What Annoys Introverts The Most? This Is What Our Readers Said


What Annoys Introverts The Most

Introverts. Whenever most people hear of this word, several adjectives come to their minds. Unsocial. Boring. Sad. Arrogant. Isolated. These are just some of the few words that people associate introverts with, without knowing the whole truth. So, it’s no wonder that people bombard introverts with many unsolicited advice and questions that annoy them to no end.

All introverts want is a little bit of respect and understanding from others, and the acceptance that everyone is different including them. Wanting to be who you are should not always be up for question, nor should they be judged for every little thing they do, just because they are different. To have some more clarity about this, we asked our readers what annoys them as introverts, and we got an overwhelming response.

We have selected some of the best and most relatable answers we got from our readers about what annoys them as introverts. Read on to know the interesting answers. You can find more in Facebook post link here. Introverts Unite!

Here Are The Things That Our Readers Said About What Annoys Them As Introverts

1. Being overlooked, or people thinking I’m boring because I won’t have inane conversations or need to be constantly engaged. I have many scintillating conversations in my head, thank you. – Nicole Ceplecha

2. Being told I should talk more, be more confident, or more assertive. Maybe I just have my own way of existing that doesnโ€™t require me to push myself onto others in that way – Shauna Leigh Palmer

3. Being told I have an attitude. It’s hard to explain to them that I choose solitude over everything. People keep misunderstanding me – Nombor Lapan Belas

4. That I’m expected to fill silence even if it means pointless conversation, and when I don’t I seem “intimidating”. “I thought you hated me” is a phrase I’ve heard SO many times. Why? Because I won’t talk about the weather? – Torri Mitchell

5. People assume that if I donโ€™t want to go to their big gathering itโ€™s because Iโ€™m rude and donโ€™t want to see them. – Elana Perel

6. People thinking I’m shy or worse thinking I’m arrogant – Leanna Marie

7. People not understanding that I DO NOT find fun & joy in groups of other people, not even most family members. My peace & joy & zest for life comes from being alone or with my husband away from chaos. – Sonya Bernhard

8. People assuming I am boring because I don’t talk much… um no I am feeling you out… to see if you’re worth knowing my obnoxious side. – Amy Marie

9. Being told by obnoxiously rude, insensitive people that I donโ€™t fit in because Iโ€™m not like they are. I donโ€™t want to fit in, Iโ€™ve no desire to be loud and obnoxious. Iโ€™m perfectly fine being the wallflower instead of the center of attention. And I hate being asked why Iโ€™m outside instead of inside with a room full of people having โ€œfunโ€ who are all talking over each other trying to be the one heard. No thank you. – Alaina Whitley

10. Asking me why I don’t go out. I hate being outdoors. – Nour Alsham

11. People constantly telling me to come out of my shell or asking why Iโ€™m so shy/quiet/sensitive. – Diane Schlesinger

12. Gossip! Also, when I get judgemental comments about how many people I socialize with. For example “do you know so and so? Oh ya, I forgot you don’t know anyone”. People do exist that value a small circle, enjoy being at home, and mind their own business. Mmmk? – Lindsay LeDuc

13. Being misunderstood because I listen more than I talk. – Marcus Arthur

14. People coming over without telling me. Then bringing someone I don’t know. Too many loud humans. Talks too much even when I don’t ask anything. People who talk nonsense! – Nilรผfer Gรผney

15. Having to be everyone’s problem solver in a sea of incompetence. – Rob McLewee

16. When someone says….smile, it ain’t that bad! That annoys the crap out of me. – Heather Mehling Drapeau

17. Endless talking or shallow conversations! If Iโ€™m going to socialize it at least has to be more than “Hey how are you doing?” or I don’t want to socialize at all. – Cayce Lee Hallman

18. Unnecessary noise, but mostly HAVING TO REPEAT MYSELF! – Anele Njwambe

19. Being told to open up and when you do, you get ignored. – Jerel Rosebar

20. People expecting me to show up and getting offended when I donโ€™t. – Jay Mutegi

21. Loud, long talkers!! – Debbie Bygrave Callahan

22. People asking you to babysit their kids โ€œsince youโ€™re always at home anyhow.โ€ Umm, NO! – Sue Daley

23. People who think solitude is โ€œweirdโ€. People who keep insisting that you come out of your โ€œshellโ€. People who take offense when you donโ€™t wanna hang out. Wait…actually, people, in general, annoy me. – Mpumelelo Bhengu

