Tired of Entitled People? 8 Clever Ways to Keep Your Cool


Tired of Entitled People? Clever Ways to Keep Your Cool

Entitled people can be extremely frustrating to deal with, aren’t they? We all know someone who thinks they are too big for their boots and that the world owes them something. Whether it’s that colleague of yours who expects special treatment, the friend who never says thank you, or that relative who believes the world revolves around them, their behavior can be exhausting.

These sort of people always seem to be under the impression that they deserve more than others, without even putting in the effort. Dealing with such people on a regular basis can be really annoying and emotionally draining.

But don’t worry, today we are going to do a deep dive into the world of entitled people and entitlement mentality.

We are going to talk about everything starting from what is entitlement mentality, what causes entitlement mentality, signs of an entitled person and even how to deal with entitled people.

Let’s start with what is the meaning of this sense of entitlement that some people seem to suffer from.

Related: 16 Signs You Have a Sense of Entitlement Complex

What Is Entitlement Mentality?

Entitlement mentality is when someone believes they deserve special treatment or privileges without putting in the necessary effort. These folks often think the rules don’t apply to them and expect others to cater to their needs and desires.

It’s all about the “me, me, me” attitude. They may feel that their needs are more important than those of others and often get upset when they don’t receive the treatment they believe they deserve.

This sense of entitlement can manifest in many different ways and in different settings, from personal relationships to the workplace.

entitled people
Tired Of Entitled People? 8 Clever Ways To Keep Your Cool

What Causes Entitlement Mentality?

There can be several factors that might lead a person to feel entitled. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Upbringing: Parents who are overindulgent and are never able to say “no” to their kids, end up raising them to be entitled and self-absorbed.
  • Social Influences: When you exist in a culture that always emphasizes individual success and material wealth, it will naturally cause you to be entitled.
  • Lack of Consequences: People who never face the repercussions of their actions may develop a sense of invincibility and arrogance.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Sometimes, entitled people tend to overcompensate for their insecurities and fears by acting superior to others.
  • Entitled Role Models: When someone is surrounded by self-absorbed people, or they look up to such people, it’s natural to get influenced.
  • Economic Factors: Wealth and privilege can sometimes lead some people to expect preferential treatment, compared to others.

Now that we have discussed what causes entitlement mentality, let’s finally talk about the signs of an entitled person.

8 Glaring Signs Of Entitled People

1. They will never, ever apologize.

If you want to know what entitlement mentality in a relationship looks like, look out for this sign.

You will notice that an entitled person will never apologize, even if it’s very clear that they are at fault. It’s because they believe that admitting your fault is equivalent to being weak and a loser, and would undermine their authority.

This makes it extremely hard to resolve conflicts with them. Apologies require humility, and for a self-absorbed person, humility is seen as a weakness. They have a habit of deflecting blame onto others or making excuses so that they can avoid taking responsibility.

This behavior can be incredibly frustrating for those who are looking for resolution and accountability from them.

2. They always expect special treatment.

Whether it’s cutting in line, getting extra perks at work, or special favors from friends, entitled folks always expect to be treated differently. They think their needs are more important than everyone else’s.

This expectation for preferential treatment shows up in various ways, such as demanding immediate attention from service staff or expecting others to accommodate their schedules and preferences.

When they don’t receive this special treatment, they often react with irritation or anger, believing they’ve been wronged.

3. They have zero empathy.

Empathy is something that entitled people just don’t understand; they have zero respect for other people’s feelings and emotions. This is how entitlement mentality in a relationship looks like. The only thing they care about is their own needs, which makes it difficult for them to form genuine and meaningful relationships with others.

This lack of empathy means they often overlook how their actions affect those around them. For instance, they might dismiss someone’s feelings or needs as unimportant compared to their own.

This can lead to strained relationships and feelings of resentment from those who feel unappreciated or neglected.

Related: People Who Only Take From You: 11 Signs Of Toxic Takers In Relationships

4. They are always complaining.

Nothing is ever good enough for them, absolutely nothing. They are very quick to voice their dissatisfaction, and exaggerate their grievances. Their constant complains are simply a way to manipulate others into doing their bidding.

