To Every Girl Who Has Ever Lost Herself To A Narcissistic Man


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To Every Girl Who Has Ever Lost Herself Narcissistic Man

We can’t always choose who we love. Being in love with a narcissistic man often feels powerless when emotions are ultimately controllable. Read below to understand your relationship better.

Love is a very strange thing. It can make you anew, after the greatest of tribulations life throws at you; it can rejuvenate you and invigorate you and inspire you to be better each day.

But sadly enough, it can also break you, destroy your sense of self and justice. Because more than often bad things happen to good people, especially in love.

Have you ever been in love and thought โ€œthis is it, this has to be it.โ€

Of course, you have. We all have that one love in our life.

But like most good things in the world, it doesnโ€™t last. And let us tell you right now, it wasnโ€™t your fault, at all.

Related: Can A Marriage With A Narcissist Survive?

Being In Love With A Narcissistic Man

This was because the man you fell for was a narcissist and life after him has not been the same. You donโ€™t understand the concept of love anymore; nor have you been whole again.

Being In Love With A Narcissistic Man
To every girl who lost herself to a narcissistic man

If a girl lost herself to narcissistic man, then being happy is out of the question.

Yes, you have been naive, but recognizing a narcissist is nigh impossible at least while thereโ€™s time. Their charm which lures you in is part of the whole Faustian deal.

The affair has left you dry; you donโ€™t understand feelings anymore.

Related: 9 Ways the Beautifully Broken Girl Loves Differently

To be totally honest, you are now the exact opposite of what you were before he came along.

You were one of those cheerful, happy people who lit up othersโ€™ lives as well. You were positive, motivated, and most importantly hopeful, for yourself and others.

You would smile before going to bed, thinking of all the people you cheered up throughout the day and you would wake up with a smile on your face, thinking of the difference you will make to so many othersโ€™ lives that day.

But now you are an empty shell of the person you used to be.

This is because that simply is the effect narcissists have on a person. They feed off peopleโ€™s mental well-being, slowly and silently siphoning off positive energy off of them to leave them hollow.

Now it is even difficult to get out of bed and do the most basic of chores. In short, getting a hold on your life.

You have allowed said individuals to get the better of you and now you canโ€™t even look at yourself in the mirror.

The trust you had in him shattered and now you canโ€™t trust anyone anymore.

This would be a hundred times worse for you because romantic attachment and its subsequent shattering are things that are difficult to wrap your head around.

Related: Let The Heart Be Broken Once: On Why, Damaged People Love Better And Live Better

Moreover, once you feel like someone is quite literally everything to you, it is very, very difficult to come to terms with them leaving, especially after having made so many promises and memories.

Quite simply it leaves a void in you.

You donโ€™t feel safe again.

You feel like people and their words and promises have ceased to mean anything. You feel like you drifting in a sea with a storm brewing; thereโ€™s no land in sight.

This is because you did love him and love is a strange thing.

You were with him, heart, body, and soul; the kind of holistic connections one might just read about. Every moment spent with him was like an eternity and a day.

But that was exactly what he wanted: for you to let your guard down.

Thatโ€™s what enabled him to take what he wanted and leave.

You loved him unconditionally, thinking of him as your soulmate and you did drift away in him.

But for a narcissist, love is really nothing because they canโ€™t have such feelings for anyone but themselves.

Consequently, now you cannot feel good about yourself no matter what you achieve in life.

It is not your fault. Losing oneself to a narcissist is not just common, it is also very probable. The effect they have on the people who love them is debilitating and demeaning.

And you shouldnโ€™t blame yourself for it.

Related: To the One Who Needs to Fall Back in Love with the Self

Think of it as this: bad things happen and it is part of the universeโ€™s working. You have to find the strength in yourself and your will to look past that and enjoy the goodness in both yourself and the people that love you.

It is never too late. It is never too late and the tunnel does stop at some point.

If you let yourself down and donโ€™t look past it, it would mean that he won and you lost. You have to pick yourself up, dust yourself of all that negativity and self-blame, and start anew.

Most importantly you have to believe in love again, and you will have to love again; but yes now that you know the type, you will be wary.

He never deserved the effort; you did. Itโ€™s only fair that you use all your strength to build yourself up.

Be the person you once were. Cheers.

Related: To The Woman Who Has Been To Hell and Back

If you fell for a narcissistic man, we hope you learn to leave a narcissistic man out of your life. If you could relate to this post, let us know in the comments.

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To Every Girl Who Has Ever Lost Herself To A Narcissistic Man
Dating A Narcissistic Man: Losing Oneself To A Narcissist
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  1. Kylie Steele Avatar
    Kylie Steele

    13yrs lost, 10yrs to get back to me, 8months living in my own place, own keys and own locks!!!

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