Soul Alignment: How It Helps In Recovery From Codependency


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Soul Alignment

Do you feel a yearning to go back to a time when you could feel your emotions better and life was so much happier? The following article will teach you about soul alignment and how to go back to your true self.

Everything on earth โ€“ including every species of plant and animal, and each individual person, plant, each flower, seed, and cell โ€“ is a materialization of supreme intelligence, the absolute, or the Godhead, which I refer to as the divine.

How Does Soul Alignment Help Us To Be Our Authentic Self?

Our soul is its conduit and unique manifestation. It seeks full expression like an acorn becomes an oak and a caterpillar a butterfly. Each of us is a divine incarnation. What does our soul want? It calls us to live an authentic life. Even the ancient yogis understood that until we awaken to our True Selves, we cannot access our power.

We must distinguish โ€œIโ€ from others, discard all of what weโ€™re not, and deliver our real selves from the bondage of codependency.

Soul Alignment for finding your True Self.
Soul Alignment With The Supreme Intelligence Is The Way To Be Your Authentic Self

We suffer when we donโ€™t live our truth and our values. When we do, we illumine our authentic Self. We ignite our power and potential, and our mind, life, and relationships attain harmony.

Our discontent screams for us to change. Yet, too often, we resist the challenges that are required and instead deny our yearnings with excuses or try to change someone else. Itโ€™s the disconnect from our True Self that causes us pain.

When we align our soul and our authentic self, we are at peace, with no need for approval or to convince or change anyone. We find the resolve and courage to manifest what we want.

Related: 60+ Carl Jung Quotes On Finding Your True Self

The kernel of that โ€œIโ€ is there at infancy, though our latent potential lies hidden and camouflaged by external influences and our codependent โ€œfalse self.โ€ Once we realize our true self, we discover freedom and our power, and our will enables greater self-expression.

soul alignment
You Have To Work Through Your Codependency Issues To Attain Soul Alignment

This is simple, but not easy for those of us who due to our past conditioning and trauma have abandoned our Selves, as we were once abandoned.

In order to survive, we adopted a persona, beliefs, and habits that took us further from our true nature. Our soul begs us to come home โ€” what we will never find in a relationship or work unless they support our authentic Self and allow our soulโ€™s expression.

Recovery from codependency is a process of soul alignment. Itโ€™s calling for change. How do we undertake this journey? We must spend time with ourselves, not in distraction, but by being quiet enough to feel and listen. Our awareness and perspective expand, and our perceptions sharpen.

More time in meditation and contemplation infuse our body/mind with spiritual energy that allows us to perceive our soulโ€™s guidanceโ€“whispers of wisdom from within.

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Recovery From Codependency Is Critical For Your Soul Alignment

In recovery, we recover our โ€œLost Self.โ€ We develop a sense of inner knowing and loving direction, not the harsh or doubting voice of an inner critic. We need to listen and also honor that quiet voice that leads us.

With greater knowing and mindfulness of our feelings, night and daydreams, and intuitions, weโ€™re naturally drawn to what delights us and avoid what causes pain. These impulses are innate for an infant, but most of us have lost touch with our instincts and natural Self.

soul alignment
Soul Alignment Means Complete Harmony Between Your Heart, Mind, And Soul

Living authentically means thinking more with our heart than our mind. However, advice to โ€œFollow your heartโ€ can be tricky, for our soulโ€™s guidance may be obscured by neediness, shame, and fear.

Our heart may want us to cling to an abusive relationship, but our soul never wants us to be diminished or undermined. We can easily get lost by clinging to our traumatized parts.

We may not hear or trust the leadings of our soul. They may be obscured by past programming, doubts about our worth, dependency, and lack of courage to step forward, take a stand, or fear of change.

We each must find our way, learning to honor, express, and love our True Selves. Every day, we have a chance to discover who we are, what we believe, feel, need, want, and value. Indeed, every moment provides opportunities to affirm our authentic Selves.

Related: Soul Communication: 7 Ways Your True Self is Trying to Guide You

When you donโ€™t meet your needs or act in accordance with your wants and values, welcome this awareness with curiosity rather than self-judgment. What is the source of conflict between what you need and want and how you act? Self-examination provides clarity and potentiates better choices in the future.

For example, if you say yes when you want to say no, or eat a dessert when youโ€™re trying to lose weight, instead of attacking yourself, develop compassion for the parts of you that still struggle and are in need of self-love. To deepen self-love and compassion, listen to the Self-Love Meditation and practice self-nurturing.

When we donโ€™t believe in ourselves or that change is possible, working with someone who does can open real possibilities by removing cobwebs and blinders.

A therapist or coach can hold a vision of the future before you can see it and can support you in the changes your soul is yearning for. Mentor yourself by practicing the Soul-Alignment Meditation to begin living a soul-centered life.

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When You Achieve Soul Alignment, You Don’T Get Affected By External Stressors

Darlene Lancer ยฉ 2020

Written By:Darlene Lancer
Originally Appeared On: What Is Codependency

We believe the above-given article on soul alignment, soul connection, and finding your true self has illuminated your mind and inspired you to boldly pursue the objective of living authentically. We are eager to know what you think about soul alignment and codependency recovery! So, feel free to share your valuable comments with us!

Learn how soul alignment helps you to recover from codependency and live your best life.
Soul Alignment And Recovery From Codependency
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Soul Alignment: How It Helps In Recovery From Codependency

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