What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Keeps You Up Night Zodiac Sign

โ€œI want to sleep but my brain wonโ€™t stop talking to itself.โ€
Does your brain become overactive at night with all the worries in your life, messing with your sleep? Then maybe you should fall back on your zodiac for some guidance to calm your overactive mind. The day-to-day worries that keep you up at night are connected to your natural traits and hence, are distinct to your zodiac sign.

An adult body typically needs 7-9 hrs of sleep to function optimally throughout the day. But research by the American Sleep Association shows that 50-70 million US adults are underslept and have sleep disorders.

Sleeplessness hurts your work, social life, and personal relationships. Also, it can worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

Addressing your worrying triggers is the first step to sleeping better. So with the help of astrology, letโ€™s find out what worries keep you up at night based on your zodiac sign.

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

worry doing enough successful aries
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry if you are doing enough to be successful in your field.

Being an Arian,  your natural tendency is to be highly competitive in whatever you do. You are bad at handling failures, and this gives you sleepless nights. 

For the Arian, itโ€™s all or nothing- they like seeing the world with a black-and-white perspective. Navigating through the shades of grey that our lives, in reality, are filled with, makes you worried.

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2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 21)

worry about your wealth financial stability taurus
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about your wealth and financial stability.

As a Taurus, you look for consistency in every sphere of your life. Hence, you are constantly worrying if you are doing enough to secure your finances for the future. No matter how much you earn, money always preoccupies your mind. As a Taurean, you enjoy when things are predictable. Hence, when you are thrown out of your comfort zone or have to deal with changes, it makes you anxious.

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3. Gemini (May 22 โ€“ June 21)

worry about losing freedom gemini
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about losing your freedom.

As a Gemini, you are restless and impulsive, always wanting to experience new things and the unknown. You adapt to new environments pretty well. When you are compelled to limit your free spirit, it irritates you badly. You also overthink about the little details, like how others might misconstrue what you said, typos in a mail, etc. 

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4. Cancer (June 22 โ€“ July 22)

worry about losing loved ones cancer
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about losing loved ones.

Cancer is a zodiac that canโ€™t do without human interactions and constantly craves the attention of loved ones. What the  Cancerian truly wants in life is a safe place and deep connections with people. Their gravest fear is something going wrong in their home, or worse, something bad happening to their loved ones. Being disconnected from their friends and family over prolonged periods make them anxious.

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5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

worry about world perceives you leo
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about how the world perceives you.

Leos are courageous and compassionate. However, they are big attention seekers, constantly wanting to be praised and adored by others around them. Naturally, when someone ignores them, they freak out. 

Leos are always stressing out over how the world is judging their actions. A Leo works extra hard just to be in everyoneโ€™s good graces. Sound familiar?

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6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

worry about perfect every sphere of life virgo
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about how to be perfect in every sphere of life.

Being a Virgo, you are wired to stress out about the smallest of things. Your inherent need to organize everything and plan ahead keeps you up at night. Virgos want to be known as people who have their life well-sorted. Your analytical mind is constantly thinking things through and strategizing. Instead of focusing on your merits, you tend to obsess over your weaknesses.

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7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

worry about disappointing libra
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about disappointing others.

The Libranโ€™s desire to be perceived as a pleasant person often makes it difficult for them to say โ€˜NO’. This means that you take up additional responsibilities just to please others, which inevitably stresses you out. You overthink about daily interactions, worrying whether your behavior is letting others down in some way. The Libran is the type of person who prefers to avoid messages over giving negative replies.

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8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 22)

worry about being betrayed your friends scorpio
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about being betrayed by your friends.

Scorpions rely on their instincts to judge peopleโ€™s true character. Their suspicious and jealous nature makes them look for ulterior motives in all their relationships. But going โ€œdetectiveโ€ on every person in your friend circle will lead to a very stressful life in the long run. They have high regard for honestly, and lies and betrayals are their biggest nightmares.

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9. Sagittarius (November 23 โ€“ December 21)

worry about missing exciting prospects sagittarius
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about missing out on exciting prospects.

The two key traits that define the Sagittarian personality are independence and restlessness. Your freedom is precious to you and you constantly seek to be connected with all the exciting things happening around the world. You wish to experience everything to the fullest and are plagued with worries about what you might miss out on in life.

Predictable routines arenโ€™t your way of life. Your thirst for an adventurous life keeps you up at night.

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10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 20)

worry about failing achieve goals capricon
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about failing to achieve your goals.

Capricorns are ambitious, hard-working, and disciplined souls. We understand how dear success is to you- you put in your last drop of energy to achieve your dreams. However, not being able to reach your full potential or the possibility of failure, makes you anxious. You have clear-cut goals for your professional as well as personal life, and you want to make sure you achieve those by any means.

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11. Aquarius (January 21 โ€“ February 18)

worry lifes biggest philosophical questions aquarius
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about lifeโ€™s biggest philosophical questions.

An Aquarian truly has a unique way of thinking. They arenโ€™t troubled by the mundane matters of life; rather pressing global issues and deep philosophical issues plague them with sleeplessness. But the key is to not get stressed by overthinking on these matters. Constant debates are going on inside your mind, which makes you anxious and insomniac.

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12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

worry about doing enough for society pisces
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What keeps you up at night- you worry about whether you are doing enough for society.

The Piscean is an empathetic being, wanting to be involved in good causes that benefit society. Whether a friend or a stranger, you love to help a person in need. When you canโ€™t do anything particular to alleviate their situation, you fall into a vicious cycle of worrying. 

You are a highly emotional person, and when you canโ€™t channelize your emotions into something tangible, you worry yourself sick.

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As you can see, every zodiac has unique worries that keep them up at night. But remember, whatever be the zodiac worries that keep you up at night, worrying isnโ€™t a healthy way to cope with your troubles. It gets you nowhere, rather harms your life further. Instead of letting your troubles eat away your mind, talk it out. Take help from loved ones or a counselor if needed to get rid of this night-time worrying habit.

What zodiac are you and what worries keep you up at night? Let me know in the comment section below.

Keeps You Up Night Zodiac Sign pin
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Keeps You Up Night Zodiac
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
What Keeps You Up At Night
What Keeps You Up At Night, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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