This behavior of theirs makes everything feel even more negative, making it challenging for those around them to stay positive.

Their exaggerated “problems” are often used to garner sympathy or to pressure others into meeting their demands, so that they can keep on imposing their sense of entitlement on others.

entitled people
Tired Of Entitled People? 8 Clever Ways To Keep Your Cool

5. They take credit for other people’s work.

This is one of the most horrible signs of an entitled person. They have absolutely no qualms when it comes to stealing or taking credit for someone else’s work. They want recognition and praise without putting in the effort, which can be demoralizing for those around them.

This sort of behavior grossly undermines and exploits teamwork and trust, as others feel their contributions are not valued. Entitled folks might downplay the efforts of their peers while highlighting their own, even if their role was minimal.

This can lead to a toxic environment where collaboration is stifled and resentment grows.

6. They have unrealistic expectations.

People with a sense of entitlement often have unreasonable demands and expect others to meet them without question. In case their expectations are not met, they react with anger and disappointment.

These unrealistic expectations can be anything from personal relationships to professional settings. For example, they might expect immediate responses to their messages or assume that others should drop everything to assist them.

When reality doesn’t match their inflated expectations, they often lash out, blaming others for their dissatisfaction.

7. They blame others for their problems.

Nothing is ever their fault. They are quick to point fingers and blame others for their mistakes or shortcomings. You will see this sort of entitlement mentality in a relationship.

This lack of accountability makes it difficult for them to grow and learn from their experiences. By refusing to take responsibility, they avoid understanding what their mistakes are, and instead of trying to be better human beings, they choose to stay stuck in their ways.

This constant blame game can strain relationships, as after a point, everyone around them grows tired of being scapegoats for the entitled person’s problems.

Related: Romantic Schadenfreude and Deservingness: Why Some Women Like To Say No To Entitled Men

8. They leave no opportunity to show off their privilege.

One of the major signs of an entitled person is this. Whether it’s flaunting their wealth, connections, or status, entitled people like to remind others of their supposed superiority. This behavior can be off-putting and can alienate people around them.

They might brag about their accomplishments, possessions, or the people they know, often to make others feel inferior.

This constant need to display their privilege ultimately creates an environment of competition and jealousy, where true, real relationships are overshadowed by such displays of one-upmanship.

Finally, let’s talk about how to deal with entitled people.

How To Deal With Entitled People?

1. Stay calm and composed.

Don’t let their behavior rattle you. Keeping your cool can prevent the situation from escalating and help you maintain control over the interaction. Practice deep breathing or other calming techniques to stay centered and in control.

2. Try to avoid engaging in power struggles.

Entitled people thrive on conflicts and arguments, so it’s best not to give them the satisfaction. Avoid getting drawn into their games by staying neutral and not giving them the reaction they want. Stick to your boundaries and don’t let their provocations rile you up.

entitled people
Tired Of Entitled People? 8 Clever Ways To Keep Your Cool

3. Always use ‘I’ statements.

Whenever you address their behavior, think about how it affects you. When you use ‘I’ statements, it makes the conversation less confrontational and heated, and you focus more on finding a solution. For example, say, “It really upsets me when…” instead of “You always…”

4. Set boundaries.

How to deal with entitled people? Always make sure they know what your boundaries are; be very clear about what you will and will not tolerate.

When you establish strong boundaries, they are forced to manage their expectations and you are better able to protect your well-being. Make sure you communicate your boundaries confidently and assertively.


Handling entitled people can be a challenging thing to do, but if you know what to do and what not to do, trust me, it will be a cakewalk. People with a sense of entitlement always thrive on attention. So, the less attention you give to them, the more peaceful you will be.

Related: 8 Clever Comebacks For Dealing With Rude People

Have you ever had to deal with people with an entitlement mentality? Let us know in the comments down below!

how to deal with entitled people
Tired Of Entitled People? 8 Clever Ways To Keep Your Cool

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