The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign


The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What kind of single woman are you, based on your zodiac sign? Knowing this will help you get a lot of clarity into yourself, including your innermost desires and the things you look forward to in a relationship.

No two people are the same. Some women like solitude and stay single out of their own free will and there are women, who hold out for their Mr. Right and stay single, and then there are some who want to focus on career and goals and therefore remain single.

So, what kind of single woman are you? Believe it or not, the kind of single lady you are depends a lot on your zodiac. Why not we ask the stars and find out the answer to the question of what kind of single woman are you based on your zodiac sign?

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An Interesting Take On The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

There are 12 types of single girls based on astrology. Your unique zodiac personality has a lot to do with your reason to stay single; let’s find out how!

Kind Of Single Woman
There Are 12 Kinds Of Single Women According To Zodiac Signs

1. Aries โ€“ The Jumper Woman (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Aries, you are a natural leader, thanks to your immense energy, vitality, and force. You are independent by nature and temperament. You are active, excitable, impulsive, and optimistic; open to change and new experiences.

What kind of single woman are you? You are that kind of a single woman who likes the excitement and the chase in a relationship. As long as there is chase and stimulation things are good and you are interested and the moment you come close to the object of your affection, you lose interest.

Read What Itโ€™s Like To Date Her Based on Her Zodiac Sign

2. Taurus โ€“ The Loyal Woman (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Tauras, you are loyal, patient, stable, and persistent. But you can also be too rigid, stubborn and overly possessive, and materialistic at times.

What kind of single woman are you? You like to take your time before you fall head over heels in love with someone. You are not interested in casual flings but you look for someone who wants to go the long haul. Therefore you stay single for long intervals of time instead of dating casually.

3. Gemini โ€“ The Social Butterfly (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Geminis are queens of contact and communication. They reach out to people and places everywhere, including the Milky Way and galaxies and spaces. Thatโ€™s their specialty. Geminis are also known as social butterflies. They like to meet new people and explore new places.

What kind of single woman are you? You would like to date a lot of people, have a lot of great conversations, and go around the world rather than settle down with one person. You look for a partner who is equally outgoing and patient enough to keep up with your social life.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancer โ€“ The Family Oriented Woman (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Cancerians are intuitive and psychic; you are also emotionally sensitive, tenacious, and nurturing. You are very emotional and sensitive and look for a partner with whom you can connect on all levels: physical, emotional, and mental.

What kind of single woman are you? You are very giving, caring, expressive, and nurturing and you look for someone who is worthy of that kind of genuine love, therefore you are that type of single woman who holds out till she finds her right match.

5. Leo – The High Maintenance Woman (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Leo, you have leadership ability, high self-esteem, confidence, generosity, and creativity. But you can also be arrogant, vain, and demanding at times. You like to be in the limelight wherever you go and you like to live your life to the fullest.

What kind of single woman are you? You know how to live it up and be happy on your own. You would love to be in a relationship with someone who will be your match, your counterpart, someone whose energy will be compatible with yours and you will never settle for less.

6. Virgo โ€“The Seeker Woman (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Virgo, you are reserved, modest, practical, discriminating, industrious, and analytical and seek to know and understand yourself and the world. You have mental agility, analytical skills, the ability to pay attention to detail, and a problem-solving attitude.

What kind of single woman are you? You know what you want and you are also very methodical about how to go about your goals. You would put yourself out there on all the dating apps and date extensively to look for the right partner.

Read Your Love Style Based On Your Zodiac Sign

7. Libra โ€“ The Balanced Woman (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Libra, you are diplomatic and have a sense of balance.

What kind of single woman are you? You would love to be in a relationship but you do not lose your balance if you are not. You would go out and meet people and explore your options but you would not get too involved or attached to someone till you know they are worth it.

8. Scorpio โ€“ The Intense Woman (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Scorpio, you are the most intense and passionate of all signs. When you fall for someone, you fall hard and you find it very difficult to let go of the people you love. If someone betrays you, you canโ€™t let go of that hurt easily also.

What kind of single woman are you? You tend to become overly possessive and obsessive. You like very passionate and intense lovemaking but you are not into short-term or casual relationships. In fact, you can come off as so passionate and intense even in the early stages of a relationship; you can scare off a potential mate.

9. Sagittarius โ€“ The Cheeky Woman (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Kind Of Single Woman
The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Sagittarians are ambitious, driven, generous, focused, freedom-loving, seekers of challenges, and open to new ideas, innovation, and exploration.

What kind of single woman are you? You enjoy your singlehood to the hilt. You like your freedom and you donโ€™t want to be with someone who is too possessive or controlling.

You want someone who is equally wild and free and wants to explore the world with you. You are in no hurry to settle down till you find your right match because you know how to enjoy your own company and slay your goals.

10. Capricorn โ€“ The Logical Woman (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Capricorn, you are a level-headed, rational, independent, and born leader. You like the world to have a perfect order. You value stability and security and you know how to find things for yourself.

What kind of single woman are you? You would love to have a partner who can work alongside you to create a stable and secure foundation for the future but you are self-reliant in case you donโ€™t find anyone. You are open to exploring your options to find someone compatible but you are practical enough to not put your life on hold for finding someone.

Read The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

11. Aquarius โ€“ The Fiercely Independent Woman (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Aquarians, you are fiercely independent and you value your freedom. You have a strong sense of purpose and you look for a partner who is equally driven and who would not get intimidated by your success.

What kind of single woman are you? You are focused to achieve your goals and you know how to enjoy your own company. Although you are open to a relationship if you find someone great organically but looking for a partner is not really on your list of priorities. You are doing incredibly well on your own and you know that you are a great catch.

12. Pisces โ€“ The Romantic Woman (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Pisces, you are a hardcore believer in love and romance. You are waiting for someone who can sweep you off your feet. You are also too polite to say no to anyone and you end up dating a lot of people before you find your Mr. Perfect.

What kind of single woman are you? All the heartbreaks and experiences from your romantic encounters make way for your artistic leanings anyway so you donโ€™t hold yourself back from falling head over heels and you usually wear your heart on your sleeves.

Kind Of Single Woman
What Kind Of Single Lady You Are?

So, those were the 12 kinds of single women according to zodiac signs. Which kind of single woman are you? Let us know in the comments below!

If you want to know more about what kind of love and relationships, when it comes to zodiac signs, then check out this video below:

The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign pin
The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Zodiac Sign
The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Kind Of Single Woman
The Kind Of Single Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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