24. Why are you so quiet, like hello will you just mind your own business? I’m not quiet, I have an important meeting with myself inside my head. – Sherlyn

25. People thinking I hate people. I might not be a chatterbox in front of strangers but that doesnโ€™t mean hatred towards them. – Stรฉphanie Potvin

26. When I’m very happy, my face is usually like my profile picture but people say I look angry and aloof. People don’t even understand that my happiest moment is usually when I’m alone. – Ned Sobi

27. Loud extroverts who constantly talk. I’m friends with a few extroverts but they are able to let me get a word in. Some cannot. – Siobhan Blake

28. I am easily misunderstood due to some introverted things. But the thing that annoys is not why someone misunderstood me? Itโ€™s the rigidness after telling that itโ€™s not what you think it is. It’s really annoying. And the more annoying it gets, the more I donโ€™t wish to clear it, solve it. – Zari Umair

29. I am an introvert and no, it’s not depression. I just don’t gossip. Why is that so difficult to understand? – Eshal A B

30. Everyone thinks you have a problem with them but you really just find more enjoyment at home than with others. – Ozzie Stipe

31. Repeated questioning on personal matters. – Swagata Goswami

32. Anyone calling me….anyone ringing my doorbell. Lol! – Heather Mehling Drapeau

33. People telling me to get up and dance at a party. – Lisa Haddley

34. Asking for attention when youโ€™re clearly focused on something. – Thessa T Torrillo

35. People that talk all the time, crowds, leaving my house, Walmart. – Cambretta Del Goins Wilson

36. Unnecessary noises, and people asking personal questions or telling me their personal stuff. To me, thatโ€™s so much useless information. – DorkaMarie Delbrey

37. People. Double standards. Hypocrisy. BS. Small talk. People always trying to impress others – especially when you know the truth. (Enter eye roll here) – Terence Lust

38. Telling me to come out of my room while I’m enjoying and having fun alone in my room. – Degaga Tesfa

39. The shallowness in so many social relationships I see. Talking about people instead of with people. People who think I’m weird and arrogant just because they don’t want to make an effort to get to know me. – Leen Desopper

40. When they talking to me and they want me to answer immediately even though they know that I just woke up. – Drew Kim Dumancas

41. Not wanting to turn my camera on in zoom meetings and virtual social events with people and work colleagues thinking I’m weird. – Sarah Cook

42. Question mostly asked: What’s wrong? – Juchiey Teng

43. People assuming you either have a depression issue or you are a snob. – Darryl Snell

44. Why you so quiet? Why you not talking? You should talk more. – Alexander D Antonio

45. Annoys me the most? That mouth sounds while eating, phone calls, and invitations. – Milez Rom Rabino Ruado

46. Extroverts that think me and my life are pathetic because I like being home rather than being on the go ALL the time – Katherine Paisley

47. People can’t stop talking to me about things of no interest to me. – Jamal Sahraoui

48. People still talk to me even when they clearly see I am wearing earphones listening to music or watching YouTube on my phone. – Chu Kar Yan Stephanie

49. People asking me to be less observing while no one asks extroverts to shut the fuck up and create a comfort zone. – Lena Blome

50. People constantly telling me to come out of my shell or asking why Iโ€™m so quiet/sensitive. – Madeeha Iqbal

51. Lack of empathy in people. – Sandy van Wijk

52. Having to attend social gatherings, because it’s rude not to show up. Being told I’m missing half of my life because i won’t do this…and that. – Dayang R Domile

53. Noise and people constantly talking to me about nonsense things like talking to me about other people that I don’t even know and nonsense things about them. Me: Gosh, I don’t even give a damn! – Hanavon Bismarck

So, these are the things our readers said about what annoys them as introverts. Do you relate to any or most of these? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!


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What Annoys Introverts The Most? This Is What Our Readers Said
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What Annoys Introverts The Most? This Is What Our Readers Said

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  1. Rhonda Avatar

    Agree with most of those. But other annoying things to me are that I don’t get the respect and courtesy I give others when I go out. I find I make an effort to move over for others when walking on a path or down a shopping aisle, but most people do not do the same for me. I’ve even tried standing my ground and they just run straight into me. Definitely not good at any time let alone during a pandemic. Another is when I’m standing at a counter waiting my turn to be served, knowing who was in front of me before I got there, and then someone comes up after you and butts in on your turn. Arghhhhhhh rudeness! No wonder I hate going out.

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