12 Types Of Single Girls (Which One Are You?)


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Types Of Single Girls

When it comes to being single, every woman has a different way of looking at it; some might love and embrace their singlehood, whilst some women might not like the feeling of not having someone to love and be loved. There are different types of single girls out there, and let’s find out which one you identify with.

Check out these 12 types of single girls to know which one you relate with the most.

Related: 13 Things I Want To Tell The Single And Unhappy Ones

12 Types Of Single Girls (Which One Are You)

1. The Romantic

Perhaps, there isnโ€™t a single rom-com that you havenโ€™t watched. You wonโ€™t settle for anything less than the love which brings you to your soul mate. You will know he is the one because he will be a perfect romantic who will shower you with gifts and flowers, not to mention the best type of love that only a few are lucky to get.

He will organize dinners for you under the moonlight, near the waterfall, or in any other imaginable romantic setting. He will be everything your romantic mind can imagine.

If you are this girl, remember: Itโ€™s really good to wait for your soul mate, but itโ€™s also important that you are also aware of the reality. The men in real life donโ€™t act like the lovers portrayed in romantic books and movies.

Types of single girls
Single Girls

2. The Cynic

You are not one of those types of single girls who will let yourself be head over heels in love. Since you have been through all this once or twice; you can instantly read the signals when the guy dishes out bullshit.

So, you like to be on your guard right from the beginning and take it that the guy you are dating is an absolute asshole. You watch him carefully and let him prove that he isnโ€™t the asshole you think him to be.

If you are this girl, remember: It isnโ€™t wrong to let a guy prove his worth before allowing him in your life. But, if you are too scared and too careful, you may seem disinterested and cold. You will be prone to see everything in a negative light, and hence, always be in danger of taking wrong decisions.

Keep your eyes open, and allow yourself to see both good and bad things. Take your chance and play the game. Because if you donโ€™t play, you wonโ€™t lose, but you wonโ€™t win either.

Related: Every Strong Woman Was Once A Weak Girl Who Promised Herself โ€˜Never Againโ€™

3. The Picky One

You think you are a bombshell and only an extraordinary man can strike your fascination. You canโ€™t fall for a guy who doesnโ€™t match your ever-increasing list of qualities. Your friends call you picky but you feel you just have high standards.

If you are this girl, remember: People who have experienced real love in life found love when they didnโ€™t see it was coming, and it was nothing like they had imagined. Ditch that list and consider every guy. Because if you donโ€™t you may miss that guy who was meant to be yours.

4. The Serial Dater

You are never alone because you are always dating someone or the other. No matter if the guy is jobless, boring, or even an asshole. Your friends accuse you of not maintaining standards, but you feel they are just jealous.

If you are this girl, remember: Extreme of anything is bad and so is your extremely open mentality about guys. Allow yourself some time in between relationships so that you can reflect on what you really desire. Once you become selective, your chances of finding the real guy will increase.

5. The Desperate Chick

You are one of those types of single girls who is always ready to date anyone, but for different reasons. You do it because you have had enough breakups and you dread being alone. So, you just try very hard to get rid of singlehood.

If you are this girl, remember: Stop. Take a break. Let the pressure ease. Itโ€™s really important that you stop going on dates with every guy out there because it is more likely you will end up with the wrong guy. Instead, have fun and wait for the right guy who is worthy of your affection.

Related: The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

6. The Fatalist

You are done with the love thing and are no longer interested in getting into relationships. You would rather chill in your apartment than date. Whatโ€™s the point when all those amorous couples around you will either divorce or break up?

If you are this girl, remember: Heartache is too bad, but shutting yourself away will never let you meet the right guy. So get up, and start dating.

7. The Alpha

You are independent and one of the successful types of single girls. You desire love, but you can hardly find a guy who can stand your independence and skyrocketing achievements.

You date when your schedule allows you and hope to find someone on one of those days. Otherwise, itโ€™s fine because work is your true love, anyway.

If you are this girl, remember: The right guy will never be intimidated by you, if you show them that he is as important as your career. All you need to do is to create a healthy work-life balance.

Types of single girls
Single Women

8. The Clock Watcher

Motherhood is all you desire, and thatโ€™s why you donโ€™t care how the guy is. If the guy is good enough to father your baby, you are game. Unprotected is no longer an issue.

If you are this girl, remember: Trying to be pregnant is cool, but going around having sex without a condom can be pretty dangerous. To be honest, you are not in your right mind.

Related: 10 Love Resolutions For Single Women

9. The Mess

You have no clue what you want. So after a few drinks, you can open up to anyone. Often, you wake up in unfamiliar surroundings or make home dazed. You think itโ€™s okay because you are still young.

If you are this girl, remember: Just because you are you, getting drunk and wasting your valuable time in a haze of booze is stupid. Moreover, like this, you only attract the wrong guys.

10. The Pragmatist

You are very organized, and you believe in a stable relationship. You have registered on all the dating sites, and try to go only to the right places. If you keep devoting proper time and making the right moves you will eventually find the perfect guy.

If you are this girl, remember: You are doing everything right. Just loosen up and donโ€™t make the entire thing so mechanical. If you do, you will find both stability and fun.

Types of single girls
Single Girls

11. The Princess

You want a chivalrous guy and a relationship that appeals to your old-fashioned sensibilities. Whether itโ€™s showing love and affection or shopping, everything should be according to a certain lifestyle.

If you are one of these types of single girls, remember: Being in love doesnโ€™t mean your guy should always strive to make you feel like a princess. Love means caring for each other. Your attitude can let others perceive you as a gold digger.

Related: 7 Reasons Women Who Stay Single For A Long Time Are The Happiest

12. The Zen Girl

Singlehood is as much fun as being in love. You arenโ€™t dying to find someone. You enjoy every moment and let things happen when they will.

If you are this girl, remember: You are in the right state of mind. Instead of fretting over your situation, you live to the fullest.

So, which of these 12 types of single girls did you relate to the most? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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12 Types Of Single Girls (Which One Are You?)

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  1. Farah Naseem Avatar
    Farah Naseem

    I’m the Zen girl. You check yours Gul Fatima

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