9 Best Ways To Deal With Highly Judgmental People


Best Ways

Tired of judgments and destructive criticisms? It’s time you learn how to deal with highly judgmental people.

In this day and age, people get judged in every step. Whether it is in schools, colleges, at workplace or social gatherings, weโ€™re always surrounded by people ready to judge us. This is a bitter truth that you can overlook but can never get rid of.

Knowing this, you might feel claustrophobic or even choked, but thereโ€™s nothing to brood on. There are ways we can tackle this situation without getting emotionally affected.

Here are 9 best ways to deal with highly judgmental people.

1. Try Not To Make Things Personal

Weรขย€ย™ve spent so much time

When judged by people, you need to see whether youโ€™re getting emotionally moved. If the answer is yes, then know that youโ€™re taking it personally. You have to maintain a safe emotional distance from them. Not making it personal is the way to go.

It is in our nature to take things too seriously. But if we keep doing it, it will affect our mental state in the long run. Especially when weโ€™re getting judged. Remember youโ€™re not what they judge you to be. Therefore itโ€™s nothing but an act of foolishness to get emotionally involved with them.

2. Look Into Them

Don't judge a situation

We get to see only the external appearance of the person judging us. But what we fail to see is their inner self. Our minds tend to play intricate games with us. They only show us the illusions of the physical aspect, and not what the person is from within. Instead of judging them back, we need to look deep into their eyes and dive into their soul.

All of us, without exception, are inherently good. It is only the negative circumstances that make us resentful, thus suppressing our inner goodness. This is something you need to consider when facing judgmental people.

3. Be Compassionate

Never Judge People By Their Past

The fact that there are too many judgmental people clearly shows the lack of compassion in our society. Without compassion, humanity becomes enslaved by cruelty and misery. We must not be hateful towards people who are judgmental.

Rather, we need to render empathy to build a brotherhood of positivism. You may not realize, but it is this very lack of compassion that makes people all the more judgmental. The feeling of extreme hollowness is substituted by the urge to judge objects, people and even themselves.

Yes you heard that right. These people end up judging even themselves, but reflect their insecurities onto us by doing the same. They need emotional help and support from us.

4. See What You Can Learn

Be Curious, Not Judgemental

Our life is a classroom that helps us to learn in every step. And judgmental people are just a fraction of it. We can learn from them too. The interaction we have with them also leaves clues on how life can turn out to be and why we act in certain ways.

Try to grasp the lessons the interaction is trying to convey. The hidden lessons are something you should not overlook. It contains the codes to a better life. People we come across, even the most judgmental ones have something to offer.

Instead of reacting to their seemingly harsh approach, you should be poised and observant enough to receive and assimilate the life lessons that are coming your way. Be positive with your approach.

5. Know How The World Mirrors You

Don't Judge People For The Choices They Make

Have you ever noticed how the world responds to your emotional states? Whenever you lose control over your thoughts, the world seems to respond to them in a very subtle way. Youโ€™ll find things are not that well aligned as they used to be. Nothing seems in place. It is as if the word is mirroring the way you feel.

You just need to restructure your thoughts in a more positive way. Doing that automatically alters your emotional reality and re-adjusts the world around you. The same can be done when dealing with judgmental people.

Just flow past all the negativeness like water. Donโ€™t let them cloud your positive vibes. Only your vibes can generate favorable emotional atmosphere.

6. Be Thankful For What Is

Best Ways

Every interaction teaches us something. Even when people are judging you, the very interaction conveys something meaningful. Be thankful to them for crossing your path. Without this, you wouldnโ€™t have learned what was needed.

Maybe theyโ€™ve conveyed you some valuable wisdom which youโ€™ll one day realize was necessary. So it is always good to be thankful to whoever youโ€™re interacting with. Every person leaves a trail of lessons in our lives that eventually helps us to mature.

7. Divert Your Focus To Your Loved Ones

Let Them Judge You

When being judged and treated harshly, this is one of the best things you can do to avoid getting emotionally affected. Think about those who love you, care for you. What your loved ones think about you is all that matters.

People who know who you really are and respect you are the ones you should be remembering at such times. This will help you to fight all the negatives radiating from the judgmental people. The power of affection is far superior to any form of emotion that is harmful in nature.

Surround yourself with the warmth of the loved ones and feel empowered. Youโ€™ll thus be able to overcome the looming emotional tensions.

8. Remember Who You Are

Judge Me When You Are Perfect

No amount of judgement is heavy enough to weigh down on your soul.

If you remember who you are and what you stand for, youโ€™ll eventually be resistant to all the negative effects that result from these judgments. The mind is a very powerful tool.

If you believe in yourself and what you stand for, nothing in this world can take it away from you. Give yourself a moment and think about what is it that defines you. Who you really are. Once you have an answer to that, all your emotional tensions resulting from these judgments will eventually fade.

9. Set Personal Boundaries

Please Don't Judge People

We tend to expose our minds to the harmful radiation of judgments. Like any physical radiation, prolonged exposure can mutate our emotional genes in a very harmful way. This can lead to chronic insecurities, emotional fluctuations and social anxiety disorder.

We need to counter the effects by setting up personal barriers that would filter the negatives. Try to ignore their words, even better, if can go deaf ears. This will help you to fend off the judgmental vibes and help cultivate as much positivism as possible.

Related Video: 5 Signs A Seemingly Nice Person Secretly Has Some Cruel Intentions


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  1. Tonya Wisch Avatar
    Tonya Wisch

    Better way… just avoid them!

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