo, you have a bold but warm, and loving personality. Youโ€™re captivating in many ways and inject ambition into everything you do. Youโ€™re ruled by your heart and your actions are always natural.

As the full moon phase begins, you will find that the universe is showering you with blessings when you are willing to be genuine. Allow yourself to connect with your friends and watch how you’re able to build a stronger bond with them.

You’ll discover that you don’t have to live a lonely life. If you’re single, put yourself out there, have fun, and go on dates with an open mind.


6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

As a Virgo, you are hardworking and enjoy being productive; however, taking on too many projects at once can be detrimental to your mind and health.

As the full moon falls in your sixth house of well-being and fitness, you may feel inspired to restructure your quality of life. Don’t worry, things will start to pick up for you. You might feel more obligated to be present for others.

Keep in mind that you cannot devote yourself to everything and everyone around you, so choose wisely who you want to give your time and energy to.


7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You Libra, are known as the most peaceful of the zodiac signs. You enjoy thinking and are sensitive to other people’s energies. You are very in tune with your surroundings, but when it comes to being emotionally expressive, you are not very creative and falter a lot.

This year’s full moon will affect your romantic side which could make you feel much more sensual and flirtatious than usual. Use this energy to your advantage by planning a super romantic surprise for your significant other, and if you’re single, don’t be afraid to take yourself out on a date. It’ll be fun!


8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

As a Scorpio, if you are dedicated to someone or something, you will stick with it no matter what, making you the most loyal among the zodiac signs. You are a one-of-a-kind individual who is driven by ambition and your loved ones mean a lot to you.

This seasonal full moon encourages progress in all areas of life. There will be an emphasis on how you want to live your life and not how others expect you to. However, you must remember to prioritize your inner circle and consider it your goal to strengthen family bonds. Whether it’s a family matter that needs to be addressed or checking up on someone you’ve been estranged with, now is an excellent time to do so.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

As a Sagittarius, you are positive, truthful, enjoy your independence, and are intellectual. In most situations, you are spontaneous and love to hang out with a large group of friends, because you are an excellent conversationalist.

The Full Moon is reminding you to be conscious of your words during conversations. You may enjoy digging for the truth. However, you need to recognize that not everyone is ready for the lessons you wish to impart. Even if you are coming from an enlightening or compassionate perspective, you may come off as condescending towards others.

Rather than words, showing the people you care about them through small gestures could be a big deal.


10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, you’ve always been a hard worker who thinks practically, is self-reliant, headstrong, and ambitious. Nothing makes you happier than getting ahead in life. With the full moon in Aquarius falling in your second house of stability, your efforts are about to bear fruit.

But always working isn’t healthy for you, this full moon you might be able to see things from a different perspective, whether itโ€™s your work or personal life.

If you want to discover what motivates you from within, do what you enjoy, take a break from work, and spend time with your friends.


11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

As an Aquarius, you are ruled by Uranus, which is also known as the planet of invention, and innovation. This enhances your intellect and personality. Other than that you are very honest and don’t engage in pranks or dishonest behavior. Some people perceive you as aloof or cold, but you simply keep your emotions to yourself.

This is an incredibly important time for you to think about yourself and who you are as a person. You’ve been through a lot, so now is the time for some much-needed self-expression. Fix your schedule and give yourself enough time to pursue your goals.

You will have a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone, and those who care about you will help you in understanding your emotions.


12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

As a Pisces, you tend to be emotional, empathic, and compassionate because of your water element. You are captivated by aesthetics and art.

The full moon in Aquarius this month falls in your 12th house which predicts endings and surrender. You will be able to let go of everything that takes up too much of your time or something that is no longer serving you well; it could be your job, friendships, or even relationships.  When confronted with such events, indulge in meditation, spiritual work, or try to write. You will feel creative and energetic.


This full moon has the possibility of being a lucky time for you if you are strong enough to withstand adversities and overcome them. So, start by making small changes in your daily life that will lead to transformations. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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Full Moon In Aquarius 22Nd August 2021: Predictions For Each Zodiac Sign

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