Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?


Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All The Natives?

Does your zodiac sign make you a goody two shoes or a real badass? Find out whether you belong to the most badass zodiac sign of all!

Zodiac signs normally hit the nail on the head when it comes to describing a person’s personality. Our zodiac traits often influence our behavior, thinking, and genuine reactions when dealing with life and the occasional challenges that it throws our way.

Every zodiac sign has its own level of badassery. Some zodiac signs are more badass than others. In order to ascertain which is the most badass zodiac sign, let’s go through their innate nature and how they generally behave with others!

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Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Here’re all the signs, let’s see who takes the cake for being the most badass zodiac sign of all!

1. Aries (March 21st-April 19th)

Aries Truly badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Aries people are born rebels, and you will hardly come across one who does not have a rebellious streak in them.

They are one of those zodiac signs who are truly badass and are hardly scared or intimidated by anything or anyone. Arians will always charge forward when it comes to achieving success, and they won’t care who is standing in the way.

Is Aries the most badass zodiac sign? They sure come in the top brass!

Related: Aries Personality Traits: A Zodiac Guide to the Enterprising Yet Ruthless Sign

2. Taurus (April 20th-May 20th)

Taurus Badass when angry
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Anyone who is a Taurus generally does not think of themselves as badasses; they adjust their attitude according to the situation they are in. When things are alright, they will have a pleasant demeanor with a positive attitude and personality.

But God forbid, if you mess with them, they will turn unforgiving, vicious, and stubborn, and they will make sure that you see their ugliest side. Taurus can be the most badass zodiac sign if you compel them to be!

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3. Gemini (May 21st-June 20th)  

Gemini Hardly badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Geminis are kind of the safest when it comes to the badassery scale, and they normally stay out of trouble. They may seem like people who are always up to something, but even if they are, pretty sure it’s mostly harmless.

Geminis do get bothered by a lot of things, but they are also good at pretending otherwise. It is only when things get too much that they explode. Otherwise, Geminis keep it to themselves and don’t come close to being the most badass zodiac sign.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Gemini (13 Brutal Truths)

4. Cancer (June 21st-July 22nd)

Cancer Different kind of badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Cancers are not among the badass zodiac signs at all. They have too much empathy, compassion, and emotions, to become ruthless or domineering.

They might not be the most badass zodiac sign, but when the time comes, they are always up to fight for themselves, and for their loved ones.

They also never let pain or adversities harden them. No matter how much they get hurt, they choose to love and forgive.

They’re resilient and regardless of what they are going through, their soft and pure hearts will always be their greatest strength. So, they’re a different kind of badass, you can say!

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving a Cancer (10 Brutal Truths)

5. Leo (July 23rd-August 22nd)

Leo Sinister badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Leos are one most badass zodiac signs. They are strong and self-assured people who should never be messed with. They can get very aggressive and violent if you rub them up the wrong way.

Leos have fragile egos and although they can be the nicest person on earth, they can also be your living nightmare. Leo is one of the most badass zodiac signs, who does everything with a lot of pride and conviction.

They unabashedly do what they think is right and never give a damn about others’ opinions. But the most sinister thing about Leo is that they can look innocent and be so charming and convincing at times, that they can get away with anything.

Related: Top 13 Reasons Why Leo Is The Best Zodiac Sign

6. Virgo (August 23rd-September 22nd)

Virgo Not a badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Virgos are not badasses to be honest, because they care a lot about what other people might think about them, and how they are perceived by their loved ones.

This makes them hesitant to do anything that sways from acceptable social conventions, and rules. But Virgos have huge egos, and if they get offended they often react rudely or freeze people out completely.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving a Virgo (12 Brutal Truths)

7. Libra (September 23rd-October 22nd)

Libra Never a badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Libras have a very strong sense of right and wrong and they always strive for equality and justice. You will think that must make them true blue badasses who will always stand up for what is right, right?

Wrong! Libras are so fixated on making everyone happy and doing justice to all, they are often paralyzed with indecision. When the time comes to take a call, they look for the safest option and deliberate.

They change their mind quite often and self-sacrifice to make others happy or to comply with social conventions.

Related: What it Means to Love a Libra

8. Scorpio (October 23rd-November 21st)

Scorpio Covert badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Scorpios are covert badasses. They’re guarded and secretive and they mind their own business. This is why it is nearly impossible to know just how badass they are.

They’re vindictive and will ruin anyone who betrays them. But they make their move in silence. Scorpios are secretly one of the badass zodiac signs. They’re also one of the toughest signs there is, and they always speak their mind during an open conflict.

They never take anybody’s nonsense, and their ice-cold stares are enough to make someone shake in their pants.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths)

9. Sagittarius (November 22nd-December 21st)

Sagittarius Not a total badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Sagittarians are people who never follow the majority. They never do anything just because everyone else is doing it, or just because it’s the norm.

They always follow their gut instinct which makes them inspirational in the eyes of most people they cross paths with. Their adventurous spirit and free will make them courageous and role model for many.

But they avoid conflict and will simply excuse themselves instead of stirring the pot. This often gets perceived as escapism or emotional aloofness. Not much of a badass.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

10. Capricorn (December 22nd-January 19th)

Capricorn Introverted badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Capricorns do not care what other people think of them, they only focus on what they believe in. It is very difficult to intimidate a Capricorn as they always make their own path, and never depend on anybody else to do their job.

If they have their eyes on something, they are going to work extremely hard to make sure they get it. If that is not badassery, then what is?

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

11. Aquarius (January 20th-February 18th)

Aquarius Extremely badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Badass? It’s as if this word was created for this zodiac sign! Aquarians are extremely badass people who never back down from a fight, and always call a spade a spade.

Their originality and strength of character set them apart from everyone else, and whenever they enter a room, all eyes are on them. They know what they are talking about, and you will seldom see them with low confidence.

They live their life on their own terms, often flouting the age-old social rules and doctrines. Aquarius is surely one of the most badass zodiac signs.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19th-March 20th)

Pisces Dont care to be a badass
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

Pisceans are gentle, imaginative, and the quiet, thinking type who love to live in their own little world. They’re often creative or artistic individuals with larger-than-life ideals.

They will be the last person to impose their views on others, and when they get hurt or let down, they will go in isolation and heal in solitude, instead of getting confrontational. They’re not badass, and they don’t even care to be one.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

So, these are all the zodiac signs and how badass they truly are. Which zodiac sign do you belong to? Are you one of the most badass zodiac signs? Let us know in the comments down below!

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most badass zodiac sign
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?
most badass zodiac sign
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?
most badass zodiac sign
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?
most badass zodiac
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?
the most badass zodiac signs
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?
most badass zodiac
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?
badass zodiac signs
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?
most badass zodiac sign
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Badass Zodiac Sign Of All?

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  1. Anthony Avatar

    Never knew i was badass

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