How To Be Happy? 15 Things You Should Give Up Now


How To Be Happy? 15 Things You Should Give Up Now

Are you thinking about how to be happy and successful? Happiness is a subjective term. But there are certain things you should give up to feel more content in life. Learn what they are…

Every individual on this earth is unique and the means of happiness may not be the same for all of us.

But, there are things that we hold on to that boost stress, pain, and suffering. The more we cling on to them the more we are allowing ourselves to be unhappy.

So, start by giving them up!

Here are 15 things you should give up to be happy In life

things you should give up
How To Be Happy? 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy In Life

These are things that no longer serve you. Read on to know how giving up these things can make your life a lot easier and help you embrace the change.

1. Give Up Fear And Doubt

โ€œFear is the most damnable, damaging thing to human personality in the whole world.โ€โ€”William Faulkner

Do you have a fear of death, failure, losing your job, breaking up with someone or anything? Stop it. Stop now! Just understand and embrace your fear else you will lose your self-confidence. Think of the worst that can happen and get a sense of proportion.

No doubt, the mind is a superb instrument, but self-defeating self-talk becomes very destructive. Find mentors, seek inspiration, educate yourself and practice a positive attitude to be happy again.

Related: 10 Tips To Let Go Of Your Painful Past

2. Give Up Dwelling In The Past Or Future

Volumes of research on how to be happy again emphasized one mantra and that is – โ€˜live in presentโ€™. Being in the present moment gives you peace by keeping unnecessary worries and pain aside. Neither worrying can change the future nor can regretting decisions change the past.

things you should give up
Way To Be Happy In Life: 15 Things You Should Give Up For A Happier Life

However, there is no harm in planning and preparing for the future – but live in breath today – you will surely experience inner joy and happiness.

3. Give up expectations

Are you living life to other peopleโ€™s expectations? Are you truly living your life? If you are living according to what your parents or spouse or friend, media and professor, think is best for you, then you are living up to other peopleโ€™s expectations.

In the long-term, youโ€™ll lose control over life and happiness. Because people living such a life eventually forget what makes them happy, their needs, wants, passionโ€ฆ and eventually, they forget about themselves.

You only live once โ€“ you must live life to the fullest. Own your life and donโ€™t let other peopleโ€™s opinions distract you from your path.

Read The Key To Bliss: Let Go Of Expectations And Avoid Suffering

4. Give up the need to be right

Do you want to appear right over all types of matters? Admitting mistakes may hurt your big, fat ego. But if you are leading a group and aiming for successful outcomes then give up the constant desire to have all your decisions validated.

With fewer arguments on who is right or wrong, you will gain freedom and flexibility, which could let people listen to you.

Eventually, people will cooperate, share ideas and opinions that can boost your productivity and lower the risk of ending healthy relationships. Quit โ€˜I know betterโ€™ attitude and you will find back your happiness.

5. Give up self-criticism

In aย study of 147 African Americans who were living in urban areas with low income and made suicide attempts, results showed that self-criticism increased depressive symptoms.

The participants were also administered measures of self-compassion and it was found beneficial in reversing depressive symptoms and improving the quality of life.

Two powerful tools to be happy again are appreciation and self-love. Give up criticizing yourself, things, events, and people who are different than you.

We all want love, happiness and something more. There is something that is wished by us all. Self-compassion will lift your energy and you will receive love and happiness in abundance.

6. Give up complainingย 

Do you start complaining when things donโ€™t go your way? It may help you seek attention and gain mental rewards. But will it solve your problem? No. Rather it will increase your stress, anxiety and push you deep into misery.

Blaming others stops you from taking responsibility for your own outcome. You will fail to move forward and find a solution. Stop complaining and save your energy that will make you feel lighter and find solutions faster.

Read Why Complaining Is Killing You, According To The Science Of Happiness

7. Give up the need to impress others

The joy of impressing people is not long-lasting. People-pleasing aids in filling a void in your life, but being your fake-self may be daunting over years and you will soak up more pressure. Think about what are the things that make you truly happy? Keep doing them consistently.

Take off all your masks โ€“ accept and embrace the real you! You will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly. Use vigilance and courage to guide the conversation and choose your compliments wisely.

Get rid of toxic people – explore new relationships โ€“ talk to growth-oriented people – add value to your life. Thatโ€™s how to be happy again!

8. Give up making excuses

A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck, lying to ourselves, using all kinds of excuses.

The more we make excuses, the more we limit our capabilities. Whether itโ€™s a lack of resources or having a specific goal, making excuses stops you from reaching your full potential.

Do you know that 99.9% of the time these excuses are not even real? Donโ€™t delude yourself thinking about what could have been better or be the worst. The present moment is all you have and all you will ever have.

The past you are now longing for – was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. After all, life is a journey, not a destination.ย 

9. Give up comparing your life with others

Comparing yourself to others makes you feel depressed and drags you into a pit of unhappiness. As said by Jen Sincero, there is no one exactly like you in this world. So, enjoy your uniqueness and progress towards your goals.

Remember that no one has a perfect life and you canโ€™t do anything about it. Let people think whatever they want. Whatโ€™s within your limits? Working hard to better your life and become happier.

Read How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

10. Give up being opportunistic

While seeking opportunity can open new doors for you, being opportunistic can lead you towards an emotional roller coaster. Just ask yourself – Do you follow your instincts? Are you consistent with the vision of your life?

Do you have the right strategy to meet your goals? If you are chasing opportunities, it will only lead you to a certain point fast – but with the right strategy, you can go far. Become a strategist – one of the best ways to be happy.ย ย ย 

11. Give up resistance to change

Accepting change is tough, especially in a cooperative environment. But, change will help you make improvements in your life and also the lives of those around you.

Donโ€™t resist change. Whether itโ€™s a change in the work environment or HR policy or a change in a social atmosphere, you must focus on the roots of trouble. It may be fear of the unknown, lack of competence, or change in the status quo. Plan and address the difficulties from the start of the change.

According to the best motivational speakers, life coaches, and other experts, – one of the best ways to be happy with change is to adopt a learning mindset. Focus on being open and flexible and you will find it easy to embrace change.     

12. Give up restricted beliefs

Limiting beliefs block happiness by controlling your thoughts and actions. How you feel and what you do define your future. Life is like a boomerang and you will receive the same energy that you radiate out. Realize that holding self-limiting beliefs may guide you to failure.

Start working on the underlying reasons. Positive affirmations like โ€œI have excellent communication skillsโ€, will let your best self come out and that is the power of the law of attraction. Focus on rewards rather than risks to fuel your success and you will see happiness flowing in your life. 

13. Give up not forgivingย attitude

“How unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself.โ€ โ€” Publilius Syrus

In a study published in theย Handbook of the psychology of self-forgiveness, the results showed that self-forgiveness can decrease the risk of self-injury and suicide.

Further, the researcher found that the act of self-forgiveness also increases the likelihood of forgiving others, decreases distress and promotes adaptive coping to problems in life.

Remember, no one is perfect in this universe. So, start forgiving yourself and others – you will be surprised to be happy like never before.  

14. Give up attachment

Do you feel scared to detach from all the things you love? Well, thatโ€™s too hard – but not impossible. You get better and better with time and practice.

When you practice detachment from all things, you become tolerant, kind, peaceful and happier. You must not fear when your love is real and pure. Where there is love there canโ€™t be fear.

When you are fearless you can detach easily. Attachment comes from fear – because love and attachment have nothing to do with one another. Give up attachment and you will reach a state where you will be able to understand all things without even trying. A state beyond words!

Read Why Non-Attachment Is The Key To Finding Inner Peace

15. Give up perfectionism

Are you striving for success while avoiding failure? Then you are a perfectionist! Itโ€™s okay – if you are taking too much time learning new skills. Donโ€™t be discouraged with challenges and poor results. Trying to be perfect in everything all the time is a toxic habit – a sure shot recipe for massive stress!

Whether you are a manager or an individual contributor, always face the worst scenario.Then identify and adjust your standards. Strive hard to overcome the obstacles and you will surely meet all your expectations. Do experiments on how you can make perfect work for you and not against you.

Wrap Up

In sum, these are 15 ways to be happy again. Itโ€™s just a matter of getting rid of happiness triggers that ruin your peace and building the right happiness skills.

Read 10 Gratitude Exercises: Fun Ways Of Practicing Gratitude With Your Family This Thanksgiving

15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy
Being Happy In Life: 15 Things To Do To Be Happy In Life
how to be happy?
How To Be Happy In Life? 11 Things You Should Give Up For A Happier Life

things you should give up
How To Be Happy? 15 Things You Should Give Up Now

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  1. Terry D. Pickron Avatar
    Terry D. Pickron

    …give up the things which offend you hold what brings you peace…

    1. The Minds Journal Avatar
      The Minds Journal


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